Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1183: : Entrance test

The gate of the fairy college.

This is the place where the new school of the Immortals is recruited annually.

Therefore, geniuses from all parts of the whole fairy world have gathered in this place.

I saw them standing tall one by one, standing among the chickens.

Beside them, there are one after another like a servant immortal.

If you place one of these immortals on the earth, you will be able to make a **** storm on the earth, but in the fairy world they can only be slaves, only the most inferior.

"Look at the young man on the left, it seems that Shan Yuecheng's first genius."

"Not only Shanyue City, if you look closely, the geniuses of several big cities around my vast city are almost there without exception."

"This year is really a great event. There are so many talented students who joined the Fairy Academy together."

"This is a good thing and a bad thing."

"Yeah! Originally I was confident that I could be in the top of a class, but now when I look at this lineup, I am lucky if I don't crane the tail."

Someone is happy, naturally someone is not happy.

At this time, a person came out of the fairy college.

This man has fluffy hair and huge dark circles. Obviously, he hasn't slept well for a while, otherwise, with the fairy body, such a situation will never happen.

Of course, this also confirms this person from the side, not a person who pays attention to image.

When he came out, everyone's eyes were on him, even Ye Xiaohu was no exception.

Because the aura in him is very powerful and has exceeded the level of the fairy.

Such a person is definitely not an ordinary person.

Sure enough, under the attention of Ye Xiaohu and others, the middle-aged man with fluffy hair came to the opposite of Ye Xiaohu and others and walked to the middle of the square.

Then he cleared his throat and announced: "I am Fairy Academy, this time the teacher responsible for enrollment Peng Jin."


Hearing Peng Jin's words, everyone nodded.

Obviously, they had vaguely guessed this before Peng Jin spoke.

"In the past, you might be the pearl in your family, the first genius in the city, the hope for the future of the family, the idol in the hearts of thousands of girls, the goddess in the hearts of thousands of young people. But I tell you, once You join the Fairy Academy, then you are a group of students. "

"In this place, there is no high or low, no distinction between upper and lower. All of you are classmates and comrades in arms. In the future, we will work together to help and walk together."

After a brief remark, Peng Jin continued to announce: "If you violate this purpose, then you will become an abandoned member of our Immortal Academy and even be spurned by the entire world of immortal cultivation."

Hearing Peng Jin's words, everyone nodded.

But few people care about it. After all, they are used to it, and it is difficult to understand and adapt for a while.

Peng Jin also knows this, so he just reminds everyone first.

So he did not expect everyone, and now he can understand his words.

So when he finished speaking, he waved a light directly, and landed not far from his body, forming a huge stone monument.

"You came to participate in the entrance test of our fairy college, then you must have reached the level of the fairy. So I will not test your cultivation. Next, I will mainly test your combat effectiveness and perception. I hope you will perform well. I am disappointed. "

Peng Jin said briefly and said again: "Then you are going one after another, each palm hits the stone tablet, let me take a look at your combat effectiveness."

After Peng Jin finished speaking, he stood directly aside and gave all the students who came to the test a space.

"I'll come first."

Shortly after Peng Jin gave way, a young man came over and, as Peng Jin ordered, he slapped a palm on the stone tablet.


There was a muffled sound, and the stone monument remained motionless, but shocked the young man back.

Peng Jin seems to be accustomed to this situation, so after a brief glance, he directly announced: "The T-string is lower."

The talent of the Immortal Academy is ranked according to A, B, C and D.

Among them, the first grade T is already the worst.

And the T-class is undoubtedly the worst among the T-class.

Although the realm of this young man has reached the level of a fairy, the future potential is destined not to go far.


The young man wanted to say something, but Peng Jin didn't give him the time to speak, and waved him directly to the side and said: "Next."

T-shaped first class.

C is medium.

Class B is first class.

Second grade.


One person after another, constantly stepping forward to test.

These people have high and low talents.

Some people are lost and others are happy because their fighting talents are recognized.

"It has some meaning."

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smile slightly.

Because when he was in Heaven ~ ~ Heavenly Court obviously didn't have these games.

But tens of millions of years later, although the ancient heavens no longer exist, people have created a lot of strange games, which can be regarded as an alternative progress.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu also made a eager move, obviously he also wanted to test it.

But he was just ready and wanted to move forward.

As a result, at this time, a person came from behind and slammed Ye Xiaohu's shoulder.


This made Ye Xiaohu very dissatisfied, so he glared at the man.

As a result, the man glanced back at Ye Xiaohu, a glance of contempt flashed in his eyes, and then he walked with a big swing.

Not only did they not apologize, they didn't even say anything.

This made Ye Xiaohu even more dissatisfied. Just when Ye Xiaohu wanted to stop each other, a fairy standing beside Ye Xiaohu looked at and pulled Ye Xiaohu and said: "Xiongtai, if I were you, I I advise you not to take the initiative to provoke? "

"You know him?"

Hearing this person's words, Ye Xiaohu's eyes flashed a playful smile and said: "Is he awesome?"

"He is awesome."

Naocheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's words, reminding Ye Xiaohu's people to say carefully: "Because he is called Zang Tianlang, he is a fierce generation, and he still has an in-law relationship with Qing Gu.

"A long history?"

Suddenly hearing these four words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but shine.

Originally he was still wondering why the other party did not take the road, but he had to walk from his side and hit himself hard.

The co-author is to give Qingxuan the title!

After Ye Xiaohu grunted, he still walked forward and said: "Thank you Xiongtai for your reminder, I know what I should do."

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