Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1185: : First Class Talent

I saw Zang Sirius suddenly turned around and glanced at the test stele.

Above the stone tablet, just beside the test he just made, a punch hole appeared deeper than his punching strength.

"How can this be?"

Seeing this scene, Zang Tianlang was completely stunned. Ye Xiaohu, who was originally just garbage in his eyes, turned into a peerless genius, and even pressed him.

How did Zang Sirius, who was once very proud, accept such a thing?

So Zang Tianlang shouted: "Cheating, you must be cheating, otherwise how could you be a talent in Class A?"

A class talent, that is the top talent in the entire fairy world.

People with such talents, without exception, are geniuses of the whole fairyland, the peerless masters of the whole fairyland, as long as they grow up successfully, then their name can implement the entire fairyland and become the name everyone is chanting.

"You can wait, why can't I wait?"

If Zang Tianlang started out for Qingxuan in the beginning, Ye Xiaohu could let him go.

But when Zang Tianlang repeatedly found himself in trouble twice, Ye Xiaohu knew that such a person could never treat him lightly.

That's why when he turned around, he hit such a deep hole beside his punching power.

Otherwise, with Ye Xiaohu's character, he will definitely give up the dazzling performance at this time and get people's attention.

Facing the roar of Zang Sirius, Ye Xiaohu said calmly: "Not all people of noble origin are geniuses. Ordinary people like us can also have extremely high talents. After all, we all live in the fairyland, who Who is worse? "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, all the ordinary immortal practitioners present lit up.

In the past, they never thought about this problem, but now after Ye Xiaohu's order, they suddenly woke up, and they never recognized their talents.

For a time, there was a trace of cold sweat on their foreheads.

Even Peng Jin, who was standing next to Ye Xiaohu, showed a surprised expression at this moment. When he looked at Ye Xiaohu, he was full of curiosity.

"Fart, cultivation is resource. If there is no resource, even if your talent is high, what role can it play?"

Facing the persecution of Ye Xiaohu, Zang Tianlang couldn't help but take a deep breath: "But we, the powerful families, are different. Our ancestors control a lot of resources, so we can practice quickly, so this is destined for our future achievements Fan Xiang, and you are doomed to do nothing. "

"Then let us wait and see."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, instead of ignoring Zang Sirius, instead turned to look at Peng Jin said: "Mr. Peng, can I choose a class now?"


Peng Jin nodded, then sighed: "According to the usual practice, I should first ask you if I would like to join my class."


Ye Xiaohu just started to speak, and heard Peng Jin not confident: "I also know that talents like you should go to the best class. But I want to say that the best class, that represents their genius Many, under such circumstances, the allocation of resources is very unreasonable. But our class, although not a top class, but there are resource rewards of the school method. If you are willing to join our class, then I can use most of the resources , Are assigned to you. "

"Okay, then I am willing to join Teacher Peng in your class."

In fact, Peng Jin didn't say this, so he would join Peng Jin's class.

Therefore, after hearing Peng Jin's words, Ye Xiaohu said on the spot: "Mr. Peng, I still ask you to give me advice in the future."

"Good, great."

Peng Jin was very excited because Ye Xiaohu was the first to decide to join his class.

And Ye Xiaohu is still a talent in the first class, such a genius to join his class is undoubtedly very important for his future.


However, upon hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s decision, Zang Tianlang was relieved on the spot, and the whole person became refreshed and said: "Originally I thought you were a wise man, but I never thought that you were so stupid. In order to fight against me, I joined a class that was about to be eliminated, and learned from a teacher who was about to be fired. What talented people like you can make in the future? "

Zang Tianlang shook his head, and then left the crowd directly.

After he left, Ye Xiaohu was keenly aware that when many people looked at themselves, they added some intriguing colors.

Some people even nodded in agreement.

This made Ye Xiaohu look at Peng Jin curiously. Under such circumstances, Peng Jin could only come out with a wry smile and explain to Ye Xiaohu: "Student Xiaohu, there are some things I should tell you now."

"The teacher of our fairy college ~ ~ must have the cultivation practice above the human fairy, that is, the realm of the earth fairy. After reaching our realm, as a teacher, we will conduct an assessment every year. One is Personal cultivation assessment, if you can go to Tianxian, then naturally you can get more resources. If you have no way to promote natural talents and can not cultivate excellent geniuses, then the opportunity is judged as a waste of resources and energy by Shenxian Academy, and will be Fired. "

"For example, I, Peng Jin, haven't made any progress in my cultivation since I was a teacher in the junior class of Shenxian Academy one hundred years ago. Even the trainees have been defeated in various competitions in the college. Selecting my students is less every year. According to this situation, you may be my last class. "

After saying something, Peng Jin felt that the whole person was relaxed, and then he said with another face: "Now, Xiaohu, you have not completely joined our class, so you still have a chance to choose. You can trust other people. Class, I believe that with your talent, you can also get a lot of resources. "


Ye Xiaohu, who is backed by the floating island space, lacks resources?

No shortage.

Ye Xiaohu came to the Immortal Academy, but it was just a matter of investigating the ancient heaven, so choosing any famous teacher would be the same.

And Ye Xiaohu does not think that the realm and talents of these famous teachers will be smarter than that of him who survived in the ancient heaven. After all, he looks at ancient and modern learning, and has many things that contemporary gods do not have.

So Ye Xiaohu shook his head and directly rejected Peng Jin's proposal: "Teacher Peng, rest assured, except for the class you are in, no matter what conditions you expel, I will not join Ye Xiaohu."

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