I have to say that Peng Jin is happy and broken, because the joining of Ye Xiaohu will make his class more competitive.

Under such circumstances, Peng Jin is naturally very happy.

So he first asked Ye Xiaohu to wait, and then continued to perform this test task.

Under his test, the people behind came up one after another.

In this process, some people have good talents, and some people have very talents.

But in any case, in short, if you reach the realm of immortality, you will be recognized by the immortal academy, and then enter the immortal academy, but how many resources are available.

After completing the last test and enrolling the students, Peng Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So he glanced around and quickly found Ye Xiaohu.

"I thought you were gone."

Peng Jin walked quickly to Ye Xiaohu and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "How are you, are you waiting for anxiety?"

"Since I promised you, I will never leave early."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then looked at Peng Jin and said: "Next, what should I do?"

"In the past two days, I have also recruited students one after another. Now that I have settled them in the class, then I will take you to meet them and get to know them."

Peng Jin saw that Ye Xiaohu not only did not leave, but rather longed to join his class, he was naturally very happy, so he said straightforwardly: "If you have nothing to explain, then let's go now?"


Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, he came to the fairy world alone, there was nothing to command.

What's more, Lu Jun has left, and Ye Xiaohu has no worries.

So Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, Peng Jin nodded under such circumstances, and then greeted him.

Several people just like Ye Xiaohu, who were solicited by Peng Jin, walked to Ye Xiaohu and Peng Jin.

"Brother Ye."

"Brother Ye, please take care of me in the future."

"Brother Ye, we are now classmates. If you need anything in the future, you can tell me."

"Brother Ye, you are so handsome just now, and you dare to face Zang Sirius in the face. It is really an idol of our generation."

The talents of these people are very poor. After all, people with good talents have found a good teacher.

Only those people with poor talents and conflicts with Zang Tianlang and others will choose to turn to Peng Jin at the most crucial moment.

On the one hand, Ye Xiaohu's talent makes them shocked one by one.

On the one hand, Ye Xiaohu's combat strength is not weak, otherwise it is impossible for Qing Xuan to suffer.

So there is Ye Xiaohu behind his back, which is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

"Well, in the future we will be the same brothers and students, classmates ... naturally we have to learn from each other and work together."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and did not reject their goodwill, but said straightforwardly: "If you encounter any problems in the future, as long as you do not violate my principles, then I will be happy to help you solve the problem."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, they were relieved one by one.

Because they are really afraid, Ye Xiaohu is a person who can't get oil and salt, then they will sit on the wax.

But now Ye Xiaohu's performance obviously makes them very relieved.

"Okay, you all joined the college today, and you saw each other during the test just now, so I won't introduce it."

Peng Jin simply greeted: "Now let's go and go to the class with me."


When Ye Xiaohu left, they stood in a place not far from the test stone.

Zang Tianlang spit on the ground, then turned and walked towards the fairy college.

I saw him twisting and turning, and after walking for a while, came to a row of buildings.

Jiazi Class 1.

This is the class where Feng Qingshan is. I saw Zang Tianlang walking in the car, as if he had been there a long time ago.

"Brother Zang Sirius, have you finally joined the Fairy Academy?"

"We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"If you join in with our younger brothers, our Jiazi Class 1 will definitely develop more rapidly in the future."

"How is your talent, Brother Zang Sirius, has it hit the first class?"

I saw everyone who knew Zang Tianluo, stepped forward to greet him, and asked him about his test today.

"No, I can only barely reach Grade A."

Zang Tianlang smiled bitterly and briefly talked about his talents, then anxiously asked: "Where is Mr. Feng Qingshan, I have something to discuss with him now."

"Mr. Feng Qingshan is in the inner courtyard."

Hearing Zang Sirius' inquiry, a student of Jiazi No. 1 took the initiative to give Zang Sirius a route: "Brother, if you want to find a teacher, you can go in by yourself."

"Well, I'll go find the teacher first, and we will get together later, brothers."

Zang Sirius nodded, then walked directly through the crowd, went straight to find Fengqing Mountain.

After he left, a genius in Jiazi No. 1 class walked in from the outside in a hurry, and then said while walking: "You heard that there is no, today the stone tablet is tested, and there is a Jiazi medium talented genius ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Grade A?

Everyone was dumbfounded, because the people they were optimistic about were just waiting.

But besides Zang Sirius, is there another person with better talent?

Under such circumstances, an old student frowned and asked: "Who is that person?"

"A foreigner named Ye Xiaohu."

The person who passed the message said seriously: "It is said to be an ordinary person with no backstage."

"No ordinary people in the background?"

Hearing this, most of them were relieved.

Because there is no backstage, it means that they can compete fairly, so they can still get more resources, after all, they are all elderly.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, the person who came to deliver the news said violently: "You guess which class in the first class, which class did you finally join?"

"Talented people like A usually join our class A."

"But since you asked him this question, he obviously didn't join our first class A, must I have joined the second class A?"

However, their answer caused the person who came to deliver the message to shake their heads.

Obviously this answer is not accurate, so they said one by one dull: "Isn't it always a class B class?"


The person who communicated the news saw the expressions that everyone could not guess, and then said with satisfaction: "He finally chose to join the second class of the T-squad where Teacher Peng Jin is."


When I heard this answer, everyone was dumbfounded, because Class T2 was the worst class in Fairy Academy.

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