Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1190: : Almighty Ye Xiaohu

After exploring the news, Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to Liu Qingshui and went back to his dorm to practice alone.

This night, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation progressed rapidly.

After all, this is the fairyland and the place with the most aura in heaven and earth.

Early next morning.

Ye Xiaohu stretched a lazy waist, then woke up from entering the Dingding, and led by Liu Qingshui, went to the place where Peng Jin was.

It was the only square in the class.

"Everyone is a classmate, you seem to know each other."

Although I had a brief understanding of the talents before testing, there are some things that need to be introduced in detail, so Peng Jin said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "Mainly talk about your talents and what you are good at."

Hearing Peng Jin's instructions, everyone looked at each other and swallowed.

"My name is Wang Yixiao. Everyone can call me a smile. My talent is relatively poor, mainly defensive."

"My name is Tie Liushui, and my talent is very poor. Fortunately, I have a rich dad, so I have today's cultivation. If I say what I am good at, then it is to make money and spend money."

"My name is Nangong Yiyue. My talent is dance, and I have no other specialties. Finally, my talent is very general."

There are only five people in Peng Jin's class.

So when the other three people have informed each other about their situation.

Ye Xiaohu is the only one left, because Liu Qingshui is an old man, so there is no need to report.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu thought for a while: "I didn't feel that I was good at anything. On the contrary, I dabbled in a lot of things, so I would have everything and nothing special."

Of course, this is Ye Xiaohu's modest words, because his talent is outstanding.

So that he has reached the top level in all walks of life, second only to that kind of fairy.

For example, in the ancient heavenly court, Ye Xiaohu ’s cooking skills were only for the **** of food, medical skills were second only to Hua Tuo, combat effectiveness was second only to a group of top gods such as Sun Wukong ... and so on.

But others do n’t know this, especially when Peng Jin heard Ye Xiaohu ’s words, he could n’t help but worry: “Xiaohu, you ca n’t do this. If you want to continue to improve, then it ’s best to choose something that is good at it and keep working hard. Practice, only then will your future be bright. "

"Thank you Ms. Peng for your concern."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and did not take this matter to heart: "But I have a degree in my heart, so it will definitely not exceed this degree."

"You know, then I won't say much."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu is a person who has an opinion but does not listen to advice.

So Peng Jin did not continue to delve into this topic, only to see him turn around and instruct Ye Xiaohu and others. I have a room not far away. You walked in one after another and completed one test according to the test inside.


At the command of Peng Jin, Wang Yixiao walked in first.

As soon as he entered, there was a roar in the room.

After a while, Wang Yixiao came out from inside.

I saw Peng Jin glance at him, and then said calmly: "Wang Yixiao, in the future you will mainly practice the Vajrasana formula, and other formulas will not be cultivated for now."

Hearing Peng Jin's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but stunned a little, and then paid attention to the house again.

While Ye Xiaohu was paying attention, the second iron retention water also went in.

It was similar to Wang Yixiao ’s situation. After a while, Kung Fu left the water, so Peng Jin glanced at him and said, “I do n’t know what you are good at, but I believe that metal-like methods should have a certain effect on you. efficacy."

Immediately after that, Nangong Yiyue also walked in. When she came out, Teacher Peng Jin asked her to practice the psychedelic dance technique, which is an ancient practice.

After a series of observations, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, the human brain is wonderful. I didn't expect that after thousands of years, the descendants of the gods could actually forge such a weapon of the gods. The specific strengths of the person. "

"Ye Xiaohu, it's your turn."

Peng Jin said at this time: "Also, what did you just say?"

"Nothing, Teacher Peng I went to test first."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and then rushed in without waiting for Peng Jin to continue to ask him.

A few minutes later, Ye Xiaohu came out and asked, "Ms. Peng, what direction should I major in?"


Peng Jin smiled bitterly: "Others say that there is always a good point, but I found that all your good things are basically at a level. If you let you specialize in a good thing, you will ignore the others. Things, then there are some losses, so I do n’t know how to make a decision for you for a while. "


Ye Xiaohu was also dumbfounded ~ ~ Because entering the house, there was nothing special, but something that he was good at appeared randomly, so Ye Xiaohu simply did it.

The result was such a result that made Peng Jin stunned.

"Ye Xiaohu, Senior, your talent is really amazing."

"I believe that our class can make great progress under your leadership."

"Senior Director Ye, you must instruct us in the future!"

If they were convinced by Ye Xiaohu's talent in the past, then they are now conquered by Ye Xiaohu in the direction they are good at. At this moment they are completely convinced by Ye Xiaohu.

Even Liu Qingshui, seeing Ye Xiaohu ’s performance in this scene, could not help but make a determination in his heart. I saw him walk up to Peng Jin and said: "Teacher, may I ask if there is any recipe for cooking that I passed down before, I want Practice that. "

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, anyway, I practice everything the same. It might be better to practice something that may be available in the future."

"Since that is the case, then come to me tomorrow, and I will arrange a new recipe for you."

Seeing Liu Qingshui's persistence, Peng Jin hesitated, and finally accepted Liu Qingshui's request.

For the next period of time, Peng Jin picked a recipe for everyone, and made a point for them one by one. When he determined that Ye Xiaohu and others had absorbed his advice, he left with satisfaction.

Without him being present, Liu Qingshui and others were active and saw Liu Qingshui glanced at Ye Xiaohu, followed by an excited expression: "Students, since we all study under teacher Peng Jin in the future, then we should A lot of contact, so as an old man who joined you under Teacher Peng Jin for a while, I decided to invite you to a good feast of celery. "

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