Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1191: : Changes in the fairyland ecology

Brothers must be like brothers. . Update quickly.

Therefore, after Peng Jin left, Liu Qingshui first proposed to invite Ye Xiaohu and others to rub a meal.

This is also in line with the wishes of Ye Xiaohu and others. After all, they just came to the Immortal Academy, and there are many places where they don't understand too much. Under such circumstances, they nodded and accepted Liu Qingshui's arrangement.

This made Liu Qingshui very happy, so he took the initiative to bring Ye Xiaohu and others to the inside of the Immortal Academy, the most gorgeous fairy restaurant.

"Lao Chen, give me some special dishes. Today I will feast on many brothers."

Obviously Liu Qingshui's cultivation is average, but his connections are okay.

But it can also be understood that after all, people have a skill, let alone a fairy?

Therefore, immediately after hearing Liu Qingshui's cry, there was a man who looked like a waiter's foreman. He couldn't help but smile slightly: "Come on, Qingshui, wait a moment, I'll do it for you."

The waiter foreman agreed, and went down to prepare.

As soon as he left, Liu Qingshui said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "After today, we are a class 'mixed' brother. I hope you can hold the group together. In the future, you will have the same difficulties and the blessings. You will fight each other. If it is, then in the Immortal Academy, it is simply impossible to move. "

Ye Xiaohu nodded because he had already noticed it.

Such a place, such a class-centered academy, then naturally take the class as a group activity, unless you are powerful, you can not care about the group.

But how many such people are there?

When Ye Xiaohu sighed, Liu Qingshui brought a pot of water and filled Ye Xiaohu: "Brother Xiaohu, you taste this fairy spring water, I tell you this is a special product of our fairy college, only our fairy There are supplies inside the college, and people outside cannot buy them at all. "

"is it?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, then picked up the glass and tasted it carefully.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that the taste of this fairy spring water was also average, far from the taste of the fairy spring water that he had tasted when he was in the heavenly court, and even not as good as the spring water in Ye Xiaohu's floating island space.

This made Ye Xiaohu frown slightly. When he saw this scene of Liu Qingshui, he couldn't help but hold up his glass and tasted it. I saw him intoxicated and pouted his mouth. After confirming that there was no problem, he looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Xiaohu brother, you are Do n’t you dislike Baiquan water, if so, then I let them change a pot of fairy tea? "


Ye Xiaohu Shen chanted, then nodded and accepted Liu Qingshui's arrangement.

Xu Shou.

The waiter came with a pot of fairy tea and let Ye Xiaohu taste it carefully.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu shook his head, because the taste of the fairy tea water was indeed much better, but it was not at the same level as the fairy tea water in the past.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the old method of cultivating fairy tea has also been lost.

The world has changed greatly, and the spring has also changed.

Ye Xiaohu can boldly make a setting, because the world has changed greatly, and everything has changed, so this is the case.

Of course Xianquan water, Xiancha water ... can't count, he needs to continue to do identification.

So Ye Xiaohu pondered with Liu Qingshui and others while thinking, to understand the transformation of the fairy school.

After such a "cross" flow for a while, Liu Qingshui also got a lot of advice about cultivation from Ye Xiaohu's mouth. In this respect, Ye Xiaohu does not have any stinginess, after all, he will practice together in the future.

Even other people, if they asked Ye Xiaohu, then Ye Xiaohu would point out one by one.

Under such circumstances, everyone soon became convinced of Ye Xiaohu.


At this time, Wang Yi smiled and touched his stomach, embarrassingly said: "That senior, my stomach is a little hungry. Why haven't we ordered the food?"

"Oh, time has passed so long?"

When Liu Qingshui heard Wang Yi smile, he quickly glanced at the time and found that it had been a long time.

However, according to normal circumstances, some fairy dishes have already been added to the table.

But I don't know why, and no dish came today.

This made Liu Qingshui very dissatisfied, so he stood up directly and said: "Wait for your students and sisters, I will go out and ask."

Ye Xiaohu and others nodded, but when Liu Qingshui was ready to go out, the foreman who had promised to prepare meals for Liu Qingshui came down with his head down and said: "Sorry Qingshui, it is estimated that the meal you want will have to wait for a while. Busy, so there is no way to do it in advance for you. "

"Lao Chen, when was the business so hot?"

Hearing Lao Chen's words, Liu Qingshui didn't make the other party immediately troublesome, but frowned: "However, no matter how busy the kitchen is, it should be almost the same. After all, we have been here for a long time. You still have to go to the kitchen."

"Alright, then I'll urge it again."

Old Chen nodded and then slowly backed out ~ ~ But when he nodded just now, Ye Xiaohu noticed that there was a slight abnormal color on his cheeks, which made his eyes shine.


When the private room 'door' was closed, Liu Qingshui turned to Ye Xiaohu and others, saying: "Sorry, it's the seniors. I didn't make proper arrangements and made all the students hungry."

"Senior, this is nothing."

Others nodded one after another, indicating that it was nothing.

They are already fairies. If they really want to control their hunger, then there is no problem.

But when they nodded, Ye Xiaohu sitting on the side sighed: "I'm afraid things are not that simple."

"what happened?"

Liu Qingshui looked at Ye Xiaohu in a puzzled way: "Brother Xiaohu, what did you find wrong?"

"Yes, senior."

Ye Xiaohu recalled the scenes he saw before, and then said cautiously: "Senior, I don't know if you noticed. Before the foreman of the surname Chen left just now, there was some bruising on his forehead. "


"Yes, I suspect he was beaten up a short time ago, so that's why."

"No wonder, when he came in just now, he would keep his head down."

Liu Qingshui stood up directly from the chair, and then said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "Wait here for a while, I went out to see what happened."

"go together!"

When Liu Qingshui walked to Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu stood up and patted his shoulder and said: "Anyway, we stay in this place, there is nothing wrong."


Liu Qingshui did not reject Ye Xiaohu's kindness, so the group went directly out.

But they just walked out of the private room and heard the arrogance of a person.

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