Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1192: : Ye Xiaohu's advice

"Is everything done?"

I saw a deep voice, and it rang out first.

This voice Ye Xiaohu and others are a little familiar, but for a while there is no way to remember who it is.

But as Liu Qingshui's old man in the college, a name immediately appeared in his mind.

Zhang Qingyun.

A newcomer of the same year, Liu Qingshui, just followed a good master, and his status continued to rise.

Later joined the Qinglong camp and became one of Qinglong's running dogs.

When Qing Xuan confronted Ye Xiaohu before, and when Peng Jin was doing a talent test, he once appeared on the scene and ridiculed Ye Xiaohu.

That's why Ye Xiaohu felt familiar, but Liu Qingshui judged the character's name on the spot, so he gritted his teeth and said: "This bastard, is it a stumbling block for me?"

Liu Qingshui murmured, but did not rush out immediately.

Because he knew that things were not over yet, and he ... was not Zhang Qingyun's opponent.

"Things are done."

I saw Lao Chen sighed, and then said helplessly: "Their meals will be delivered to your private room in a while, and I will let them wait until the door is closed, and they can't wait for the meals."

"You are doing well."

Zhang Qingyun nodded with satisfaction: "When Brother Qinglong comes, I will show his credit to him."

"Thank you Brother Zhang for your approval."

Although he said so, Lao Chen covered his forehead.

Obviously he didn't agree before, but the result was Zhang Qingyun's fat beating, and then he had to compromise and agree to Zhang Qingyun's arrangement.

"Okay, let's arrange it."

Zhang Qingyun nodded, and then said again: "But you have to remember, no matter whether there are free cooks or not, don't you give Liu Qingshui to cook them? Do you understand?"

"The villain understands."

Old Chen quickly agreed, and Zhang Qingyun saw this scene and turned around with satisfaction, intending to enter the box next to him.

But he just turned around and saw Liu Qingshui, and he couldn't help but look daunted and said: "Oh, isn't this Liu Qingshui? Why are you also eating in this place? It's a coincidence."

"Coincidence? How do I feel it's not coincidence, but some people are deliberately against me?"

Liu Qingshui originally wanted to calm down, after all, he is not Zhang Qingyun's opponent.

But when he was discovered by Zhang Qingyun, he knew he could not calm down.

Because he is the eldest brother in the class, he naturally has to perform well for the younger brothers and support the scene.

If he is frivolous at this time, how to mix in the class in the future? Ye Xiaohu and others, what do you think of him?

Under such circumstances, Liu Qingshui can only say daringly: "You grab my food, I will be good. But you actually want to let Lao Chen, the accountant will never give me meals, waste our time, Some of them are justified. "

"Why waste your time?"

Rarely seeing Liu Qingshui suffocated, Zhang Qingyun couldn't help but smile lightly: "Laozi not only wants this, but also wants to drown you with a spit."


As soon as the words fell, Zhang Qingyun spit out a spit and sprayed directly on Liu Qingshui's face: "Come on! Have the ability, come over and beat me up!"

Zhang Qingyun at this moment released his aura.

Fairy peak.

This is Zhang Qingyun's cultivation practice, and everyone can feel his power.

For a time Wang Yixiao waited for others to close their mouths because they knew they were not opponents.

Even Liu Qingshui shivered, and Ye Xiaohu shook his head when he saw this scene.

Because to cultivate immortals, we must cultivate fearlessness.

No fear of the sky, no fear of the ground, no fear of ghosts and spirits ... Only in this way can you make progress and eventually become a fairy.

And a fairy, then it must be more fearless, and pursue the nature of heaven, only such a person can become a real master of decision step by step.

But Wang Yixiao and others clearly do not have such a fearless spirit now.

Just when Ye Xiaohu wanted to take the place of them, he saw Liu Qingshui, who originally lowered his head, and suddenly looked up to Zhang Qingyun: "Apologize to the students."

"Let me apologize?"

Zhang Qingyun's face was gangster: "Are you crazy, Liu Qingshui?"

"I'm not crazy, but if you don't apologize, don't blame me for being unkind to you."

Liu Qingshui clenched his fists and looked at Zhang Qingyun seriously: "They are my students, I can't allow them to be embarrassed in front of me, so no matter who you are, you must apologize to them?"

"I think you are looking for death. In order to get ahead of your younger brother, dare to provoke Lao Tzu?"

Zhang Qingyun snorted coldly, and then took a step forward, at the same time he punched Liu Qingshui: "Also, since you want to find death, then Laozi will complete you."


Zhang Qingyun's iron fist, fiercely chiseled to Liu Qingshui ~ ~ No accidents, Liu Qingshui's fighting power is definitely not Zhang Qingyun's opponent.

Under such circumstances, Liu Qingshui was directly punched back by Zhang Qingyun for seven or eight steps.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu had been standing behind him, so he supported him in accordance with the plan, so as not to let him fall to the ground.

So after Liu Qingshui stabilized, he looked back at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Thank you Xiaohu for learning."

"nothing much."

Ye Xiaohu responded lightly: "Senior, let me deal with this person!"

"here you are?"

If it is other occasions, then Liu Qingshui probably agreed to Ye Xiaohu's request.

But under such circumstances, Liu Qingshui could not agree to Ye Xiaohu's request, because he was also a person with dignity.

Under such circumstances, Liu Qingshui couldn't help but stand up again, and step by step to Zhang Qingyun said: "I want to defeat him personally, and let him apologize to you, only in this way can hate."

"Defeat me, don't be your big dream."

Hearing Liu Qingshui's words, Zhang Qingyun snorted coldly.

Obviously he didn't like it very much.

So Zhang Qingyun roared, exerted all the fighting power, and punched fiercely at Liu Qingshui's face.

If this punch is hit, then Liu Qingshui will lose a layer of skin even if he does not die.

At such a critical moment, Ye Xiaohu looked at Liu Qingshui, who was already cold and sweating, and sighed. He sighed and sighed directly behind him, condensed into a line with the technique of soul transmission, and passed directly into Liu Qingshui's ear. Tao: "Brother Liu Qingshui, don't go backwards. Don't forget that your cultivation method is related to your own physique, on the contrary, the other party's physique is not very strong. If you can attack him in mid-frame, then no more than three He will lose in this round. "

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