Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1193: : Rookie Contest

Hit him mid-range?

Liu Qingshui didn't know if Ye Xiaohu was right, but in the face of Zhang Qingyun's onslaught, he did not have a better way for a while.

Under such circumstances, Liu Qingshui can only gritt his teeth and follow Ye Xiaohu's method.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingyun couldn't help but glared at Ye Xiaohu.

I know my own situation, so Zhang Qingyun knows very clearly that his moves are the kind of opening and closing moves, so the defensive ability of the mid plate is very weak.

There is no way to return to defense even with a single move.

But most people, under Zhang Qingyun's onslaught, basically ignore their poor defense.

"Go to death, Zhang Qingyun."

Liu Qingshui didn't know what Zhang Qingyun was thinking, so when he heard Zhang Qingyun's words, he thought Zhang Qingyun was abusing himself.

This made Liu Qingshui even more angry, so he roared, and the iron fist in his hand quickly hit Zhang Qingyun.


Zhang Qingyun could only swear, and quickly defended against the attack of Liu Qingshui.

But his defense was already weak, not to mention the power that was temporarily transferred back.

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Qingyun can only curse in his heart, otherwise there is no other way.


There was another muffled noise, and Zhang Qingyun was directly knocked down by Liu Qingshui and flew back, directly mounted on the door of the room.

The material of the door is good, but how can it withstand the collision of a fairy.

Therefore, under the collision of Zhang Qingyun's body, the door of the box was broken, revealing a few people who were eating.

I saw Qinglong, Zang Tianlang and others sitting in the center.

Xu Ershun, who Ye Xiaohu had seen before, stood beside him cautiously and took the initiative to pick up the jug, pouring wine for Qinglong and others.

That look, that action, that look ... live like a slave, it doesn't fit a fairy's posture at all.

"Xu Ershun, is this the future you choose?"

Liu Qingshui, who saw Xu Ershun's movements and had many years of friendship with Xu Ershun, couldn't help but glared: "Did you leave the class and leave Teacher Peng Jin to serve Qinglong and pour water to them in the future?

"Liu Qingshui ..."

Xu Ershun turned back to see Liu Qingshui and couldn't help but look black.

Before he left, he really thought that his status would be very high, and would be instructed by teachers in other classes.

But he never imagined that any class has its own power, his own group, he is a foreigner, and it is difficult to integrate into it.

And the teachers are not very welcome for the transfer students like him. After all, the teachers are in the same class and the relationship between them is not bad.

But when he left Peng Jin and left his class, there was no way to go back, so he could only choose to be respectful.

"You have let me down too much."

Liu Qingshui smiled bitterly: "I have been respecting you so much in those years."

"People don't die for themselves."

Facing Liu Qingshui's sarcasm, Xu Ershun could only laugh bitterly, and the whole person said cautiously: "If you want to be a man, then you have to suffer hard. What's more, I don't think this is wrong. If a servant is needed, then Xu Ershun is willing to join his mansion and become his servant. "

At this moment, Xu Ershun had already abandoned his face, and he didn't care about anything to practice.

"Very good, I accepted you."

Naocheng wanted to hear Xu Ershun's loyal words, but Qinglong was very happy.

I saw him standing up, walked to Xu Ershun's side, patted his shoulder gently, and said with encouragement: "You did a very good job. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me."


Although his status declined, Xu Ershun was still very happy to get Qinglong's trust.

Just when he wanted to continue to say something, he saw Qinglong who had just walked beside him, actually took another step forward, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "You are Ye Xiaohu?"

"it's me."

Ye Xiaohu did not deny his identity, and he has already got a judgment from Qinglong's name and cultivation methods.

So Ye Xiaohu looked at Qinglong quietly, and said calmly with a smile: "What advice do you have?"

"It should be you who advised me."

Qinglong said lightly: "I hit my brother Qingxuan not long ago, but now I rammed into my box and hurt me. Should you give me an explanation?"


"What explanation do you want?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled evilly, and then pointed to the used Xiancai behind Qinglong Road: "You made my Hu, eat my food, and now dare to rake down and say that I am in trouble with you?"

Qinglong glanced at Zhang Qingyun, and finally saw Zhang Qingyun ’s own head underground, and then nodded secretly to his face ~ ~ could not help but sigh quietly: "That is indeed our fault, I can free for You compensate for a table of fresh meals. "

"No compensation is needed."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Liu Qingshui and others, and saw them cringing in front of Qinglong one by one, daring to speak, so they sighed alone.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu turned and walked away, and then turned his back to Qingxuan Dao: "Some ordinary fairy dishes, no big deal, you should eat away from yourself." In fact, the moment when Ye Xiaohu walked in, it was done. Had his own inspection.

Through Ye Xiaohu's inspection, Ye Xiaohu was surprised to find that the so-called Xiancai is not even as good as his second-generation Yejiacai products. This shows that the cultivation technology of Xianjie has been declining a little bit after thousands of years of evolution.

Under such circumstances, I believe that immortal world will change soon.

But for this, Ye Xiaohu didn't really care.

Just as he was about to leave, Qinglong, who was standing inside the house, said: "You have to go, have you asked me Qinglong?"

"I Ye Xiaohu wants to leave. No one can stop me, even if you are Qinglong."

Ye Xiaohu didn't turn around, still walking forward, only to see him calmly said: "If you don't believe it, then you can try it though."


Seeing this scene, Zang Tianlang just wanted to do it, but he saw Qinglong holding his arm and shaking his head.

Zang Tianlang looked at Qinglong in a puzzling way, but Qinglong did not look at him. Instead, he stepped forward directly, looking at Ye Xiaohu's back, and said cautiously, "Ye Xiaohu, you ran for the first day, I ca n’t run for more than fifteen or three months after the rookie contest. I ’ll let you know how terrifying it is to offend us in the end. ”

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