Ye Xiaohu left.

Liu Qingshui and others also left.

After they were not present, Zang Tianlang finally couldn't help it, so he looked back at Qinglong Road: "Brother Qinglong, such a good opportunity, why don't we teach him a hard meal?"

"Teach him then?"

Qinglong turned to look at Zang Sirius, and then said with a playful face: "This is the Immortal Academy. If you want to live, study and practice in this place, then you must abide by the rules of this place. Once you violate this rule Have you thought about the serious consequences? "


Hearing Qinglong's reminder, Zang Tianlang couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He suddenly remembered the rules of the Immortal Academy and could not easily use force within the Academy, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

Today they make mistakes first, it is easy for people to grasp the handle.

So Zang Tianlang hesitated and looked at Qinglong Road again: "But don't we just let them go like this?"

"I have said that above the rookie contest, the score is high."

Qinglong looked at Zang Tianlang dissatisfiedly, and then looked ugly: "How come, don't you dare to accept Ye Xiaohu's challenge?"

"That's not true."

Hearing Qinglong's words, Zang Tianlang shook his head and said: "Although his talent is better than me, after all, he has not been trained by the system before, so the combat effectiveness should be weaker than me."

"Since you are confident, what are you worried about?"

Qinglong shook his head casually, and then added: "And don't forget, even if you lose the game in the end, then waiting for him to win the rookie contest, will also face the challenge of Qinglong."

According to the rules of the Immortal Academy, everyone won the novice contest, then it is equivalent to obtaining the talent recognition of the Academy.

Under such circumstances, he has two options.

One is to go back to the past and continue to be an ordinary student.

A number of challenges to seniors, as long as you win, you can get the resources that seniors have.

This perception is great, so after most newcomers win the rookie championship, they will challenge the old man at that time and **** the opponent's resources.

"Little brother got it."

After Zang Sirius passed Qinglong's Sister Jiang, the whole person woke up, and then sneered: "However, he definitely can't take that step, because the first place in the rookie game must belong to me Zang Sirius. "

"You just have this confidence."

Qinglong looked at Zang Tianlang, and praised him, patting him on the shoulder to show his encouragement, and then Qinglong said: "However, the competition is after all three months, so before that, for safety's sake, I ’m going to train you systematically to avoid the tragic things like Qing Xuan. "


Hearing Qinglong ’s proposal, Zang Tianluo could n’t help but say, “If there is training from Brother Qinglong, I believe I will have a higher chance of winning in the future.”

"Don't be too happy."

Qinglong walked out one step at a time: "My training is not general training, but a very difficult special training. If you can't persist, then I will also clear you out."


the other side.

Ye Xiaohu and others did not eat fairy vegetables, so they returned to the class dormitory together.

I saw everyone get together, then Liu Qingshui looked at Ye Xiaohu and other people with a worried face and said: "This time the newcomer competition, it is estimated that you will face some difficulties."

"Senior, how is this rookie contest?"

"Can we refuse this rookie contest?"

"No, don't you?"

Wang Yixiao and others clearly felt that this was a bit difficult.

But after hearing their words, Liu Qingshui shook his head on the spot, rejected their thoughts, and then said with a serious face: "The newcomer contest is a test contest. The college hopes that your newcomers will show their talents and combat effectiveness in the contest. . And the one who wins can also get a lot of resources and the qualification to challenge the old students, in addition to the top three can also enter the ancient Tianting site. "

This point Ye Xiaohu has learned from Peng Jin's mouth, so there is not much curiosity.

But Wang Yixiao, who was sitting next to Ye Xiaohu, raised his own question and said: "The ancient heavenly court has been in decline for thousands of years. What is the point of going to the ancient heavenly court's site?"

"The ruins of the ancient heaven are not only ruins, but also a huge virtual world."

Liu Qingshui shook his head and rejected Wang Yixiao ’s guesses and theories, and then carefully added: “Although I have n’t been in it yet, I heard people say that when many people enter and practice, they will be much faster than when they are outside. , The chance of enlightenment is higher, it can be said to be the first secret realm in the fairy college, but the ancient heaven is always too small, so it cannot be opened to everyone. "

Increase the chance of enlightenment?

It is possible that Ye Xiaohu's wealth emerged in his mind ~ ~ But after all, he did not enter the inside of the ancient heaven, so Ye Xiaohu could not be sure whether the speculation in his mind was true.

But in order to get in, Ye Xiaohu had to work hard.

So Ye Xiaohu stood up directly from the spot, and said to Liu Qingshui and others: "It's not too early, I won't talk to you anymore, I will go back to practice first."

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshui and others did not stop Ye Xiaohu.

When they could n’t see Ye Xiaohu, Liu Qingshui withdrew his gaze and said: “Little Brother Hu is not like you and me, because he does n’t want to be mediocre all his life, but instead he is full of fighting spirit and wants to go against the sky and become The genius of the world. "

"But that's too difficult."

Wang Yi smiled and sighed, then looked at Liu Qingshui said: "As far as I know, the newcomer contest of the Shenxian Academy, the first three people in the past are basically children of the big family. Because they have better fairy tools, more A good immortal method, a more mysterious mystery. But for ordinary people like Ye Xiaohu, just three months is not enough for him to learn more advanced immortal methods and mysteries, nor can he get great powers. Fairy, so he is destined to lose the newcomer contest. "

"Who knows?"

Liu Qingshui shook his head and sighed: "Anyway, I don't care about this issue. I only care about my ability to follow up before graduation, so I have to say goodbye to my fellow students first."

"Brother walk slowly."

Wang Yixiao and others stood up one after another, and after seeing them glancing at each other, they turned around and returned to their dormitory.

Although they have given up, this does not prevent them from striving for a good position.

At the same time, freshmen from other classes are also shutting down one after another, waiting for the start of the newcomer contest.

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