"No, no!"

Wang Tianyun snatched it all the way, naturally knowing the situation in the newcomer test space.

With fewer and fewer monsters, many people have given up the challenge.

And time is gradually exhausted, if you continue this way, then you will not be reserved for you enough time to hunt monsters.

So once Wang Tianyun loses the monster in his hand, it is extremely difficult to capture more monsters.

But Wang Tianyun's struggle has no effect at all in front of Ye Xiaohu.

Because Ye Xiaohu's cultivation behavior is much higher than that of Wang Tianyun.

So after a simple struggle, Wang Tianyun was directly suppressed by Ye Xiaohu, and took away the monster package that belonged to Wang Tianyun.

"One two three four five ..."

Ye Xiaohu used his own soul to briefly check Wang Tianyun's demon nuclear package, but he was slightly dissatisfied and said: "It seems that you have mixed with Zang Tianlang for so long, and there is no benefit? Actually only sixteen Demon Core, I thought I could make up a hundred at once. "


Wang Tianyun, this depressed, if the demon core is so easy to get, what is he doing to rob Wang Yixiao?

Because it is difficult to obtain the demon core, he chose to do so.

So in the face of Ye Xiaohu's doubts, Wang Tianyun wanted to cry without tears.

"Okay, don't pretend to be in front of me, and make grievances."

Ye Xiaohu directly gave Wang Tianyun a shot, flew him out on the spot and said: "Don't appear in front of Lao Tzu, otherwise Lao Tzu will see you once and rob you once."

After taking the harsh words, Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to take care of Wang Tianyun, turned directly to Wang Yixiao's side, stared at Wang Yixiao's sleepy fairy circle and studied for a while.

"Interestingly, according to the old king's circle of heaven and earth, the role of the bundle of fairy ropes has been assembled to create a low-level, yet used magic weapon. Does it seem that the creator of this magic weapon is also a talent."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then in the expression of Wang Yi smiling and crying, Ye Xiaohu studied the runes of the trapped fairy circle again.

A few minutes later, Ye Xiaohu was content with his gaze, and then condensed his mana, pointing at the trapped fairy circle with a finger: "Give me."


Along with Ye Xiaohu's low drink, the trapped fairy circle actually obeyed Ye Xiaohu's instructions, directly separated from Wang Yixiao, and landed in Ye Xiaohu's hands.

Looking at the trapped fairy circle in his hand, Ye Xiaohu said with satisfaction: "This magic weapon is quite practical, and it can be used more in the future."

The corner of Ye Xiaohu's mouth curled up slightly, and Wang stood smiling next to him and smiled, trembling.

"Ye Xiaohu, thank you for your help."

However, Ye Xiaohu helped Wang Yixiao, so Wang Yixiao naturally could not be indifferent, so he simply responded to Ye Xiaohu, and then said: "If it is not for you to arrive in time, it is estimated that I can only choose to withdraw from this newcomer contest. Now. "

"Nothing, just give it a go."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then asked Wang Yixiao and asked: "But I heard Wang Tianyun's meaning just now, within the college, the newcomer college is allowed to fight each other in the test space?"

"Is such that."

Wang Yixiao nodded conscientiously, and then faithfully replied Ye Xiaohudao: "The college organizes a newcomer contest to select excellent seedlings from countless newcomers. Therefore, although the college does not emphasize that newcomers can be included in the contest Competition, but competitive relationships are allowed. "

"That means it can be robbed?"

Ye Xiaohu sneered. He couldn't understand Wang Tianyun's movements.

But after Wang Yixiao explained, Ye Xiaohu also understood the key.

Since the academy doesn't care, and since others are choosing shortcuts for good rankings, Ye Xiaohu is still used to them.

So Ye Xiaohu asked Wang Yi with a smile: "Do you want to get a good ranking?"

"Of course I want."

Wang Yixiao did n’t understand why Ye Xiaohu asked so, so he directly replied: "After joining the college, each class has too few resources, and so many people need to share it together, and my talent is poor, and I can divide the resources in my hands. I do n’t have much anymore. So I want to get a good ranking in the newcomer contest. Only in this way can I get more resources. "

"Since this is the case, let's work together."

Ye Xiaohu offered to take the initiative and said: "Since the college doesn't care, then we can cooperate together. You as a child take the demon nucleus to seduce other people. After luring them over, I will be responsible for cooking them all. If you have a demon core, you and I will share it equally. "


"Do you think I'm kidding?"

Wang Yixiao stared at Ye Xiaohu carefully, then took a deep breath and said, "I don't need to divide evenly, I also know my situation. We still work together, after you have saved enough hundred demon cores, the rest All to me. "

"Happy cooperation."

Ye Xiaohu did not reject Wang Yixiao ’s good intentions, because Ye Xiaohu knew very well that this action seemed to have a higher risk factor for Wang Yixiao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But without Ye Xiaohu ’s shot, Wang Yixiao could n’t do that. Mission.

So Ye Xiaohu accepted Wang Yixiao's proposal and took the initiative to shake hands with Wang Yixiao.

"Happy cooperation."

After shaking hands, Wang Yixiao and Ye Xiaohu laughed loudly: "Since we want to cooperate, now I will take you to find Wang Tianyun's companion."

"it is good!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded and agreed to Wang Yixiao's proposal.

So he and his party quickly walked forward.

After about ten kilometers, Wang Yixiao gave Ye Xiaohu a gesture, so Ye Xiaohu directly cast a secret method, and his body quietly lost his figure.

Wang Yi smiled at the scene and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I saw him take a step forward, and said to a man in front of him who was communicating: "Wang Tianlan, your elder brother has been scrapped by me, and I don't know where to hide from Tibet."

"Wang Yixiao, you are looking for death."

Wang Tianlan sneered: "It's up to you to dare to challenge me."

Wang Tianlan waved his big hand and greeted his companion to rush to Wang Yixiao.

Seeing this scene, Wang smiled and immediately turned around and ran.

When he passed by Ye Xiaohu, there was no effect.

But when Wang Tianlan and others walked through, they felt his body was wrapped in a mysterious force, and then made him unable to move.

Immediately afterwards Ye Xiaohu's body came out of the void, and there was a little more on them.


Wang Tianlan and others did not understand what was going on, so they fell to the ground and passed out.

So Ye Xiaohu smiled at Wang Yi: "Quickly clean up the spoils. Let's head towards the northwest. I found that there are many people in that place."

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