Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1209: : A lot of discussion

"Strange, why has my trapped fairy circle lost contact with me?"

Deep inside the trial space.

In an unknown canyon, Zang Sirius walking towards the front suddenly stopped his actions. I saw that after checking his own soul, his face became a little ugly.

"Master, what happened?"

A slave who joined Zang Tianlang and joined the fairy academy suddenly walked to Zang Tianlang and asked with concern: "Is it possible to use my subordinate to solve it all at once?"

"No need to."

Zang Tianlang shook his head, and then said to his confidant and slave: "Just now a sleepy fairy circle lost contact with me, then someone found it, and defeated Wang Tianyun and others. So next, we have to change it Course of action. "

Zang Tianluo's servant quickly and respectfully said: "Please show me the young master."

"Count the demon cores we harvested."

Zang Tianlang thought for a moment, and said to his slave: "Look at how many demon cores we have seized."


Zang Tianlang's servant, after receiving Zang Tianlang's command, immediately counted his own demon core.

After the inventory, they have confiscated nearly a thousand demon cores.

Hearing the report of the slave, Zang Tianlang thought for a moment, and then said to his slave: "Tibetan, this time it is estimated that you will make sacrifices."

"Subordinates are not afraid of sacrifice."

Although the slave servant Cangqing had some unwillingness, he could not make any resistance because he was the son of Zang Tianlang and the servant of Zang Tianlang.

And he also believes that as long as he still has value, Zang Tianlang will definitely benefit himself.

Under such circumstances, Cang Qing said with a serious face: "Please also ask the young master to order."

"Next I took enough monster cores to lead eight people to the final test first."

After thinking for a while, Zang Tianlang slowly said, "After I enter, the rest of you will stay and take the last door to the passage. If someone comes, then you will stop them and strip them. The demon core in his hand, and then enter the channel in turn. "

"Subordinates understand."

The navy nodded and then said cautiously: "The subordinates must complete the task explained by the young master."

"I'm at ease when you do business."

Zang Tianlang walked over and patted the navy blue shoulder heavily, then encouraged: "You can also rest assured that after the rookie contest is over, I will not forget you."

"This is what I should do."

The Tibetan youth quickly shook his head and expressed his loyalty.

This made Zang Tianlang very happy, so he turned around and selected eight of his highest servants from his servants and subordinates.

And they were given one hundred demon cores for each person. After confirming that there was no problem, Zang Tianlang bid farewell to the Tibetan youths and others, and led his selected subordinates into the newcomer trial space and the final level.

Looking at Zang Tianluo's back, Cang Qing was a little unwilling, but he could only shake his head and sigh, and then turned around and told the people who stayed: "You also heard what the young master said. We must not forget ours, so everyone takes action, first arranges a small formation around, and then waits for the opportunity to **** and kill them. "


Two days later.

In the trial space of the Rookie Contest, as monsters become scarcer, it is already difficult to find inverted monsters.

Therefore, most people have given up the final challenge, so they have gathered together in a wide place in twos and threes.

"Sister Chen, you are there too!"

"Brother Wang, with your talents and cultivation practices, why are you still in this place without entering the last passage."

"Don't mention, I already had enough demon cores. When I was going to the last passage, I met two people and then appeared in front of you."

"Ah! Have you met those two?"

"What, did you meet?"

When the two brothers met, they found that they had encountered similar things, so they hugged each other and told each other heartily.

However, when they confided with each other, a new man next to them stood up and smiled bitterly: "Well, don't be so sad in this whole piece."

"The two of us brothers were out of luck, and we confessed each other together, weeping about our sorrow, what's wrong with you?"

When Brother Wang saw someone interrupting his communication with his brother, he was immediately dissatisfied and said: "If you don't want to listen, then you will stay there again and again."

"Huh, do you think I want to hear?"

The people who mocked them before and immediately said after dissatisfied with Brother Wang: "But the fierce rookie contest is over, there will be a period of time, I am not here ~ ~ Where else can I go? Although I am very sympathetic to what happened to you, I must tell you that there are only a few people in this place who have been robbed by Ye Xiaohu. "


If this person started, Brother Wang was slightly dissatisfied.

But when the words behind him opened, they immediately shocked the two of them, so the two of them stunned and said, "Are you also hung up by them?"

"Forty or fifty percent!"

The people who ridiculed before laughed helplessly: "However, it's okay to meet Ye Xiaohu and Wang Yixiao. Anyway, they will leave you with one or two demon cores. But if you meet Zang Tianlang, don't say leave The demon nucleus is under attack, and they will be beaten up by them, that is the most tragic. "


Hearing this person, Brother Wang and Brother Chen felt very happy.

After all, they didn't meet Zang Sirius and Zang Sirius, so they still have some inventory in hand. Although they are not enough to enter the final channel, they are not totally unproductive. In the end, they can also exchange some material rewards.

Just when they felt lucky, suddenly a gust of wind came from a distance, followed by a tall and a short, two figures appeared in front of them, and approached step by step.

When they saw the figures of the two people, the crowd gathered together and stepped back, daring not to step forward.

At this time, the two people who came suddenly, one of them came to them and said to Brother Chen: "Well, there are many old acquaintances among you. I believe you also know our policies, so Do n’t waste time. Hurry up and hand over the demon core in your hands, save Ye Xiaohu for a while, and then you will inevitably make you hurt for a while, then why do you suffer? "

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