Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1218: : Refinery Harvest

Ye Xiaohu didn't say much, just glanced at Fengqingshan and Gutiancheng, then walked alone to a secluded place to sit down.

Although I don't know what Gutian Cheng's identity is, but since he has spoken, Fengqingshan does not have any complaints and obstructions. Obviously, his identity is higher than Fengqingshan.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu sat down with peace of mind.

However, because there is less time, I did not intend to practice, but instead took out my gains.

In the newcomer trial space, in addition to harvesting demon cores in exchange for resources, there are naturally some special receipts, such as seizing some people's treasures.

However, before checking the harvest, in order to avoid being seen, Ye Xiaohu arranged a block formation in advance.

When the formation of this formation was completed, the people around could no longer see what Ye Xiaohu was doing. On the contrary, Ye Xiaohu could see what they were doing.

So Ye Xiaohu relaxed and checked his harvest, but after a cursory glance.

Ye Xiaohu found that there are only many Xianmingcao, Hejuncao ... and so on some common herbs in Xianjie.

If these medicinal materials are sold on the earth, they can be sold at a high price.

But selling in the fairy world, the price will not be a special master.

After all, this kind of immortal grass on the earth, it is priceless without a market, the number is very rare.

However, medicinal materials like Xianjie can still be cultivated, but the cultivation method is slightly higher.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was slightly disappointed, he picked up Zang Tianlang's package.

As soon as the result was opened, Ye Xiaohu did not find any medicinal materials, but only had a fairy, and a spear was placed in front of him.

"This seems to be a spear with a seventh-grade fairy weapon."

Ye Xiaohu is a man. With his eyesight, this spear is different.

So after carefully sensing it, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sneered: "If Zang Sirius had used this fairy soldier spear to deal with me from the beginning, even if I wanted to win, I would have to pay a certain price."

It has to be said that Ye Xiaohu at this moment has some luck.

Without paying any casualties, he killed Zang Tianlang with a sword and seized his salute.

"Although the power of the Great Sword is huge and has room for growth, at this stage, the Great Sword is indeed of a relatively low rank, and the power that can be released is also weak."

After looking at the spear for a while, Ye Xiaohu frowned and said, "So before the Great Sword, and once again promoted, holding this fairy soldier spear, my combat effectiveness can be improved to a higher level."

After Ye Xiaohu thought about it, he suddenly had a count.

So Ye Xiaohu didn't hesitate any more. Since he can improve his combat effectiveness, he should naturally make good use of it.

So Ye Xiaohu took the fairy spear and began to refine it on the spot.

Refining a fairy soldier, Ye Xiaohu is not very strange.

After all, Ye Xiaohu had done everything while he was in the heavenly court, and refining and chemical immortal soldiers was one of them.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu skillfully refines the fairy soldiers.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu glanced at the fairy soldier in his hand and said with satisfaction: "From now on, you will call Jiu Zhuan Long Yin Gun."

Ye Xiaohu stroked the Qipin spear, and after briefly waving it, he immediately felt his fighting power and raised it to another level.

"Good, a seven-piece spear."

Ye Xiaohu laughed proudly, and then put his spear on the ground and thought about it again: "If it is matched with Nezha's marksmanship, then the combat effectiveness can be improved."

Just do it, so Ye Xiaohu directly used the Jiuhuan Dragon Yin Gun to practice the marksmanship taught to him by Nezha.

This isn't Nezha's good marksmanship, but it is a special marksmanship created by Nezha based on his own marksmanship. Ye Xiaohu is his only successor.

Water and fire shocking gun tactics.

I don't know why, when Ye Xiaohu practiced this method of shooting, he always felt that he had done it easily, without any conflict.

Especially with the help of the nine-turn dragon gun, the power of this set of gun tactics can be released as much as possible.

This made Ye Xiaohu overjoyed, so while the rookie contest was not over, he continued to hone the gun tactics and the nine-turn dragon gun.


On the other side, Feng Qingshan's face was very embarrassed when testing the exit of the newcomer.

Because after Ye Xiaohu, the descendants of Feng Qingshan's rivals went out one by one. On the contrary, the disciples under his door never disappeared.

Finally, when one of his successors came out of the customs, he was already in the position of thirty or forty.

I have to say that when I saw such a result, Feng Qingshan's face was extremely ugly.

If it was not for some special reason, Feng Qingshan really wanted to turn around and turn his head away ~ ~ But it is a pity that he ca n’t go now, because there are follow-up newcomers to challenge the old students, and he also needs Come participate.

When Feng Qingshan had a headache in his face, Zang Sirius, who had high hopes for him, was finally helped out by someone.

"Old ... teacher!"

Across the distant place, Zang Tianlang looked at Fengqing Mountain and said sadly: "You must revenge for me!"

"I know."

Hearing Zang Tianlang's words, Feng Qingshan glanced at Ye Xiaohu's direction again, and could not help biting his teeth.

He knew the shame he suffered today, all from Ye Xiaohu.

If there is no Ye Xiaohu, if Ye Xiaohu does not join Peng Jin's class, then they are not opponents, and the students under him will not suffer such a shame.

Under such circumstances, Feng Qingshan glared fiercely at the location of Ye Xiaohu, and then withdrew his gaze, and took the initiative to walk to Zang Tianlang.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and checked his body for Zang Tianlang.

As a result, this inspection made Feng Qingshan's complexion on the spot very unsightly.

In his realm, it can be seen that Zang Tianluo's body is very bad, especially his soul has suffered a very serious blow, and has even hurt the root.

Even after he has managed well, he resumes cultivation, and it is estimated that there will not be the same rate of progress as in the past.

"Okay, your body is not very convenient, so hurry down and rest!"

After Feng Qingshan gave a command, Zang Tianlang nodded immediately and turned away.

But he just turned around and heard Feng Qingshan added a sentence at the back: "Remember to send a letter to your family, let the elders of your family come to some colleges as soon as possible, I will discuss with him how to deal with the latter things."

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