Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1219: : Abolition of Ye Xiaohu


"Although the process is a bit difficult, the results are still successful."

"Look, I'm on the list, it's really not easy."

"I also went up. Although the ranking is not very high, as long as I can get on the leaderboard, there will be rewards and resources."

When time is up, the newcomer test contest is completely over.

So with the help of the teachers of the Fairy Academy, one new student after another was taken out of the test site.

For a while, there were freshmen everywhere.

"Teacher Tian Yuan."

I saw a student, glanced at the nearby teachers, then rushed up and hugged a teacher in my arms and said: "Teacher Tian, ​​thank you for your advice, otherwise I can't have such a high ranking."

"Good boy."

Teacher Tian Yuan patted him on the shoulder, then encouraged and said: "All this is what you have worked hard for. If you don't work hard, then you will certainly not have such long-term progress."

Although he said so, Tian Yuan was whispering in his heart.

Because the student in front of him has no impression in his mind.

On the contrary, he felt this strange student in front of him. Obviously this was not the object he focused on training.

"Although the students have been working very hard, today's success is not due to my efforts."

The students in front of Tian Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's Ye Xiaohu. With his help, we can get on the right track and get such a good ranking."

Ye Xiaohu again?

Tian Yuan ’s relationship with Feng Qingshan is not very good, but it does not mean that he recognizes Ye Xiaohu.

It is precisely because of this situation that he is more curious, only to see him staring at his students and saying, "How exactly did he help you win?"


Tian Yuan's students couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

But he didn't conceal anything, and eventually he talked about it.

From the beginning, he was plundered by Ye Xiaohu. In the end, Ye Xiaohu wiped out all the enemies in front of him and created opportunities for them.

In the first series of actions, he finally won a very high ranking without hindering and competition.

"So this is ah!"

Tian Yuan couldn't help but laugh bitterly. If they suspected that Ye Xiaohu had won before, then when he heard his students say this, they immediately understood the meaning.

But he was still shocked, after all, Ye Xiaohu set a record.

An ordinary rookie has plundered so many resources, defeated so many geniuses, and created such a miracle.

After a moment of emotion, Tian Yuan couldn't help but say: "Since you have won a good ranking, then take advantage of this opportunity and don't waste such luck."

"is teacher."

Tian Yuan's students nodded and then retreated with joy.

What happened in this scene is not a single thing.

Because beside other teachers, there are also some students who have come to the teacher to introduce their own experiences.

For a time, all the teachers understood everything in the newcomer trial space.

So some people rejoice and others are sad.

People who rejoice are naturally rejoicing because the students under them have achieved a good result.

As for the sorrowful people, it was because their students were taught by Ye Xiaohu in the newcomer test competition, and they lost their qualifications for the final competition.

But in any case, the results of the newcomer test contest have come out, and they are not eligible to change unless they dare to go to one of the college's regulations.

However, an outsider newcomer test contest will not make the whole fairy school take it seriously and change the rules for you.

"Are all the students coming out?"

Looked at each other excited, or decadent eyes.

Gu Tiancheng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then asked his deputy: "Is there any trainee damage in the newcomer test space?"

"Except for Zang Tianlang's body, which was severely traumatized, other people have not suffered any damage."

Gu Tiancheng's deputy looked at the record, and then responded faithfully: "At present, I have swept through the entire test space without any omissions. I believe no one will be locked."

"That's good."

Gu Tiancheng nodded with satisfaction, turned to look at Feng Qingshan and others said: "You go to arrange, pick out some talented disciples and bring them around, wait for the previous rewards to be distributed, and after everyone has recovered, we Go directly to the venue of the new and old students competition for the final competition. "

The other teachers nodded one after another, so they arranged their own.

Only Fengqingshan has no movement ~ ~ So Fengqingshan's buddies came to Fengqingshan and said: "Brother Feng, our loss this time is too serious. This is for our subsequent arrangements and training. There are problems with the plan. "

"I know, so am I thinking of a way?"

Feng Qingshan's mood is also very bad, so he glanced at his buddy, and then said seriously: "No matter what I do, the first place must belong to me, even if Zang Tianlang failed before, then I have to win. Come back to this quota to let others know that in the freshman training, I am still a brother in Fengqingshan. "

"Brother Feng said well."

Hearing Feng Qingshan's domineering words, a teacher who was only promised, said cautiously: "Why don't I arrange for some people, and now I will do Ye Xiaohu, as long as he doesn't appear, then we can operate in the first place. Now. "

"give him."

Faced with the proposal of his buddy, Feng Qingshan seriously thought: "If it is before the start of the rookie contest, we know the current result, then I must support your current proposal. But now Ye Xiaohu is paying attention everywhere Eyes, if we move him at this time, aren't we fighting against the whole academy? If you want to be famous by the academy, abandon one's cultivation practice, and live outside, then you do it! "

"But we don't do anything, do we just watch him take our place?"

Feng Qingshan's confidants looked at him one after another, trying to clarify this series of questions.

Facing such a situation, Feng Qingshan couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then smashed the stone in front of him with a palm, and then said fiercely: "I'll go to Qinglong, as long as let him scrap the leaves in the new and old competitions If Xiaohu, then everything that Ye Xiaohu robbed before will return to our hands. "

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