Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1220: : Chuan Gong

Inside Qinglong Bieyuan.

Qinglong is already sorting out his clothes, because he has long been informed that Zang Tianlang has failed, so he is ready to go to the new and old students to compete in the game, personally against Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Qinglong, you must not miss this time, otherwise we will become a joke throughout the city."

The person standing next to Qinglong was awe-inspiring Qingxuan who was killed by Ye Xiaohu.

Although Qing Xuan's face is pale today, he obviously spent a lot of money and material resources, which has revived him and he can practice again.

"Relax, this time I shot it personally, it will definitely not give him a chance to leave."

Qinglong nodded and turned to look at Qingxuan Tao: "But before that, I think you still have to come to some colleges to be subtle, so as not to make people laugh when they see you."


Qingxuan wanted to explain it, but he couldn't explain it, because he knew that Qinglong was right, and his existence was slightly redundant.

Qing Xuan sighed and was about to leave the place.

Suddenly a person walked in outside the door, and when he saw this person, Qing Xuan quickly stood up and said, "Mr. Feng."


Feng Qingshan nodded his head, as if he had seen Qing Xuan who was defeated by Ye Xiaohu, and then he looked at Qinglong Road: "Dixian?"

"Fortunately, it's not a shame. Not long ago, I was lucky."

Qinglong didn't know why Fengqingshan would ask about this, but the two sides are currently in a teacher-student relationship, so Qinglong still politely responded to Fengqingshan.

Under such circumstances, Feng Qingshan stared at Qinglong and said, "Is the state stable?"


Qinglong smiled bitterly: "The land of immortals is completely different from the realm of immortals. With my past accumulation, it is impossible to stabilize the state in a short time, but according to my current progress rate, I estimate within a week Can stabilize the state. "

"Not a week, that's too late."

Feng Qingshan shook his head and rejected Qinglong's proposal: "After a week, the guy named Ye Xiaohu, if he fails, he will radiate a hot light above the rookie contest and become a hot figure."

"The teacher is assured that I will personally kill him."

"If you can't kill, or if he sees that you are powerful and admit defeat?"

"Isn't he the newcomer first?"

"The first does not mean that you can't admit defeat. After all, he is just a newcomer. No one will laugh at him. Instead, he will think that he is a handsome person who knows the current affairs.

"What about then?"

"One hit kill."

Feng Qingshan snorted, and then walked to Qinglong: "Although I don't know how Ye Xiaohu defeated Zang Tianlang in the end, one thing is for sure, his cultivation is not weak. In this way In this case, I ca n’t bet on you and my future. So I came here this time to try to help you stabilize the state when the new and old students challenged the competition and did not start, so that you would not be disadvantaged and invincible. Now. "


Qinglong Ningmei replied: "As a result, my realm is prone to problems, and there will be demons after the breakthrough."

"Otherwise what are you going to do?"

Feng Qingshan sneered: "If you have a better way, then I can do it according to your way."


Qinglong laughed bitterly, he really could not think of a good way for a while.

And he couldn't let Ye Xiaohu grow up. First, Ye Xiaohu's talent was terrible. Secondly, Ye Xiaohu's grievances with them were too deep and had reached a point where they had to be resolved.

"I understand."

After a series of thought struggles, Qinglong finally surrendered to Feng Qingshan's command and said: "Please also ask the teacher for guidance."

"Qingxuan, you should step back first."

Feng Qingshan first waved his hand and repelled Qingxuan and others.

Immediately after he turned back, he told Qinglong, "You and do well in bed."


Qinglong found a place to do well and waited quietly.

Soon he felt Feng Qingshan's hand, pressing on top of his head.

Qinglong, who came from a big family, immediately understood what secret method Feng Qingshan was about to exert, so he bit his teeth tightly and endured everything Feng Qingshan had brought to himself.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu's figure appeared in his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to pounce on now and unload Ye Xiaohu eight pieces.

This lasted almost a Kung Fu effort, Qinglong finally felt that the hand above his head was removed, so he opened his eyes and filled his eyes with hate: "Thank you for your help."

"It's just right to have hatred in our eyes. We cultivators have been walking against the sky since they were practicing immortality. They are not tolerated by heaven and earth ~ ~ So we must have resistance, only in this way can we have Complete progress. "

Feng Qingshan looked at Qinglong's eyes, full of admiration and said: "In the past, you were too indecisive in your eyes, and you were not clean enough to do things. Sooner or later, you have to eat some boring losses, but I can rest assured that I am confident. It must be possible to complete the task perfectly. "

"Teacher Feng, rest assured, I will definitely return with victory."

Qinglong snorted coldly, then walked down the bed and said: "If Mr. Feng you have no other orders, then I will go to the new and old students' competition venue first."


Feng Qingshan did not have any anger, but waved his hand calmly, and then left with his hands behind him.

After he left, Qing Xuan and others appeared beside Qing Long and said, "How are you, Brother?"

"It's okay, it's still affordable."

Qinglong calmed down the anger in his heart, and then he said to Qingxuan Tao: "Big deal, it will be more than a hundred years of effort, but as long as I am willing to work hard and have enough resources, then I can still invest in the heavenly world Unparalleled strong. "

"Congratulations, brother."

When Qingxuan saw Qinglong talking, he was full of heaven and earth. At this moment, he finally understood the difference between Dixian and ordinary fairy, so he was greatly appreciated.

"Okay, no need to flatter."

Qinglong snorted coldly, and proudly walked out of the aisle: "Go, let's go and meet Ye Xiaohu for a while."

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu also put the confiscated spear aside in the formation, then stretched his lazy waist, and immediately smiled confidently: "I had 50% or 60% hope, but now After the addition of a seventh-grade spear, my chances of winning are at least several times higher than in the past, and at least 80% of my hopes will win. "

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