Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1227: : Dream and Future

(Cat flapping Chinese)

Peng Jin's house.

Originally he wanted to welcome Ye Xiaohu back, but he just walked out the door, and he saw a few familiar people, so Peng Jin gave up to welcome Ye Xiaohu back, and entertained the guests into his room.

I saw that Peng Jin prepared some fine tea for the guests and some special desserts.

After confirming that there was no rudeness, Peng Jincai returned to the throne with a satisfied expression, and asked with a smile: "What kind of wind is today, actually blowing the two brothers?"

"We have been retreating before, and have never asked the outer court."

I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the left hand side of Peng Jin. After glancing at the person opposite, he saw the other person drinking tea, so he sighed and said, "We ended up a few days ago and placed Master's old man At that time, I learned that you were seriously injured, so the two of us deliberately came to see our brother. "

"Sorry for two of Brother Luo's thoughts, cough ..."

Thanks to the guests, but Peng Jin was excited and triggered a wound in the body, directly spraying a little blood.

However, Peng Jin was clearly prepared, so he took out his handkerchief, wiped the corners of his mouth gently, and then sighed: "But my injury this time, I think there will be no way to recover at one and a half. So In my second uncle's case, there are two brothers, you care more. "

"Will there be no way to be good at half past one?"

The brother on the right, put down the teacup in his hand and said: "Can you ask the fairy doctor?"


Peng Jin reluctantly smiled bitterly: "After I was injured, I basically went to the fairy doctor every day to ask, but the results I got were not particularly ideal."

"Is it so serious?"

The guest on the right-hand side couldn't help thinking for a while: "It seems he didn't lie to me."


Peng Jin looked at the guest on the right side and said, "Brother Yanyang, but who has told you about me?"


The Yanyang on the right used it. After sighing, he cautiously said: "After visiting Master before, the director of the outer court, Gu Tiancheng, found me and wanted to beg me to help him do something.

"The Dean is looking for you?"

Peng Jin frowned, then suddenly realized: "But has something to do with me?"

"Yes, this matter does have something to do with you, so I need your help."

The brother named Peng Jin as Yanyang, then briefly talked to Peng Jinxu about his purpose here.

The matter began when they went out, met Uncle Peng Jin, met Gutian Cheng, and exchanged Gutian as Qinglong and Fengqing Mountain to ask for the qualification of the ancient Tianting site.

After just 13 exchanges, Peng Jin finally understood the purpose of the two brothers' arrival.

Under such circumstances, Peng Jin frowned tightly.

After only thinking for a moment, then said to the two brothers that he refused: "If it is something else, or where I need Peng Jin's help, even if Dean Gu Tiancheng doesn't go to the second brother, come directly to me It can be solved. But at this time it is related to the students under my door and the ruins of the ancient heaven, so it is difficult for me to help. "

Peng Jin knew very well that a genius like Ye Xiaohu couldn't pull him back, and delayed his continued growth.

"Brother, don't you want to hear about the benefits of Gutian Chengkai?"

Yan Yang smiled bitterly: "If you listen to this benefit and still refuse, then I haven't been a brother."

"OK then!"

Peng Jin glanced at Yanyang and found that he had a serious expression on his face, and could not help feeling softly: "Brother, please say."

"Gu Tiancheng said that he can directly apply for ten years of educational resources for you to use to nurture the college. At the same time, he will also consult with other teachers to let you select an excellent student from their class to train."

Yan Yang said while looking at Peng Jin.

As expected, Peng Jin's heart moved a little, and Yan Yang continued under such circumstances: "Of course, this is not the most critical thing. It really makes me agree, and take the initiative to persuade you that the condition is one. God of Heaven. "


When he heard Huan Tiandan, Peng Jin jumped directly from his chair.

Obviously he knew Huan Tian Dan, so he said incredulously: "Hua Tian Dan, that is the panacea that Tianxian can only possess. Does Gu Tiancheng have broken through?"

"There shouldn't be a breakthrough yet, but I want to come to a half-step heaven."

After seeing Yan Yang thinking for a while, he said cautiously: "Brother, let's not talk about resources. Let's just say that this can not only repair the damage you have suffered before, but also allow you to go further. What about being happy? "


"But what? For a student who doesn't want to work, do you have to give up your future, give up your future, give up your ideals?"

"But he is my student after all ~ ~ I can't ruin his future for my own selfish desires!"

"People don't kill themselves, let alone Gu Tiancheng said, this is not to deprive Ye Xiaohu's qualifications forever, but will help Ye Xiaohu not to make a difference in the future, let Ye Xiaohu enter the ancient Tianting ruins again to realize the Tao."

Yan Yang and the two spoke one after another, and refuted Peng Jin's words step by step.

Under such circumstances, Peng Jin became very entangled.

At this time, Yan Yang added another sentence: "Don't you forget, brother, and soon you will be the test for the novice tutor of the college. Brother, you are the penultimate for ten consecutive years, if you miss this opportunity , It is equivalent to offending Gu Tiancheng. If you are not careful, you will lose the qualification to teach. So how can you persist in your dreams? "


Peng Jin's lifelong dream was to hope that, like his father, he could teach in the fairy college and lead his disciples into immortals.

However, his talent and coaching ability are too poor, and he has not trained a talent for so many years.

For a time, dreams and Ye Xiaohu's future were entangled in Peng Jin's mind.

At this time, he remembered the situation when he saw Ye Xiaohu for the first time, and he could not help but spit out a sigh of air: "Although Gu Tiancheng's condition made me perturbed, but since Ye Xiaohu rejected Gu Tiancheng's Well-intentioned, then there must be his own calculations. As his teacher, I still don't want to pull back for him. "

"This is what you decided?"



Yan Yang glared at Peng Jin, then stood up and walked out.

Peng Jin, who watched the big scene, quickly followed up: "Two brothers, I will send you."

(End of this chapter)

"猫 扑" in Chinese

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