Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1228: : Alchemy for Peng Jin

"no need."

"We can go by ourselves. After you go back, think about it carefully. If you want to regret it, then you can contact us as soon as possible, and we will help you connect from it."

The Yanyang duo turned back and said to Peng Jin once again, hoping that Peng Jin could change his mind, but in the end he saw Peng Jin's determined expression, which made the Yanyang duo slightly unhappy.

In fact, their nature will not be bad, nor will they go to Peng Jin, after all, Peng Jin has a close relationship with them.

But they hate Peng Jin like this, do not know how to choose forward and backward.

In such a life-and-death situation, and when there may be major setbacks in the career, it is not a wise choice to choose a compromise plan instead of such a tough rejection.

Therefore, after the two decided to go back, they decided to draw a clear relationship with Peng Jin to ensure their own interests and were not implicated by Peng Jin.

Peng Jin didn't know what Yan Yang thought, but he was still bitterly smiling at this moment.

It wasn't until I saw the two of them again that Peng Jin looked back with a sigh.

Just when he planned to return to his house, he saw several people standing behind him.

This shocked Peng Jin, thinking that what happened last time would come again.

He Cheng wanted to see that when he made a defensive move, he saw that the person standing behind him was not a masked wicked person, but his own students.

So Peng Jin was relieved, and his face became ruddy: "Why are you all here?"

"Let's visit the teacher."

"Teacher, are you feeling better?"

"We are all incompetent and cannot protect your teacher."

Wang Yixiao and others came forward to care about Peng Jin, which made Peng Jin feel very warm. Even the trouble just now was thrown out of his mind at this moment.

At this moment, Peng Jin finally realized why he wanted to be a mentor. It was for this moment, to cultivate some talented disciples and hug them together.

When he hugged one by one, he finally came to Ye Xiaohu.

I saw Ye Xiaohu stepping forward, and also gave him a hug, and sincerely said: "It's because of the student's reasons that embarrass the teacher."

Although Ye Xiaohu was later, but also through the ability to sense the soul, and his own judgment, speculated that seven seven eight eight.

So when he heard that Peng Jin decided to refuse the two of Yan Yang, Ye Xiaohu was very happy and thought Peng Jin was a good mentor.

So after embracing Peng Jin, Ye Xiaohu would ask such a sincere question.

"Nothing, that's what I should do."

Peng Jin laughed bitterly, saying it would be impossible without extra thoughts, but he kept his heart and guarded his final pride and duties.

Therefore, when Ye Xiaohu inquired, Peng Jin could say frankly: "And it is not my turn to decide this matter. Even if they want it, they have to get your own approval from Ye Xiaohu."

"No matter what, teacher you have taken a lot of responsibility for me, so I deserve to thank you."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Peng Jin, and then thought about it and asked with concern: "Yes, I heard from Senior Teacher Liu Qingshui," Teacher, you are injured, please ask where is the injury, if convenient, let the students take a look. "

"It was indeed a bit of an internal injury, but there was no major problem."

Peng Jin, in a good mood, couldn't help shaking his head and said, "What's the point of not looking at it?"

"internal injury?"

Reaching the fairy realm, it is not easy to encounter some internal injuries.

After all, the body of the fairy has been strengthened not weakly, which is comparable to the level of the fairy.

So Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to reach out and put it on Peng Jin's arm: "Let the students take a look, maybe the students can help the teacher treat you."

"Are you still a fairy doctor?"


Ye Xiaohu doesn't have any qualifications, but he and Bian Que and others in Gu Tianting have learned some medical skills.

But Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to explain this problem, so Ye Xiaohu directly used his own sensing ability to sense the problems in Peng Jin's body.

Under Ye Xiaohu's induction, the situation in Peng Jin's body was quickly changed.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't find any problems, so Ye Xiaohu said: "Mr. Peng Jin, you must let go of your defense and let me check your body carefully, otherwise if you have any alert mentality, then my test will be If something goes wrong, it will affect my treatment for you. "

"I know."

After being ordered by Ye Xiaohu, and not wanting Ye Xiaohu to be embarrassed, Peng Jin breathed a sigh of relief, trying to relax himself, and at the same time lifting his psychological defense.

Peng Jin is not fortified, Ye Xiaohu will be much easier to check.

In a few seconds, Ye Xiaohu found a yin and yang airflow in Peng Jin's body.

This yin and yang air flow sometimes separates and sometimes gathers together, causing serious damage to the veins in Peng Jin's body, making it unable to heal for a long time.

After the inspection was completed, Ye Xiaohu re-filtered the side again, and after confirming that there were no problems, Ye Xiaohu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and regained his power of induction.

Seeing this scene, Peng Jin couldn't help but smile slightly: "Don't be stressed, you are not a real fairy doctor anyway, so even if you can't cure it, it's no big deal."

"Do not."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head on the spot, and said cautiously: "Mr. Peng Jin, I can treat your problem, as long as the medicine is enough."

"Can't ..."

At first, Peng Jin thought that Ye Xiaohu said that he could not cure, but when he woke up, he immediately grew surprised and said: "Xiaohu, are you kidding me? I asked many fairy doctors, they all said There is no cure ~ ~ They are them, I am me. "

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then thought about it carefully: "But I am thinking about how to use the yin and yang in your body to achieve the best treatment."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Peng Jin was a little confused and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu opened his mouth and asked, "Is there any place for selling medicinal herbs in the college?"

"Yes, just behind the mountain."

Peng Jin didn't speak, and Liu Qingshui next to him said first, "What kind of medicine do you need, student? I'll buy it now."

"You lead the way, I will go in person."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then told Peng Jin: "Ms. Peng Jin, you should not be practicing these two days to avoid further damage to your body, and do not take any other medicine, wait for my days."

(End of this chapter)

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