Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1232: : Xiaohu shot

"It's you."

Liu Qingshui, who sheltered Ye Xiaohu behind him, and after seeing clearly the members of a scum party, immediately pointed at one of the men and made a horrified voice, obviously that person Liu Qingshui knew.

Under such circumstances, Liu Qingshui's face was unsightly and said: "Zhuang Zedong, don't you say that you have to go to a greater future after leaving the class? How did you end up, but choose to fall into the scum party?"

The scum party is an abbreviation.

In fact, this organization has a lot of names, but they have a main line, that is to do all kinds of things that are not tuned, all kinds of stolen and tricky things, to obtain their own interests, so it is called an organization that everyone in the fairy college spurns.

"Liu Qingshui, why are you here?"

Zhuang Zedong glanced at Liu Qingshui and Ye Xiaohu, who was standing behind him, and could not help but frown, "Who is that kid?"


Liu Qingshui smiled bitterly: "He is also your younger brother."


After Zhuang Zedong heard Liu Qingshui's words, his face changed suddenly.

I saw him walking to the man with the thief and squinting eyes, and gave him a slap: "Damn, don't you know the identity of the other party when you catch Kaizi? A person like Liu Qingshui, such a junior What kind of treasure can there be in the hands of the waste from the class? "


The thief eyed man also wanted to explain, but he found a helpless thing just after the explanation, because the opposite Zhuang Zedong apparently did not listen.

I saw Zhuang Zedong turned to the big brother who said: "Brother, they are a bunch of garbage. I guess we will run away this time."

"White can't run away."

Zhuang Zedong's big brother took a look at Liu Qingshui and then Ye Xiaohudao: "Our usual habit of organizing is that goose plucks hair, so he scavenged the things on them and threw them aside to save the eyes."


Hearing the big brother's words, Zhuang Zedong left and waved his lower arm.

So the little brothers who stood beside him and the big brother stepped forward one by one and went straight to Ye Xiaohu and Liu Qingshui.

"Zhuang Zedong, you are really heartbroken now."

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshui pushed Ye Xiaohu back: "I stopped, you go back to the law enforcement team and grab all the scum."

"Want to run now, do you feel possible?"

As soon as Liu Qingshui's words fell, he saw Zhuang Zedong directly came to his side and said, "Come, Liu Qingshui let me try your growth over the past few years."

"Go to hell!"

Liu Qingshui roared and directly punched Zhuang Zedong with his backhand.

Zhuang Zedong glanced at Liu Qingshui, and then punched Liu Qingshui's face.


Liu Qingshui tried his best to fight back, but when his fist collided with Zhuang Zedong, without any resistance, Zhuang Zedong defeated his defense and directly hit Liu Qingshui in the face.

"It seems that in the past few years, you are still in a mess, still as vulnerable as in the past."

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Zedong couldn't help but sigh, and then confidently said: "In this way, my original choice was very wise."

"Bah, you're just trash with a bad personality."

Although Liu Qingshui was punched, he still didn't have any action to ask for mercy, but responded very strongly to Zhuang Zedong.

Under such circumstances, Zhuang Zedong couldn't help but look gangsterly: "Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Zhuang Zedong condensed the skill of the whole body, waving the iron fist again, and fiercely chiseled at Liu Qingshui.

In such a thrilling situation, an invisible big hand stretched out from the side and grasped Zhuang Zedong's wrist accurately: "If you want to teach my senior, do you also have to ask my younger brother whether he agrees? "

"Xiaohu ... you're going."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Liu Qingshui quickly shouted, "This group of people is a group of inhumane scum, a group of trash that has been eliminated, you must not fall in because of me. You can rest assured that they dare not kill me, At most, teach me a meal and take away my things. "

Liu Qingshui is very clear, Ye Xiaohu's cultivation is not weak.

But after all, there is only one person. How is Zhuang Zedong's opponent?

When Liu Qingshui shouted, he saw Zhuang Zedong directly force him and threw him away: "Since someone wants to be brave, then I will teach him first and then come back to clean you up."

Zhuang Zedong ignored Liu Qingshui, but instead walked towards Ye Xiaohu with a fierce look: "Say, how do you want to die?"

"I haven't lived enough, I haven't completed my task, so I won't die."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, then said calmly: "What's more, by your means, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid I can't do it yet."

"Asshole, dare to underestimate me."

Zhuang Zedong roared, and since his debut he has fought countless battles, but he has never been despised.

But he was despised by a younger generation today, which made Zhuang Zedong how to endure, so he roared angrily, trying to escape from Ye Xiaohu's hand, and waved a punch to Ye Xiaohu's face.


But the result was surprising, because Zhuang Zedong's iron fist did not achieve any success.

I saw his fist hit Ye Xiaohu's head as if he wanted to hit it on the steel plate, but his hands hurt. At the same time, his other hand didn't break away from Ye Xiaohu's hand, which made Zhuang Zedong's face black and suddenly felt the situation was not good.

"Do you only have these two?"

"That really disappointed me."

Ye Xiaohu felt the other party's greatest fighting power ~ ~ is nothing more than the late stage of the ordinary fairy, not even the level of a half-step fairy.

This made Ye Xiaohu slightly disappointed, so he let go of Zhuang Zedong's arm.

When he regained his freedom, Zhuang Zedong's face suddenly looked better. When he was about to continue fighting, he saw Ye Xiaohu's figure and disappeared into his sight.

When Ye Xiaohu appeared again, he had already come to him.


I saw Ye Xiaohu's head hit hard and smashed **** Zhuang Zedong's forehead, making Zhuang Zedong groan and feel the sky turning, as if the soul was leaving the body.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu hit another knee, he slammed into Zhuang Zedong's abdomen. He flicked Zhuang Zedong's body down a few hundred meters on the spot.

Then Ye Xiaohu walked to Liu Qingshui and asked with concern: "Senior, how is your body, can you continue to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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