Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1233: : Yin Yang grass

"I can."

Liu Qingshui struggled to stand up, and said with an appraisal: "Xiaohu, rest assured, I will not drag you down."

"There is nothing to drag on."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then smiled and responded: "We are a student instructed by a teacher, you are a senior, and I am a younger brother, so in case of trouble, we naturally have to help each other.

"Little Tiger ..."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Liu Qingshui felt very excited.

Because in his memory, students in the past who encountered such things, basically chose spot colors and could escape, but there are few people like Ye Xiaohu who are dead and have to help themselves.

You can say Ye Xiaohu is stupid, I don't know how to find a helper, I don't know how to ask for help.

But for Liu Qingshui, this is a great kindness.

"Dare the two trashes run wild in this place?"

"You still want to save him, I think you will stay too."

"We are not the waste of Zhuang Zedong, will let you kill a later show."

"Boy, you're done, we will not only grab everything from you in a while, but also let you go back to the class in a smooth way."

Zhuang Zedong ’s Yu Party clearly did not perceive the danger.

In such a situation, they are approaching Ye Xiaohu one by one.

But their movement just started, they saw Ye Xiaohu disappeared in place, and took out a Qipin spear in his hand, and turned a big loop towards the front.


Without any accident, the people in front were swept away by Ye Xiaohu.

Only a few two people can barely stand still, but their face is not very good-looking. Obviously, that trick has just caused them some minor injuries.

"who are you?"

The big man behind Zhuang Zedong, the leader of the scumbag, Zhou Jianyun, said cautiously: "Cultivation to reach your point, with such a powerful magic weapon, is it not necessarily an ordinary newcomer?"

"Does it matter?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly, and then continued to kill toward the front: "I only know a little now, you are our enemy, so you lie down to me."


When Ye Xiaohu was armed with a spear and stepped through the battle step by step.

Zhou Jianyun also took out a spear and made a flying dragon move in the sky, directly chiseling towards Ye Xiaohu.


When they touched each other, Zhou Jianyun didn't understand what was going on, and he found his spear, but it broke off.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Jianyun couldn't help but look gangster: "The seventh grade, the seventh grade lance, and the newcomer, are you in the new and old contest, defeating Qinglong's Ye Xiaohu?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu sneered and continued to attack: "However, don't you feel that it's too late to discover all this?"


However, when Ye Xiaohu swept past, he saw Zhou Jianyun, who was originally fierce, and his legs were so soft that he knelt down on the spot.

This move made Ye Xiaohu, who was originally about to attack, have to stop his attack and watched Zhou Jianyun slightly dazed.

Brother, you are a fairy!

Although in today's fairyland, the fairy is no longer valuable, but you can't have a little face, right?


During the fight, you kneel directly on the ground to beg for mercy, what the **** is that?

"Student, please bypass me this time."

Zhou Jianyu smiled bitterly and said annoyedly: "We don't want to do this either, but within the college, poor students like us can only make a decision to mix it up."

Ye Xiaohu was stunned, Liu Qingshui was stunned, and even Zhou Jianyun's subordinates were stunned. For a while, everyone didn't know what to do.

a long time.

Ye Xiaohu welcomed him, and then sighed: "If you knew today, why should you?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Zhou Jianyun was unable to find a reason to defend himself for a while.

But Ye Xiaohu apparently did not intend to get entangled in this topic, so he sighed and said: "Yes, you give me everything on your body, then this time will be over."

"Thank you, brother, for raising your hands, adults do not remember villains."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Zhou Jianyun hurriedly gave Ye Xiaohu everything he had.

Ye Xiaohu nodded, but after taking a look, he said dissatisfiedly, "Are you playing me?"

"How dare I play you?"

"What about the Yin Yang grass I want?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Zhou Jianyun suddenly remembered something, so he stood up and walked quickly to Zhuang Zedong's side, and took Zhuang Zedong's storage space implement, and also handed over to Ye Xiaohu Road: "Yinyang grass is inside."

"Huh, hope you didn't lie to me."

Ye Xiaohu opened the space instrument and glanced at it. Sure enough, he saw Yin and Yang grass, so Ye Xiaohu said with a little satisfaction: "Okay, you can all go. Don't let me see you continue to do such things in the future, otherwise I Watch it once, then grab you once. "

"Yes, we must correct evil."

At the command of Ye Xiaohu, Zhou Jianyun directly greeted his little brother, and then turned and left.

Looking at their backs, Liu Qingshui walked to Ye Xiaohu's side and said, "Xiaohu, has your cultivation base been arrogant to this level?"

"It's not that I am arrogant, but they are too weak ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then faced Liu Qingshui:" The fighting power called Zhou Jianyun is not weak, if he joins so many others, we will fight against us Boom words, we are definitely not his opponent. But he was born with cartilage and has lost the talent and heart of a fairy. So when he knew my identity, he suddenly felt that there was no chance of victory, so he gave up the last battle. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Liu Qingshui nodded and said, “Xiaohu, you are right. As a fairy, we must have the fearlessness, perseverance, and courage ... not a waste, and we are afraid and scared when we encounter danger. Even run away. "

"Neither of you, nor of them. You were born in the fairyland as soon as you were born, so you have the talented spirit roots that ordinary people do not have. This allows you to become immortal in a short time, but also makes your heart appear. Countless cracks, once in danger, they will lose direction and courage. "

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said to Liu Qingshui: "Senior, if you want to make great progress in the future, then I advise you, it is better to go out and experience more life and death battles, so as to inspire The hidden potential in your body puts you in a higher state. "

(End of this chapter)

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