Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1234: : Instinct to move

"Go away."

"That kid is so scary."

"Cultivation is so high, and there is such a powerful magic weapon. In the end, which big family's children, run to play pigs and eat tigers in front of us?"

"I know that the kid, who seems to be called Ye Xiaohu, is not a child of a big family, but his talent is very different, but it is a very scary genius."

Zhou Jianyun and others ran for a while, finally found a place and got some breathing opportunities.

I saw them sitting and sitting, standing and standing, one by one scattered all over the place.

Just when they complained one by one, Ye Xiaohu had previously taught Zhuang Zedong fiercely, stood up angrily from the ground, and just turned around and wanted to kill him back.

Obviously, his mood and complexity have not been relieved.

After all, he was taught the most by Ye Xiaohu, and still in front of his old classmates.


That thought he had just stepped in, and was stopped by Zhou Jianyun: "What the **** are you doing?"

"Big brother, I'm going to get revenge."

Hearing Zhou Jianyun ’s words, Zhuang Zedong could n’t help but look back tragically: “I was taught by that garbage, I ’m not willing to leave in such a disgrace. And we have given them all the resources we have worked so hard for so long, what do we do in the future?”

"Revenge, what revenge do you take?"

Zhou Jianyun stood up and walked to Zhuang Zedong's side, and gave him a slap: "Zhuang Zedong, please wake up. You are like me, rubbish. In the eyes of those geniuses, we are completely vulnerable. How do you let us go? Revenge? Do you want to die, wait for them to catch us, and send them to the law enforcement for severe punishment? If you want to be locked up in the dark, no color space by the college, then trouble yourself, do n’t get involved we."


Zhuang Zedong stood in awe, and could not help but fear: "But are we just like this, watching them eat our resources and let go?"

"Do you think that Zhou Jianyun is a non-vengeful person?"

Zhou Jianyun snorted, sorted out his collar, and then said calmly: "It was a while ago, some people came to dig us, and I was still hesitating. But now the resources in our hands have been taken by Ye Xiaohu. The search is done completely, and then continue to look at the scum party's work, it is estimated that it has not been as smooth as before. Rather than saying this, we might as well now turn to a larger force and wait for the opportunity to revenge Ye Xiaohu. "

"But when will that wait?"

Zhuang Zedong still said dissatisfiedly: "Can't you wait for decades?"

"Relax, it won't be delayed until that day. Because the people we want to trust have a very good relationship with Qinggu Yimai, I believe he won't watch Qinggu Yimai indifferently. "

Zhou Jianyun said proudly: "As long as you follow me, I believe that it won't take long before you can see the picture of Ye Xiaohu kneeling in front of us for mercy."

Hearing Zhou Jianyun being so confident, there were still some hesitant Zhuang Zedong, and finally gave up his persistence, because he knew Zhou Jianyun was right, and with his own power, there was no way to get revenge.

So he returned directly to Zhou Jianyun and followed Zhou Jianyun to join the new forces.


"Xiaohu, they haven't returned yet."

"Don't know if they found the herbs?"

"Xiaohu's talent is good, but I don't know what his talent of Dan Dao is. Don't make Teacher Peng Jin happy!"

Just as Wang Yixiao and others waited for Ye Xiaohu in the class.

Ye Xiaohu, who returned home with a full load, finally walked back with a smile of Liu Qingshui.

"How is Xiaohu?"

When they saw Ye Xiaohu, everyone immediately swarmed and asked with concern.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu said with a vowed face: "Relax, now that I have all the herbs together, only the last alchemy."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Peng Jin, who had been sitting nearby, could n’t help but sigh: “Xiaohu, life and death are rich and prosperous in the sky. I ’ve prepared for the worst, so you do n’t have to fight too hard.”

"Relaxed teacher, I will do everything to do everything. If I do n’t have the confidence to cure you, then I wo n’t promise to make alchemy for you."

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly to Peng Jin, and then said to Liu Qingshui and others: "Okay, I will go back to the alchemy in the room now. In the process, I hope that several of you, seniors, can help me guard the dormitory, no Let any outsider disturb me, so as not to affect my alchemy. "

"Relax, we will never disturb your alchemy."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Liu Qingshui resolutely said: "Unless they stepped on my body from Liu Qingshui."

"Relax, it's not that serious."

Ye Xiaohu laughed bitterly, then walked to Liu Qingshui's side and patted him on the shoulder.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to Peng Jin and others and went directly to his room.

After taking a simple bath and changing clothes, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then prepared the materials one by one, making sure there were no omissions.

Ye Xiaohu satisfactorily put all the medicinal herbs into the alchemy furnace he prepared.

Because of the special requirements of Yin-Yang Dan, Ye Xiaohu temporarily put Yin-Yang grass or something aside, and first refined some other Elixir to help the Dan furnace preheat to avoid the failure of refining Yin-Yang Dan.

Huanyang Dan.

Nine Phoenix Pills.

Ye Xiaohu refined one pot and another potion.

When Ye Xiaohu felt that it was almost time, he put the precious herbs such as Yin Yang grass into the Dan furnace according to different procedures ~ ~ Immediately after Ye Xiao Hu urged the three flavors of real fire, a little bit of burning .

In Ye Xiaohu ’s cultivation practice, he has successfully returned to the Immortal and reached the level of a half-step Dixian, so in this case, Ye Xiaohu released the three flavors of real fire, which did not affect the burning of the red furnace and the refining of red medicine. .

On the first day, Ye Xiaohu boiled the medicinal herbs into a liquid solution.

The next day, Ye Xiaohu merged the danxie fluids together in different tracks and sequences to form giant drops of water.

On the third day, Ye Xiaohu displayed the last method to complete the final fusion of Danye. So thousands of elixirs form a huge elixir, and a little bit of solidification, forming the prototype of the elixir.

...... In the next few days, Ye Xiaohu watched the Yin and Yang Pills he made a little bit, and the whole person's mood became comfortable.

Six days later, Ye Xiaohu completed the last recipe, and Yin and Yang Dan were released.

(End of this chapter)

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