Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1238: : Challenge all of you

Mentor evaluation.

This is a very important event for the Immortal Academy.

After all, the mentors of the Faculty of Immortals have every level.

Therefore, we have to conduct a test every year to eliminate those inferior tutors, or no progress, which affects the trainees.

"Lao Qi, how are you doing?"

"I'm not very good. Xiuwei hasn't made much progress."

"I have made a lot of progress in my cultivation, but the students in our class are still poor in this class, and they have been eating at the bottom for several consecutive times."

"The bottom is not afraid, anyway, it is not the penultimate."

"Yes, I heard that Peng Jin only recruited two or three big and small cats this year, and he even ran the old students, so this time his class will be at the bottom."

The mentors of the Immortal Academy got together in twos and threes and exchanged the mentors' assessment.

But no matter how bad their performance is, they know that this time they will be safe and sound, because of the presence of Peng Jin.

Under such circumstances, they naturally have no fear.

At this time, their savior, Peng Jin, known as the bottom king, finally led Ye Xiaohu and others to come.

When they saw Peng Jin, everyone gave up a position.

This is not to respect him, but does not want to contact Peng Jin, and is thus disgusted by others.

After all, Peng Jin is the one to be eliminated, and sooner or later will leave their circle.

"These people are really abominable."

"They also serve as mentors?"

Seeing this scene, Nangong Yiyue and others expressed their dissatisfaction.

As for Ye Xiaohu, it doesn't matter, because he knows that today is a day to change fate.

So he stood quietly behind Peng Jin, but did not grab Peng Jin's style.

"Let them go."

Under such circumstances, Peng Jin looked back at them, then responded lightly, and then he walked towards an empty place where there was no outsider.

After arriving at the place, Ye Xiaohu and others found a place to sit down and meditate quietly to recuperate.

After this continued for a while, a group of famous mentors led by Gu Tiancheng also came to the officialdom.

I saw his eyes glanced around, and finally saw Peng Jin and his colleagues in the corner, could not help but smile.

Immediately after he walked to the high platform, he announced to Ye Xiaohu and others: "The annual mentor evaluation starts again. I hope you can make a lot of progress at one time, so that you will not stagnate or decline every year. Of course, for the people at the end of the continuous crane, according to the rules of the college, you can only trouble you to change a position. "

Hearing Gu Tiancheng's words, everyone laughed loudly, obviously very happy.

Because they know who Gu Tiancheng is talking about.

At this time, Gu Tiancheng reached out and pressed everyone, and then announced: "The mentor evaluation is still the old rules. The mentor training is first evaluated, and the worst mentor is selected. The college evaluation is followed by a look at the class The level and practice of the academy inside determines the final judgment. "

No change in the rules, so everyone nodded.

"Since everyone has no objections, then follow the rules."

I saw Gu Tiancheng's announcement: "Now it is possible to conduct mentorship training for evaluation. Are there any people who throw bricks to attract jade?"

"I come."

Gu Tiancheng's words just fell down, and a mentor jumped out and said: "My Wang Yuan is not talented. I want to challenge Teacher Diao Deer first."

Everyone looked at it in the past, and as a result, they saw a fat man with big ears, and immediately jumped out and said: "Wang Yuanjin, I know you are old and immortal, and will definitely challenge me."

"You said you dare to face the battle?"

"Don't you dare?"

Diao Deer snorted coldly and then said to Wang Yuan, "I will win you one move at a time, and I will win you again this time."

"This time it's not that easy."

Wang Yuan laughed with pride, and then released his practice.

Realizing that Wang Yuanjin's cultivation was breathing, Diao Deer's complexion changed instantly, and the whole person shivered with anger: "Damn, did your **** break through first?"

"Not bad."

Wang Yuan said proudly: "Do you dare to fight now?"

"you win."

Diao Deer originally had some confidence, but when he saw Wang Yuanjin's improvement for last year, he knew he was no longer an opponent.

So he directly defeated and said, "Huh, you and I are not the protagonists this year, so I won't fight you anymore, this time you won."

Diao De'er and Wang Yuan's recent rankings are both higher rankings.

So when he left Diao De Er, no one else said much.

So some mentors with grievances took another step forward and challenged their enemies one after another.

After playing for more than a dozen games in this way, a mentor ranked the penultimate person and stood up from the crowd. I saw him walking carefully in front of Gu Tiancheng and said: "President, the old man, this time I want to challenge Peng Jin, please ask the Dean to complete it. "


If it was in the past, Gu Tiancheng would suppress it because of the reason of Uncle Peng.

But Peng Jin ’s second uncle was already a grasshopper after the autumn, and because Peng Jin swept his face, Gu Tiancheng was too lazy to announce directly at the tiger Peng Jin: "Next, Jiang Duoshan will challenge Peng Jin."

"It's finally here."

Although Peng Jin knew that there would be this day, when this day arrived ~ ~ Peng Jin still felt very lost.

But the mentor assessment is a mentor assessment, and Peng Jin is not allowed to be careless.

So Peng Jin stood up from his own place under the attention of many people, and then walked toward the square with satisfaction.

When he stood still, Jiang Duoshan who came to challenge Peng Jin couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Senior Peng Jin, I can't lift the tail of the crane, so this time I can only challenge you. Please enlighten me."

"Relax, you and I have worked together for many years, and it's an old acquaintance. I won't make you particularly ugly."

Jiang Duoshan's relationship with Peng Jin is not bad. After all, both of them are instructors at the rear of the college crane and know each other's difficulties.

But today's Peng Jin is not the former Peng Jin.

So after responding to Jiang Duoshan, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and said to everyone present: "I know all of you colleagues, many of you are bewitched, so you are waiting to challenge me. , Then I Peng Jin will give you a chance to stand here today to challenge all of you. "

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