Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1239: : Victory in battle


Peng Jin must be crazy, otherwise he would never say such big words.

The person who is the last one for nine consecutive years has to challenge everyone.

For a while, everyone looked at Peng Jin's eyes with a little more pity. Obviously they guessed why Peng Jin said that.

"Peng Jin, you don't have to break the jar, you have to work hard anyway and try to move forward!"

"Peng Jin, if you do this, you might as well surrender directly, which would save us hands-on."

"Anyway, you will lose if you don't fight, why don't you just admit defeat?"

"Peng Jin, you asked for it. I will teach you a hard meal."

Some people who care about Peng Jin will also persuade Peng Jin.

But those who don't care, or who have grievances with Peng Jin, are rushing their hands and planning to fight.

After all, this time, picking a group of ideas, but Peng Jin put forward it himself, so if they go together, it will not be considered a violation.

Under such circumstances, they will naturally not be polite.

"Big talk?"

Facing some friendly persuasion, Peng Jin could not help but bow his head and smiled slightly.

If Peng Jin did this a year, or a few months ago, then he must be bragging and pretending.

But when he met Ye Xiaohu, everything changed.

So Peng Jin took a deep breath, then raised his head and said proudly: "I said, I jumped up with you alone, if you dare not fight, then surrender and admit defeat."

"you wanna die."

Seeing Peng Jinning die, a tutor in the outer courtyard of the Immortal Academy glanced at Fengqing Mountain sitting not far away.

I saw Feng Qingshan nodded slightly, so he sneered directly and didn't take out his magic weapon. He punched Peng Jin with an empty hand and said: "Peng Jin, let the old man take a look at your qualifications in front of us Pretend. "

In the last mentor evaluation, the top 50 experts shot.

For a while, everyone looked at this big shot, obviously they felt some incredible, like such a powerful mentor, actually shot in the first test.

"Well done, just let me test the Fa."

Peng Jin didn't have any fear of seeing the tutor rushing towards himself.

Instead, in the attention of everyone, Ye Xiaohu was given a thankful look, and then punched at his opponent.


Two fists meet.

When most people think that the competition is completely over.

As a result, there was an accident. Peng Jin did not get hit on the spot, but stood as steady as Taishan, as if everything just had nothing to do with him.

But his opponent, the mentor who was able to line up in the top 50 last year, under the punch of Peng Jin's blood, actually flew directly forty or fifty meters.

Although after landing on the ground, there is still the power to fight again.

But judging from a round just now, Peng Jin almost defeated his opponent with little effort.

"How can this be?"

"What happened just now, why did the top 50 tutors fail even Peng Jin?"

"Is this still the penultimate tutor?"

"Miracle, this must be a miracle."

Everyone looked at Peng Jin's eyes, and there were some changes. Apparently, Peng Jin's performance just changed them.

At this time, Peng Jin, who was standing on the spot, withdrew his arms with satisfaction, and then said to the rest of the people: "What I said just now still counts. If you want to go together, then I stand here Places are waiting for you to challenge. If I fail then, I will still be the last one and never change. "

Understand that in accordance with the rules of the past, Peng Jin defeated the top 50 strong men, then it is equal to the top 50 mentors, and this evaluation can be kept.

But Peng Jin was not content, but instead wanted to continue to challenge everyone.

This is Peng Jin's pride, this is Peng Jin's venting, this is Peng Jin's looking for the face he lost in the past ...

Under such circumstances, the mentors who had hatred with Peng Jin once looked at each other.

Without words, everyone knows their own ideas.

Peng Jin must not be allowed to continue to be a mentor, otherwise their future will be very embarrassing.

So one after another, a dozen or twenty people stood together in a moment, they formed a huge team, and released a cold killing opportunity against Peng Jin.

"Since you want a person to challenge our group, then we will fulfill you."

Swish swish.

I saw one mentor, one after another rushed to Peng Jin.

In the middle of the process, they have exhibited their peerless magic, obviously with the previous example, so they do not want to fail.

So they united one by one, forming a shock wave of terror.

"Come well, so that there is a battle."

Facing this scene, Peng Jin ~ ~ has no fear at all, but has some more victories.

I saw Peng Jin full of fighting spirit looked at the people who joined forces, and then vowed: "Come on! Let me see if the fighting power that you have joined forces can force me to show the peak fighting power."

When they met Peng Jin, those who didn't play were stunned.

Some people who had originally planned to join the war group suddenly stopped, and obviously they noticed something was wrong.

Just when they hesitated, Peng Jin, who was surrounded by the core, silently operated the magic method he practiced.

next moment.

A huge breath emerged from Peng Jin's body, which was comparable to the shock wave released by a dozen or twenty mentors in a flash.

"Xian Fa: Tong Tian Shu."

Without any hesitation, Peng Jin directly released a fairy method he cultivated under the public attention.

Immediately after consuming immortal energy, a beam of light condensed was directly chiseled at the enemy in front of him.


The two sides collided together, and at the beginning they were still able to fight.

But as Peng Jin gritted his teeth and increased his strength, those combined forces finally showed a slight crack.


After a few seconds, the shock wave released by the first opponent could not withstand the celestial spell released by Peng Jin.

Immediately after the second, third, fourth ...

This continued for a few seconds.

The shock waves that had been condensed together were all flew out by Peng Jin alone, and no one continued to besiege Peng Jin, which made Peng Jin a little disappointed. I saw him wipe the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Fengqing Mountain and Gutian Cheng's direction: "I'll ask, who else dares to fight?"

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