For a time, the square was silent, obviously shocked by Peng Jin's creation.

Among the group of people, there are the top 40, the top 30, and even the eleventh in the mentor list is the master.

But these people fell under Peng Jin's fists and feet, and had no resistance at all.

"Teacher, you are so handsome."

"It turns out that our teachers are so powerful, but they have always been patient?"

"Sure enough, I didn't make a mistake. Tutor Peng Jin was too good."

"Ms. Peng Jin really didn't take the shot, it was amazing at first shot!"

Wang Yixiao et al. Issued their own exclamations.

In the past, they have never seen Peng Jin show up against others, so they don't know how powerful Peng Jin is.

However, in their impressions, the original Peng Jinwei Wei Nuo should not be a cruel talent.

But today Peng Jin refreshed their three views, let them re-aware of a new Peng Jin.

Only Ye Xiaohu is calm, because Ye Xiaohu is very clear, this is the true level of Peng Jin.

Before Peng Jin, because of other people's guidance problems, there were many problems in cultivation.

But now Peng Jin, with the help of Ye Xiaohu, not only refined Yin and Yang qi, but also healed the body swollen due to wrong practice.

It can be said that Peng Jin now has released his peak fighting power, which is certainly not comparable to ordinary people.

As Ye Xiaohu observed, Peng Jin sighed and prepared to stand.

"The Earth Fairy is at its peak. It's really three days away from Shibei. Let me be impressed!"


Fengqing Mountain, who had been sitting firmly on fishing, couldn't help but smile bitterly, then stood up from the futon and moved his neck stock at the same time.

Feng Qingshan, the first instructor, is coming to an end.

Seeing Feng Qingshan's actions, everyone understands what Feng Qingshan is going to do.

This made them stunned one by one, because Feng Qingshan has not been seriously fighting for years, because everyone dare not challenge him.

But today's Fengqing Mountain actually stood up for Peng Jin and challenged Peng Jin: "However, this kind of practice is not enough to make you proud. Today, let me give you a hard lesson and let you know what it means to be out of heaven." , Someone outside. "

"Finally, can't help but end?"

Hearing Feng Qingshan ’s words, Peng Jin did n’t have the slightest fear, but was full of fighting spirit: "Before you were doing small actions behind your back, I have been tolerant to you all the time, but I did n’t think you did n’t think of repentance. Students. So today I will also take the lead for my students and teach you a hard meal. "

"Teach me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Feng Qingshan roared, obviously he was also irritated by Peng Jin.

So Feng Qingshan rushed to Peng Jin frantically, and punched Peng Jin's face with a fist, and ruthlessly killed him: "You will die for me."

Fengqing Mountain at this moment, that really killed Peng Jin.

Perceiving this scene, Peng Jin couldn't help but frown: "Xian Fa: Tian Tian Quan."

Peng Jin did not dare to carelessly, after all, Fengqing Mountain many years ago had reached the peak of Dixian.

Although he has not broken through the realm of immortals and stepped into the realm of immortals in recent years, his combat effectiveness must have improved a lot compared to the past.

Under such circumstances, Peng Jin had to come up with the ability to fight at home.

I saw Peng Jin quietly running the immortal method, mobilizing the yin and yang qi that had just been refined in the body.

Yin and Yang two qi instantly appeared in Peng Jin's eyes, helping Peng Jin to amplify and slow down Feng Qingshan's movement, which gave Peng Jin a reasonable time to prepare for combat and counterattack.

"It's now."

After observing it for a while, Peng Jin finally found an opportunity, so he released Tianquan and punched the flaws of Fengqing Mountain.


Feng Qingshan displayed the means of housekeeping, originally thought that he could preemptively, and taught Peng Jin a hard meal.

Which Chengxiang thought he had just shot, and hadn't waited for him to hit Peng Jin, he was hit by Peng Jin's anti-go, directly penetrated his defense, and hung on him.


Feng Qingshan exclaimed, and then the whole person flew out four or five meters before landing on the ground.

Although there was no fatal blow, Feng Qingshan suffered a lot of internal injuries, which made Feng Qingshan's face have some unacceptable ways: "Well, a good Peng Jin, it seems that I really underestimate you, I did not expect You have hidden your ability for so many years. "

"But if you want to rely on such a small means to overcome my Fengqing Mountain, then it is impossible."

If Fengqing Mountain at the beginning had a slight contempt, then now Fengqing Mountain will never be merciless.

I saw Feng Qingshan stretched out his hand, he practiced the fairy sword of unknown years, directly made the sound of sword sound, and then came to his hand.

With a light grip, Feng Qingshan's sword pointed to Peng Jin's words: "Since I sealed the sword twenty years ago ~ ~ You were the first to force me to summon it again, so today you It ’s glorious even if you lose. "


When Peng Jin heard Feng Qingshan's words, he could not help muttering.

Immediately after he looked back at Ye Xiaohu, he saw that Ye Xiaohu gave him an encouraging look.

This caused Peng Jin to smile slightly, and some of the worries in his heart were vanishing at this moment.

Since he is the most optimistic, and the disciples who have repeatedly created miracles, still support themselves by their side, how can they be soft in front of him.

"Feng Qingshan, let's exhibit our unique skills and fight at the pinnacle."

Peng Jin took a deep breath and responded briefly to Feng Qingshan.

next moment.

He also reached out a trick, and also attracted a fairy sword.

Only the fairy sword in Peng Jin's hand was broken in half, and the tip of the sword disappeared.

"What the **** is this?"

"Take a broken sword, but it touches Fengqing Mountain's Sixth Grade Immortal Sword. Isn't this the rhythm of death?"

"It's over. Originally, I was quite optimistic about Peng Jin's counterattack. But now, at first glance, Peng Jin basically lost."

"Yes, Peng Jin has defeated so many people one after another, even if he eventually lost to Feng Qingshan's hands, then he is proud enough."

Everyone saw a broken sigh in Peng Jin's hand, and they all sighed with regret.

Only Gu Tiancheng and Ye Xiaohu, when they saw the broken sword, opened their eyes.

"as you wish."

Just when Ye Xiaohu and Gu Tiancheng were unbelievable, Fengqing Mountain, which had been properly prepared, walked toward Peng Jin with a big sword, and said proudly: "Peng Jin, you dare to take a broken sword Come and play with the old man, then do n’t blame me for being rude, just cut your head off with a sword and use it as a urinal. "

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