Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1246: : Used by others

The vast city, within the backyard of Penglai Xiandian.

Lu Dangdang, who had just returned from the Immortal Academy, knelt alone on the ground, and half of his face was bloated.

Such bloatedness is obviously not ordinary bloated skin, but is considered to be swollen with fairy power.

Even if relying on Lu Dangdang's cultivation practice, at least one month's rest will be necessary to recover as before.

This shows how angry the Lv Dangdang people are at this moment.

"How many times have I told you to do anything, you must do it yourself, try to supervise yourself, and don't let your people do anything wrong, but you just don't listen to it, and now it is causing such a disaster."


Speaking that he might not be so relieved, the man who beat Lv Dangdang hurriedly grabbed Lv Dangdang and gave Lv Dangdang a slap on the other side.

This time, Lu Dangdang's two cheeks became bloated.

Until this moment, the people who beat Lu Dangdang were relieved a little, so he pondered a little: "I hate the most, it ’s not that you do n’t act nonsense, nor that your bureaucrats do n’t do it yourself, but you do it for your immediate If you have a small interest, you will cooperate with an unreliable person. Isn't it pitting us in Penglai Xiandian? "


Lu Dangdang, who was hit in the face, made a whine voice, and said with a sorrowful face: "Brother, I did not expect this to happen. That guy said, how awesome he is at the Fairy Academy, Moreover, I introduced Feng Qingshan to me. What Chengxiang planned them to slip through 13 times, but the guy named Peng Jin and Ye Xiaohu repeatedly turned their faces, making us unable to remedy for a while, so we were so embarrassed. "

"Are you still not convinced?"

The beating Lu Dangdang returned to his seat and took a sip of the Xian Tea Ceremony: "Don't you forget what I told you when I started a business?"

"I didn't forget."

Lu Dangdang shook his head and said: "I remember, brother, you said that ironing needs to be hard. So the Penglai Xiandian was built to be perfect, so we can grow from a small shop, and open So many branches. "

"It seems that you haven't forgotten."

Hearing Lu Dangdang's words, he beat Lu Dangdang's Lv Shunshun, and he nodded with satisfaction: "You must remember that if we are hard enough ourselves, then we don't need to go to the Fairy Academy. , And clear some obstacles for us, and finally let us stay, there will be no trouble and trouble at that time. "

"I understand."

Being directed by his elder brother, Lu Dangdang couldn't help but smile bitterly: "But that's what will happen in the future, now how can we solve the requirements of Ye Xiaohu and others?"

"Promise them."

After thinking about it, Lu Shunshun nodded seriously: "However, with some houses and formations, how much financial and material resources does it cost?"

"Just so soft?"

Lu Dangdang reluctantly said: "Will I be looking for someone to find a way."

"Is there any way to continue the destruction?"

Lu Shunshun said dissatisfiedly: "If you are not my second brother, then I should slap you to death now, so you don't need to trouble me again."


Lu Dangdang also wanted to say something to explain himself.

But Lu Shunshun waved his hand directly, and after interrupting his words, he said seriously: "No need to say anything, you will do as I ordered. And from today, you will stick me in Peng Jin's class. , Peng Jin, Ye Xiaohu and other people put forward any request, as long as it is not excessive, then you should try to meet them. Through this method, try to contact them to find a certain relationship, which will be useful in the future . "

Hearing Lu Shunshun's words, Lu Dangdang lighted up: "Brother, do you want to draw them?"

"It's not a draw, it's just an investment."

Lu Shunshun shook his head, and then said solemnly: "I asked someone to inquire, that Peng Jin was okay to say, he has practiced for many years, and there is a backer behind him. But this man named Ye Xiaohu is just an ordinary person. Seeing him have any backing. But he can grow so fast, and there must be some extraordinary things, so if you can be friends with such people, it is a good result. "

"I understand."

Lu Dangdang was polished by his brother every day, and naturally he was not a particularly stupid person.

Therefore, under the guidance of Lu Shunshun, he quickly understood the key, and then he understood the words: "Brother, rest assured, this time I will be able to accomplish your mission well."

"then you go!"

Lu Shunshun rubbed his temple, and then commanded: "If you are doing it this time ~ ~ In order to block others' tongues and avoid other troubles, I can only send you to the frontier. . "


Where is the frontier?

It was a place of chaos. Although the fairyland has always been peaceful, disputes between several territories have continued.

And near the frontier, there are often demons.

Lu Dangdang didn't want to die inexplicably at the frontier, so Lu Dangdang nodded seriously, and then left with a heavy footstep.

Looking at Lu Dangdang's back, Lu Shunshun looked back and said, "Uncle."

"looking for me?"

Under the cry of Lu Shunshun, an old man with a white beard walked out of the void.

Without any hesitation, Lu Shunshun simply described the matter just now to the old man.

"Your judgment is good. It's very good to do this."

After thinking for a while, the old man stroked his gray beard and said, "You call me this time, is there anything else?"

"I suspect that the second child has been blocked by a gun."

Lu Shunshun hesitated for a while and finally said his thoughts: "No matter who he is, but as long as he dares to use the second child, use our Penglai Xiandian to achieve some kind of unspeakable secret, then he has to pay a certain price , So I would like to invite Uncle to take a trip and take a look inside the Fairy Academy. "

"I understand."

Without any hesitation, the old man promised directly: "I will deal with it."

The figure of the old man disappeared into the room again the next moment.

In this way, Lu Shunshun, who was sitting alone in the room, could not help but sigh and said: "After the company grows bigger, there are always some people who want to rush over and bite. I hope this time, I can get through safely, There will be no more storms. "

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