Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1247: : Arrangement before leaving

Inside Shi Mao's room.

I saw that Shi Mao completed the exercise and then breathed a long time, and the whole person became clean.

Under such circumstances, Shi Mao said with a smug expression: "It is done, and finally reached this point."

"Although there are still some sequelae, but they are not particularly serious. I believe that as long as you give me some time, I can definitely find a way to crack the sequelae brought by the Yuan tire."

After seeing himself for a while, and confirming that there was no major problem, Shi Mao pushed open the door of his room and went out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Shi Jing who had been standing at the door and guarding himself, so he asked, "You are working hard."

"This is what your subordinates should do."

Shi Jing looked up at Shi Mao with a serious expression: "Congratulations, Master, you have finally reached the realm of heaven."


Reaching this state is a step in the sky.

"It's all your credit. If you don't have the primordial tire you snatched for me, I can't reach the fairyland so quickly."

Shi Mao walked over, patted Shi Jing on the shoulder, and then said with a serious face: "During the period of my retreat, what major things can happen in the college?"

"Although there are some small disturbances in the inner courtyard, it is not a big deal, and it is still under our control. Now that you are out of control, young master, you will definitely be able to fight the king and let those small deeds submit.

Shi Jing thought for a moment, then briefly described the situation in the inner courtyard, and then added: "But there seems to be something happening outside the outer courtyard, which affects our plan a little bit."

"Outer courtyard?"

Shi Mao froze for a moment, and reached the state of him, the outer court no longer ignored him.

But he also knows that Shi Jing is a person who knows how to score, and will not talk about things in the outer court for no reason.

So Shi Mao frowned, thinking for a moment: "What happened to the outer court?"

"Young Master, something happened before you retired, something unexpected happened."

Seeing Shi Mao's inquiry, Shi Jing took a deep breath and said: "Fengqingshan did not complete the task you explained before. Qinglong failed in the battle between the new and old students, and the mountaineering was also lost to the mentor when he was evaluated by the instructor. Peng Jin at the end of the crane has created a wonderful record in the outer courtyard. "

"I am not surprised that Qinglong failed, but Feng Qingshan lost to Peng Jin, which really surprised me a little."

I saw Shi Mao stood up, twisted his eyebrows and thought for a while, then slowly said: "What is the secret of this?"

"Subordinates are not clear."

Shi Jing laughed bitterly, and then gave a detailed description of what he knew.

After understanding the whole thing, Shi Mao couldn't help but frown: "Wait a minute, after these two things, there seems to be a key person, that is the man named Ye Xiaohu."

"Not bad."

Shi Jing also nodded and said with approval: "If he does not appear, I believe the outer court will always be in our hands."

"Interesting, I suddenly became interested in this man named Ye Xiaohu."

Shi Mao sneered, then stood up and walked a few steps: "Has the qualification battle for the inner court started?"


Shi Jing shook his head and said: "This time there were some problems in the outer court, so the inner court qualification battle was delayed for a while. But these two days, the ancient heaven court ruin enlightenment will be conducted. After the ancient heaven court ruin enlightenment ends, the inner court qualification will start Fight. "

"Is the ruins of the ancient heaven?"

Shi Mao also stepped from the outer courtyard to the inner courtyard, and eventually had such accomplished people.

So Shi Mao couldn't help thinking for a while and finally made a judgment: "Isn't that Ye Xiaohu very powerful? If he died in the ancient Tianting site, would you say it would be very interesting?"

"Young Master, it's hard to move."

Shi Jing hesitated and said: "Our people can't get in, and Qinglong is not his opponent, and he can't kill him at all."

"Qinglong won't work, then we'll change someone."

Shi Mao smiled carelessly: "If I remember correctly, this time after the opening of the ancient Tianting site, will the people from several other branches also come?"

"Subordinate understand."

Shi Jing couldn't help but smiled smugly: "I'll arrange it for someone to deal with it."


Watching Shi Jing leave, Shi Mao walked to the bed alone, and then stroked his cheek. The whole person's face was slightly awkward. I will definitely let you know that you gave me a slap in the past. How painful it will be. "


Ye Xiaohu knew nothing about Shi Mao.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu is still practicing in Peng Jin's class.

During these days, Ye Xiaohu was still very happy, because their class, like a family, lived very harmoniously.

During the retreat, Ye Xiaohu occasionally consulted with Wang Yixiao and others, and pointed out their weaknesses in fighting and the disadvantages of cultivation.

Under the guidance of Ye Xiaohu, Wang Yixiao and others had to cultivate their behavior and combat effectiveness, and they also quickly improved.

In addition, Ye Xiaohu chose the appropriate exercises for them according to local conditions, which was insufficient for what they lacked and allowed them to grow up without any problems.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu found Peng Jin, and he also selected the most suitable exercises for him, and explained the elements of cultivation for him, helping him understand that teaching staff is not an ordinary thing.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu passed on a secret method he learned in Gu Tianting to Peng Jin, so that Peng Jin could leisurely investigate the talents of the trainees and cultivate them accordingly.

In this way, I was busy for a few more days ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice also reached the peak of the early Dixian.

But Ye Xiaohu did not choose to break through immediately, because he knew his situation and still lacked an opportunity.

This opportunity was the ancient heavenly ruins, so Ye Xiaohu gave up continuing to practice, but instead took the time to refine a panacea for Peng Jin and others.

This busy time passed another three or four days.

When he went out this time, he hadn't waited for him to find Peng Jin and others, he saw Peng Jin and others, and now he was at his door, as if waiting for himself.

Before waiting for him to speak, he saw Peng Jin take the initiative and asked with concern: "Xiaohu, have you made a good decision?"


Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, and then thought of something, so he smiled slightly and said without concealment: "Yes, after the end of the ancient Tianting site, I will enter the inner courtyard to explore more mysteries of the fairy."

(End of this chapter)

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