Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1269: : Return to the floating island space

There are fairy mountains in the ancient heaven, but the number of fairy mountains is limited, and only some great gods will have them.

But the ancient heaven was destroyed. After the establishment of the fairy world, not only the area of ​​the mainland expanded, but the number of fairy mountains also doubled. Such a huge change made Ye Xiaohu some surprises.

So Ye Xiaohu moved forward along the way, constantly looking around.

"Sure enough, today's fairyland is different from the past."

Through Ye Xiaohu's observation, Ye Xiaohu was surprised to find that these so-called fairy mountains were not formed in the first place, but were like a split from the day after tomorrow.

And each fairy mountain has something in common.

If these commonalities are united together, they can form a new fairy mountain.

With this observation, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sort out the terrain, conditions, special products ... and other things he understood, and came to a judgment: "This fairy mountain is probably the Mountain of Fury within the territory of the Southern Emperor. . "

"It's just that which is the most powerful, actually split the whole fairy mountain."

I have to say that after ten million years of return, Ye Xiaohu found that the world has changed a lot.

However, after a moment of emotion, Ye Xiaohu thought again: "If I remember correctly, there should be a sycamore firewood above this fairy mountain."

Sycamore firewood is very expensive, and it is one level of ginseng fruit tree.

Ye Xiaohu used to take care of this tree before, so he had a certain understanding of him, so Ye Xiaohu thought for a while: "If you can get the firewood of the sycamore, maybe you can make a golden body of green wood through the firewood . "

Now that Ye Xiaohu has cultivated the golden body of the earth, the golden body of flame, if he is getting the golden body of Aoki, he may have a chance to gather the golden body of the five elements.

When the time comes, the five elements will merge into one, so my fighting power can be doubled.

It must be known that in the ancient heaven, no one ever forged the five elements of golden body.

If Ye Xiaohu did this, it would be a unique person.

With such a beautiful wish, Ye Xiaohu walked across the entire fairy mountain.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu was disappointed, because there is no sycamore firewood in this place.

"Yes, a precious tree like firewood and firewood is naturally impossible to be on such a backward fairy mountain."

Ye Xiaohu stood on top of the mountain and looked at the farthest and highest mountain.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's brow furrowed and thought, "I'm afraid that some people in the Immortal Academy will also know the goods, so I took the Indus Firewood in advance, so it would be difficult to get it."

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Xiaohu rubbed his temples and felt a little helpless.

If you can't get the sycamore firewood, it will be a huge loss for Ye Xiaohu.

But as long as there is a silver lining, then Ye Xiaohu must work hard.

"Forget it, or work hard to try to win the first Immortal Mountain first, and then study the sycamore firewood behind!"

Ye Xiaohu captured his mind and walked to the medicine garden of Xianshan.

This is the most important place in every fairy mountain, and it is also one of the advantages for the growth of an inner student.

The higher the rank of Xianshan, the better the medicinal materials on Xianshan.

Ye Xiaohu walked inside the medicine garden and observed the medicine garden while walking. As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that many fairy medicines in this place were not in his floating island space.

This reminded Ye Xiaohu that he had not returned to his floating island space for a while, and he did not know the situation of his parents.

So Ye Xiaohu temporarily gave up practicing, directly picked all the fairy medicines that were not in the floating island space, and then took these fairy medicines and returned directly to the floating island space.


When Ye Xiaohu returned to the floating island space, in the inner courtyard of the Immortal Academy, because of Ye Xiaohu's affairs, he got up and preached a big wave.

In these years created by the Immortal Academy, Ye Xiaohu was the only one who hid the 86th Immortal Mountain after entering the inner gate.

There are some people who have created similar miracles in the inner door of the fairy school.

However, most of them challenged the Xianshan Mountain in the nineties, and they were unsuccessful in winning.

But No. 86, directly challenged by Ye Xiaohu, directly advanced a dozen names, which is definitely a miracle.

"Genius, this is definitely a genius."

"Just entered the inner door and won the 86th Immortal Mountain. If he is allowed to grow up, I believe that in the near future, he will become a decision master."

"If you can make friends with such people, you will get many benefits in the future."

"However, such a genius always has some special characters, and he is afraid that he will not be easy to contact."

Inside the fairy mountain of the inner door, one person after another looked at each other and thought.

Obviously what Ye Xiaohu brought to them, in addition to shock, there are some other things ~ ~ but some people who tend to go to Cui Jie, this time at the moment is very embarrassed.

Although the guy who was originally ranked on the 86th is not a core member of Cui Jie's party.

That's their people too, so they always have to help their own people find their way back. Only in this way can the military's mind be stabilized and there will be no internal problems.

At this time, Chi Mian glanced right at Xianshan on the 86th.

He didn't turn around to stay at Xianshan No. 85 because it was too much.

So Chi Mianyou directly turned to Xianshan where Cui Jie was, and sent a message to her allies while the discussion continued.

When he rushed to Cui Jie's Xianshan, others also rushed to the scene.

"Chi Mianyou, you are really disappointing us. After practicing for so many years, you have such a little fighting power that you can't even beat a newcomer."

I saw Chi Mianyou just arrived, and someone stood up and pointed at Chi Mianyou: "If it is not the case now, I really want to slap you."

"Lin Longsi, you're nothing more than the Eighteenth Immortal Mountain, there's nothing much stronger than me."

Chi Mian glared at the person who ridiculed himself, and then said directly: "After the **** named Ye Xiaohu recuperates, I think your Eightieth Immortal Mountain will change sooner or later.

"Humph, that can never happen."

"Will it happen, I believe you will know soon."

Chi Mianyou competed with each other, and no one was willing to be soft for a while.


At this time, a person came down from the top of Cui Jie's fairy mountain.

When he came to the scene, he coughed directly, and then told Chi Mianyou and others seriously: "Brother Cui Jie already knows what happened, and now he asks you to go up and order something."

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