Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1270: : Sycamore Club

White clouds lingered above the fairy mountains, and a group of slaves were working hard.

They are not like the masters of the major fairy mountains. They are nominally the genius academies of the fairy academy. They only need to sit in the room to practice and have the resources allocated by the academy.

Therefore, they can only rely on their own efforts and sweat to exchange a considerable amount of resources for their own cultivation.

"Brother Yang, are you out?"

"Brother Chen's cultivation and progress have not been small. It seems that it won't take long before you can move forward to a fairy mountain."

"Sister Wang Beibei, you are more beautiful than the last time I saw you, it seems that Sister Sister is really good at you!"

When they saw Chi Mianyou waiting for someone to climb, they immediately stepped forward to greet them.

Although they follow Cui Jie's practice, they are not inferior to these people in terms of talents and abilities, but after all, they are servants, so they still have to give them.

Seeing their greetings, Chi Mianyou and others did not dare to carelessly. After all, these people were subordinates of Cui Jie.

So they nodded and made a simple gesture.

In this way, after passing through the terraces and courtyards, they finally came to the gate of the palace with the most abundant immortality on the top of the mountain.

Standing in front of the palace, they saw a young man practicing a special immortal method in front of the door.

Suddenly, there are all kinds of morals.

Chi Mianyou and others who saw this scene couldn't help but swallow a sip of foam, and they could naturally see it with their eyes, which is a very powerful skill.

Under such circumstances, they did not dare to disturb Cui Jie's drill, and could just stand there quietly and wait.

In the past ten minutes or so, Cui Jie took a deep breath and made a close gesture.

Immediately afterwards, the servant standing aside, immediately sent one tool after another, to help Cui Jie to signal the aftermath.

After tossing like this for a while, Cui Jie beckoned to Chi Mianyou and others, then turned around and took a step back to the palace, and sat down in his place: "Where is Chi Mianyou?"

"Brother, I am here."

Chi Mianyou knew that this would happen, so he prepared himself early in the morning.

So he came out in response and said in front of Cui Jie: "Brother Cui Jie, this time I have lost Jingzhou this time, but you can rest assured that I will take back the 86th Immortal Mountain."

"No, since he can take your Eighty-Sixth Mountain, no matter how you care about it, or his luck, his strength will not be too weak. So even if you take him from the Eighty-Sixth Mountain Hurry up, then he will also have a firm foothold on the eighty-seventh or eighty-eighth fairy mountain. "

After thinking for a while, Cui Jie waved his hand directly, rejecting Chi Mianyou ’s proposal, and then added: "And my goal is not to let him not have Xianshan cultivation, I want him to die."

When Cui Jie was talking about death, he gave people a horror and a breath.

Under this breath, everyone present shivered, obviously they felt Cui Jie's killing opportunity.


Chi Mianyou, one of the parties, naturally couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb like others, so he swallowed and hurriedly asked, "Brother Cui Jie, what should I do next?"

"Next, you can go quietly to practice on the eighty-seventh fairy mountain."

Cui Jie suddenly thought of something, so calmly said: "Kill him, not at that moment. As long as he is in the inner courtyard, then we always have the opportunity to kill him."


Hearing Cui Jie's instructions, everyone nodded quickly, indicating that they understood.

This made Cui Jie very satisfied, so he simply reached out and stroked his beard and said: "But I came here today for the sake of the Wutong Society."

"Wutong Club?"

Suddenly hearing Cui Jie's words, Chi Mianyou and others couldn't help but say: "Brother Cui Jie, will the Wutong meeting once in a hundred years start again?"

"Yes, the next session of the Indus Club will be opened in a year, so we must make some preparations in advance."

Cui Jie nodded conscientiously, then licked his lips and said, "This Wutong meeting is also different from the previous Wutong meeting, because this time the Wutong meeting, except for the exchange and sharing within the college, In addition to the fairy food of this time, there is a small contest to compete and re-evaluate the qualification of Xianshan. Therefore, above the Wutong Association, I hope to be able to quietly challenge Brother Ouyang Daozi, and do not want to be disturbed by anyone. "

Cui Jie ’s eyes glanced at everyone, and finally fell on Chi Mianyou ’s body: “So next, I will retreat for a whole year to adjust my state, so within this time, I do n’t want to You guys come up with all kinds of disturbances ~ ~ to distract me. "

"As for that Ye Xiaohu ..."

Cui Jie thought for a while, then spit out a sigh of breath: "After all, it's a newcomer who has just joined the inner courtyard and can't set off any big waves. So you just need to keep going, keep an eye on him, and suppress his growth."

"Subordinates understand."

Although Chi Mianyou was a little reluctant, but seeing Cui Jie so commanded, he was naturally not easy to refute, he could only gritt his teeth fiercely, temporarily suppressing his hatred for Ye Xiaohu.

Then Chi Mian You et al. Listened to some of Cui Jie ’s arrangements, and then followed Cui Jie ’s instructions for a while, and then left Cui Jie ’s Xianshan with satisfaction, and returned to their respective Xianshan to practice, sprinting for the year after .


At the same time, Ye Xiaohu, who had returned to the floating island space, had just landed inside the floating island space. Before he could stand firm, he heard a roar.

"what's the situation?"

Ye Xiaohu was surprised, because such a voice represented a very high level of fighting.

"Did someone invade my floating island space?"

This was huge news, and Ye Xiaohu could not be tolerated any losses.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and directly used the power of the source in the floating island space to directly move his body to the place where the sound came.

As soon as Ye Xiaohu appeared, a thunderbolt appeared on his body.

"Go away."

Facing the power of crazy thunder, Ye Xiaohu roared directly, waved out a fairy gas, and threw the surrounding thunder on the spot.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu could finally see everything in front of him.

I saw that in front of Ye Xiaohu, there was a person who was standing just below the thunderbolt, carrying a sword in his hand, and his beak radiated against the sky, fighting the thunder that was falling continuously.

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