Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1276: : There is reincarnation

Once contacted with Immortal Dao, Er Leng Zi showed his proud talent, not only progressing rapidly, but also having a particularly high level of insight.

So many of the levels that Ye Xiaohu encountered in the past were basically not encountered by Er Leng Zi.

However, Er Leng Zi also has some levels. For those who are already in the late stage of Dixian, Ye Xiaohu has no pressure at all, so Ye Xiaohu explains them one by one.

Under Ye Xiaohu's explanation, Er Leng Zi quickly realized the mystery and fell into a state of epiphany, so Ye Xiao Hu nodded with satisfaction, and took Long Yi out of Er Leng Zi's retreat.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu met his parents and some old friends one after another.

After Ye Xiaohu saw all the people, he took Long Yi directly back to the floating island space.

Originally Ye Xiaohu planned to use the floating island space as a springboard to return to Immortal Realm, but when Ye Xiaohu just appeared, Jiuwei Fox sensed Ye Xiaohu's breath, so he teleported from thousands of miles away: "Mr. Ye, you come back It was the right time. The world has just changed, and some special changes have appeared in the floating island space. "

"Is there another change?"

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, so he directly pointed at Jiuwei Fox Road: "Lead the way ahead."

"it is good."

Nine-Tailed Fox nodded, and left with a single teleport.

So Ye Xiaohu took Long Yi, closely following the figure of Jiuwei Fox, to a newly developed place in Fudao Space.

After one person and two monsters appeared, the nine-tailed fox pointed in a direction not far away: "Mr. Ye, the change I said is the tree in front."

"A tree?"

Although the floating island space is relatively scarce, Ye Xiaohu has been transferring things over the years, so there are many more vegetations and naturally many trees, so when Ye Xiaohu heard the introduction of the nine-tailed fox, he suddenly said in surprise: What's surprising? "

"Mr. Ye, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a normal tree."

The Nine-Tailed Fox smiled bitterly, then shook his head and said, "But this plant is not planted by you or me, but grows naturally."

"Grow naturally?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned: "Is it possible that seeds from other trees floated over and grew?"

"Impossible, this place is just a place that has just been explored. There was nothing before. Naturally, there can be no tree species floating over, and the appearance of the tree is also different from the vegetation we planted."

Nine-tailed fox rejected Ye Xiaohu's guess and said to Ye Xiaohu: "And I always feel that after this number appears, the whole space becomes gloomy."

"There is such a change in the floating island space?"

Ye Xiaohu didn't feel it at first, so when he heard the reminder of Nine-Tailed Fox, after giving up the body protection of the fairy, he really found that the surrounding gas field was different, and there was a little gloom.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help thinking.

In his memory, there are many similar trees, which can reach such a point, so Ye Xiaohu directly walked forward to the walkway: "I will study it carefully."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, walked to the side of the tree, and watched it carefully.

Under the observation of Ye Xiaohu, the characteristics and appearance of this tree are all glanced at by Ye Xiaohu.

After reading it, Ye Xiaohu could not help but widen his eyes and said: "Huangquan Ancient Tree."

Originally Ye Xiaohu did not take this matter to heart, but when he observed it carefully, he suddenly found this tree that released a spooky breath, which was actually the unique Huangquan ancient tree in the mansion.

In other words, this kind of tree can't survive in other places, and it can only survive in the terrible mansion.

Ye Xiaohu doesn't like the mansion, so he has the shortest time in the mansion.

But he can still recognize the ancient Huangquan tree, because there are too many such trees in the capital.

"How could it be the ancient tree of Huangquan?"

Ye Xiaohu couldn't understand why there were ancient yellow spring trees in his floating island space, so he thought about it seriously and didn't think of any explanation.


Suddenly Ye Xiaohu flashed, thinking of a possibility.

So he jumped up and flew up and down continuously, until he could look down on the changes and scenery in the entire floating island space, he mumbled and said: "No wonder, after returning to the fairy world, I only heard the news of the ancient heaven, but never I have n’t heard any news from the Earth Mansion. It turns out that the Earth Mansion has been separated from the Heavenly Court and no longer exists in the Immortal Realm. "

Although Ye Xiaohu was reluctant to believe, he had to admit that Huang Quan's ancient trees grew too suddenly, and the area in the floating island space was similar to the picture in the prefecture.

This kind of situation makes Ye Xiaohu have to doubt that the floating island space in his hand is the land, the land of reincarnation.

However, this issue can't be fixed in one bite. After all, the area of ​​the floating island space is far from being comparable to the real capital.

So Ye Xiaohu gathered his mind and looked at Jiuwei Fox: "Nine-tail Fox, I will now teach you a new Xianxiu cultivation method. If you work hard, then you will definitely become an immortal."


"I Ye Xiaohu never fooled people."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and imprinted a fairy law belonging to the local government directly into the mind of the nine-tailed fox.

After Jiuwei Fox briefly sensed it, he immediately said with a happy face: "Thank you Mr. Ye."

"You do n’t have to be happy too early, because I ’m not without purpose ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, and then commanded again:" I feel there will be huge changes in the floating island space, so I hope you can Observe carefully, if you find some new changes, such as the emergence of a river, or some palaces, then contact me immediately and I will come back at any time. "


Although Jiuwei Fox did not know the changes in this place, it might have something to do with the prefecture, but he knew what Ye Xiaohu had ordered, and he must do it carefully.

At that time, maybe he can follow Ye Xiaohu into a fairy like Long Yi, and leave the earth to go to the fairy world.

Just as Jiuwei Fox kept thinking, Ye Xiaohu withdrew his hand stroking the ancient tree of Huangquan, and then sighed, "Sure enough, there is a rebirth between heaven and earth, everything seems to be doomed."

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu beckoned and moved Long Yi to his side, he bid farewell to Jiuwei Fox on the spot, and then took Long Yi directly through his connection with the floating island space, and instantly returned to the fairyland, Ye Xiaohu occupied Fairy mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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