Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1277: : Talent of Dragon 1


"Ye Xiaohu has something for you to come out to see if I will beat you to death today."

"Isn't the boy with the surname Ye very arrogant? Didn't you let us have the courage to challenge you? Why are we here now, but you are as a tortoise, hiding in the fairy mountain and daring not come out."

"It's been a few months, even if you Ye Xiaohu is closed, is it almost out now?"

"Huh, I think he has escaped 80%, and he dare not honour his old promise."

"It's useless to escape. The owner of Xianshan accepts the challenge of the owner without Xianshan and second Xianshan. This is the rule set by the college and can't allow him to be destroyed by Ye Xiaohu."

A group of people gathered at the entrance and exit of the mountain gate under the No. 86 Fairy Hill occupied by Ye Xiaohu, and constantly issued challenges and screams.

I saw them get together in twos and threes, and occasionally try to throw things into Xianshan, and try to test and decipher the formation of Xianshan.

After all, after Ye Xiaohu overwhelmed Xianshan, the formation of the entire Xianshan was different from the past.

However, they tried 13 times, and found that they were powerless and could not enter the Xianshan Mountain on the 86th through this channel, which affected Ye Xiaohu's cultivation.

"You continue to yell and disturb him to practice."

Faced with such an inability to retreat, a brother in the crowd stood up, stretched out, and left the entrance of Xianshan No. 86 directly.

I saw him twisted and turned, and soon came to the Eighty-seventh Immortal Mountain near Ye Xiaohu.

The original owner of this fairy mountain was called Liu Lizhen, and he was also considered an old student.

However, his talent is not very high. Since he occupied the Xianshan Mountain on the 87th, there has been no advance.

So after being occupied by Ye Xiaohu on the 86th Immortal Mountain, Chi Mianyou directly challenged the Liuli Reality of the 87th Immortal Mountain and successfully seized the Liuli Reality's Immortal Mountain.

I saw that the man who came back from Ye Xiaohu ’s Xianshan scolding came to Chi Mianyou ’s side through the traction of the formation. He reported face to face: "Brother, we have been calling and scolding for several months, but we still do n’t see Ye Xiaohu appear . "

The time flow rate of the earth and the fairy world is more terrible than Ye Xiaohu imagined.

So he returned to the earth, although he stayed for a short period of time, but the time of the fairy world has passed for several months.

And I do n’t know why, the speed of time in the fairyland is still increasing at a super fast rate.

If you don't go to a place where the time flow rate is slow, the average person can't even notice it.

Even the gods of the fairy world don't know this.

So Chi Mian's right-handed little brothers, one by one, didn't understand where Ye Xiaohu went, and they kept yelling at that place, wanting to influence Ye Xiaohu's cultivation.

"Has it been a few months?"

Chi Mian couldn't help but frown, because after bidding farewell to Cui Jie, he asked someone to go to Xianshan on the 86th to scold.

This scolding is a few months of effort.

According to common sense, Ye Xiaohu couldn't keep his composure at all and had been practicing in Xianshan.

Did he run away?

Chi Mianyou always felt that there were some problems.

But he didn't know where the problem was.

Because Ye Xiaohu has not appeared for several months, this is impossible according to common sense.

After Chi Mianyou hesitated for a while, she stood up directly and said, "Go, I will take a look at Xianshan on the 86th."

After Chi Mian greeted you right, he personally led a team of men and went directly to the Eighty-Sixth Mountain.

I saw him watching under the mountain, still confused.

So for further verification, Chi Mianyou took a deep breath and took a step forward, intending to try the formation in person, eager to enter the Eighty-Sixth Mountain.

Because there are many fairy medicines in the Eighty-sixth Immortal Mountain, which are all the treasures he has accumulated so hard, he doesn't want to discard them like this.

But he had just climbed the mountain and hadn't had time to decipher the formation. He felt a mysterious spatial fluctuation, which caused Chi Wan's right heart to jump, so he quickly stopped his pace.

At this time, a person came out from inside and saw him staring at Chi Mian You et al .: "Which king and **** just cursed me under the mountain?"

Originally everyone thought that Ye Xiaohu had come in person, so he took a small step back one by one.

But when they saw the person, it was not Ye Xiaohu, so they relaxed a lot.

"It's your grandpa where I scream?"

"Huh, Ye Xiaohu actually blocked the headed tortoise, and made you a little baby come out to die, which is really ridiculous."

"Little doll, if I were you, then I immediately abandoned the secret."

Everyone looked at the little baby on the opposite side and made a laugh.

But when they heard what they said, the little baby on the opposite side didn't succumb, but instead looked cold-hearted ~ ~ because he was not a person, but the dragon transformed into a dragon.

Therefore, Long Yi does not have the human intestines. When he feels angry, he naturally will not endure and fight back.

So he locked a target on the spot and killed him directly.


The opponent did not have any preparations, and the state was similar. On the spot, the dragon who was promoted to a fairy was beaten and flew out dozens of meters.

After falling to the ground, although he didn't die on the spot, the blood of the immortals boiled and he could not continue to fight in a short time.

Under such circumstances, Long Yi said with a dissatisfied expression: "If this is not a fairy college, then you are now a dead person."

"Crazy, a little baby dare to arrogant in front of us?"

An immortal who had a good relationship with the person who was shot and flew, grudgingly killed Xiang Longyi.

But just halfway through, he was struck one by one by the dragon, and he flew out with a blow.


Everyone exclaimed, apparently they felt something was sticking, because Long Yi was not as simple as it seemed.

But this is also understandable. After all, Dragon One is not a human, but an earth dragon among monsters.

The earth dragon family has the physical qualities and can exert its maximum fighting power. The fairy of the same rank is really not his opponent.

What's more, Long Yi also practiced the immortal method taught by Ye Xiaohu, and his combat effectiveness has increased several times, so this group of ordinary immortals is naturally not his opponent.

"Who else?"

Don't look at Long Yi, who looks like a child, but when he is angry, he is also in full swing, making people look at the past and gradually grow awe.

I saw him slashing and stubbornly saying to everyone: "Today I am standing here to challenge you all."

This book comes from

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