Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1279: : The Land of Refinery

The Book Pavilion of the Immortal Academy is divided into two parts.

One part is the fairy law and the magic art, the other is the miscellaneous knowledge such as the introduction of the fairy world, the changes of the mainland and so on.

Ye Xiaohu's goal this time was to go to the miscellaneous part of the Bookstore.

When he appeared in the Book Shelter, it immediately caused a stir.

"Look, that's Ye Xiaohu."

"Yes, he just took the inner door and captured the 86th Immortal Mountain, and his cultivation was very terrifying."

"Not only that, I just got the news, he didn't know where, he surrendered an earth dragon, and let the earth dragon look after him for the nursing home."

"I also received this news. It is said that the earth dragon has just become an immortal, but the fighting power of the flesh is almost the same as the reluctance of Dixian level."

"One Ye Xiaohu, one earth dragon, what is the origin of these two masters and servants, it is really terrifying."

In the face of other people's pointing, Ye Xiaohu, like a deaf, completely ignored it.

Because Ye Xiaohu knew that he and they were not the same person in the world.

So Ye Xiaohu went directly to the person in charge of the Book Collection Pavilion, and faced him with the words: "Senior, I need to read the manual on the change of the mainland."

"Mainland Change Manual?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, the old man in charge of the bookstore suddenly looked up at him and tested Ye Xiaohu's identity token again: "Are you Ye Xiaohu?"


Ye Xiaohu did not deny that he responded to the old man on the spot.

Under such circumstances, the old man could not help but nod his head slightly: "With your talents, the future achievements should be higher. Why don't you cherish your talents, but have to read the miscellaneous literature?"

"Senior, although the school is good, but the practice is too stable, so I want to take a look at the changes in the mainland and some other miscellaneous studies to prepare for the experience of going out."

Ye Xiaohu already had preparations in mind, so he directly expressed his thoughts: "Also ask seniors for permission."


The old man glanced at Ye Xiaohu again, so he pointed directly at the place on his left and said, "Go over there."


Ye Xiaohu nodded, then walked directly in the direction of the old man's finger.

After entering the miscellaneous school of the Book Collection Pavilion, Ye Xiaohu briefly glanced at it, and only a few people were reading through the books.

So Ye Xiaohu nodded slightly towards them, believing that they had seen them.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu's gaze, he swept across the shelves.

In the end, Ye Xiaohu found the book of the history of the evolution of the fairyland continent in a corner.

So Ye Xiaohu went directly to it and picked up the book.

Opening the first page, Ye Xiaohu found that the book was recorded from the end of the ancient heaven.

In the first half of the book, there are only some descriptions of ancient heavenly fairies, and it is not complete enough. Obviously, the people who collected this book were not masters.

So Ye Xiaohu continued to look down and quickly found what he wanted to verify.

The ancient heavens fell, the gods disappeared, and the Buddhas retreated.

The new generation of strong men cannot find the core of the ancient heaven and the Lingshan, so they set their goals on the earth. So there was a mighty shot, and they forcibly refined the land.

Refining the local mansion into a space magic weapon, but that powerful man had not yet had time to be proud, the local manuscript that was refined into a weapon was transformed into a Changhong and escaped, and disappeared into the fairy world.

No matter how the big brothers of the fairy world look for traces of the mansion, there is no way to find the mansion.

The land is as if it disappeared out of thin air, and it no longer persists in people's sight.

"If the mansion really disappears, then ..."

Ye Xiaohu recalled his floating island space in his mind, and touched his jade finger, and the whole person could not help getting excited: "That is to say, my floating island space is probably the local government."

This made Ye Xiaohu excited because he knew there were many mysteries in the prefecture.

But if the local government falls into their own hands, then it is more or less a threat, so Ye Xiaohu must make some preparations.

Ye Xiaohu, who thinks of it here, couldn't help but take a deep breath, and he closed the history of mainland relocation in his hands.

At this moment, a woman's voice remembered behind Ye Xiaohu: "Sister Ye Xiaohu, do you like learning so much?"

"you are?"

Ye Xiaohu looked back at a very classical beauty and asked curiously: "Do we know?"

"do not know."

The classical beauty smiled slightly and introduced herself: "My name is Zhang Jingsha. You joined the inner door two times earlier."

"Sister Sister."

Ye Xiaohu nodded slightly: "Sister, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Look at what you said, Brother."

Zhang Jingsha gave a white glance to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Doesn't Sister Sister I have nothing to do, you can't find your younger brother, can you chat with you?"

"Yes ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu smiled calmly:" But when you are talking, Sister, there is a special spiritual fluctuation in your eyes. Obviously this indicates that you are lying, you come to find I must have my own purpose. "

"Brother, you are very smart."

Zhang Jingsha glanced around and saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she arranged a soundproof array, and was slightly relieved, facing Ye Xiaohu said: "Sister, you know that you will be at the Wutong Club Now. "

"Wutong Club?"

Ye Xiaohu did not know: "What is that?"

"The Indus Club is an inner door event, and all inner door disciples will attend and have the wrong meeting."

Zhang Jingsha looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "And above this event, it can kill people."


Ye Xiaohu raised his mouth slightly: "Sister Sister, what do you want to say, please also say clearly."

"Since you are so inquiring, I will tell you directly!"

Zhang Jingsha pouted, said helplessly: "Brother Cui Jie issued a cruel speech, and I will solve you on the Wutong Club."

"Cui Jie?"

Ye Xiaohu did not know what he had grievances with this person, but since he entered the inner door, this person has been fighting against himself.

So Ye Xiaohu also wanted to be with this person for a while, trying to resolve the matter, so as not to cause Cui Jie to find trouble behind his back.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was thinking, Zhang Jingsha, who was standing next to Ye Xiaohu, couldn't help but smile sweetly and said: "So Junior Brother, if I were you, then just before Brother Cui Jie didn't start, join in and protect you Organization. "

Ye Xiaohu curiously said: "What organization?"

"Spider will."

Zhang Jingsha said proudly: "As long as you are willing to join the spider society, then the president of our spider society will protect your safety."

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