Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1280: : Test task

Ye Xiaohu didn't speak, so she looked at her quietly.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Jingsha could not help but smile slightly.

But her figure was too hot, so she was trembling all over when she laughed, making people obsessed.

However, she knew that Ye Xiaohu had not decided, so Zhang Jingsha thought for a while and said: "Brother, you may not know that Brother Cui Jie's cultivation practice has reached the level of a half-step fairy. Now. "

"Except for the use of Shi Mao in the inner door, most people are allies of Brother Cui Jie. Only a few people can fight against Brother Cui Jie, and they are willing to come forward for Brother Xiaohu."

I saw Zhang Jingsha licked his lips, and then added: "And our sister of the spider society, just one of them."

"I never believe in stuffing in the sky."

After thinking for a while, Ye Xiaohu added: "So, sister, you keep me going to join your spider society, so what do I need to pay?"

"Brother, you are right, we naturally need to help each other."

Zhang Jingsha looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Brother, your fighting power is so strong, I believe you must have inherited an ancient fairy?"

Ye Xiaohu glanced at her and still didn't speak.

So Zhang Jingsha continued to add a sentence: "If the younger brother wants to join our spider society, you need to share your own ancient fairy secrets. Of course, we don't want your ancient fairy secrets. , Will also share with you other immortals. "

"A white wolf with empty gloves?"

This method has been played by the people on the earth when the earth has been used.

So Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly, looking at Zhang Jingsha said: "I'm sorry, I refused to join the spider society."

"Brother, you better think about it."

Zhang Jingsha looked at Ye Xiaohu and said: "You have to know that once you refuse my request, then no one in the top ten in the inner door can protect your safety."

"Say, I think very clearly, I will not join the spider society."

Ye Xiaohu stood up and said calmly: "I have never asked for help in my life, let alone an organization with ulterior motives."

Spiders may be very strong, but Ye Xiaohu does not believe that spiders will protect themselves, otherwise spiders will not want their own magic secrets.

What's more, how strong the spider will be, Ye Xiaohu has no concept.

"Brother, you will regret it."

Zhang Jingsha snorted directly, then flicked the sleeves and turned directly to the aisle: "Someday, you will take the initiative to beg me."

Zhang Jingsha left, so the Tibetan Pavilion was quiet again.

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then picked up other books, and continued to read.

For several days, at the speed of Ye Xiaohu, I finally read through the books I was interested in.

So Ye Xiaohu put down his last book and walked out of the miscellaneous department of the Tibetan Pavilion.

Simply handed over to the old man in charge of the Tibetan Pavilion, Ye Xiaohu was about to turn and leave.

But at this time, the old man in charge of the Tibetan cabinet suddenly raised his head and glanced at Ye Xiaohudao: "You wait a minute."

Ye Xiaohu turned and froze slightly: "Senior, do you have any orders?"

"This is the case. Although the students in the inner door have no specific responsibilities, they occasionally have to conduct some tests to avoid laziness."

The old man stared at Ye Xiaohu and saw: "For a while, you have been in the inner door for some time, so you should also accept some inner door assessment tasks."

"Thanks for reminding seniors."

Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up, and he immediately knew what the old man was saying, so he thanked the old man and said, "Then the juniors will take the inner door assessment task."


The old man waved his hand, then lowered his head again to see the book in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then turned and left.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu followed the guidelines and found the place where the inner door was responsible for the method assessment task.

"There are monsters and rages in Southern Tang City, and an inside student is needed to arrest them."

"There are flower-picking thieves in Castle Peak City. They wantonly insult people and need to be slaughtered."

"There are a group of horse thieves in Beifengguan. You need an exquisite inner trainee to destroy those horse thieves."

"Hailai City has an interesting demon vassal lurking. You need to explore the truth as soon as possible, and deal with it as soon as possible, so as to avoid the large-scale assimilation of ordinary demons.


One by one, one by one task.

After Ye Xiaohu filtered all these tasks, he had a certain number in mind.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and directly asked the person responsible for the release of the mission: "Senior, I want to receive the hidden mission of exploring the Devil's vassal."

"Devil vassal lurking mission?"

The person in charge of the task gave Ye Xiaohu a glance: "Where is your team?"

"I am alone and have no team."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said, "Senior, does this task require the team to accept it?"


The predecessor who issued the task shook his head and said: "But such tasks have certain risks, so it is best to work in teams."

"But I don't have a team."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while: "If this is the case, I can only go alone."

As soon as Ye Xiaohu's words fell, he saw a person coming and said: "This younger brother, if you only have one person, then you can join our team, because our team has exactly four people and lacks one person."

Ye Xiaohu looked at the other party and found that the other party's expression was very calm, giving people a feeling of spring.

While Ye Xiaohu was observing each other, the other party was observing Ye Xiaohu.

"This younger brother, my name is Lan Lingyu."

I saw the man who looked at Ye Xiaohu ~ ~ took the initiative to extend his hand and shook hands with Ye Xiaohu: "I believe we can work together to complete this task."

Ye Xiaohu withdrew his eyes and looked at each other, then said: "Senior, now I join their team, can I get the task directly?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the person in charge of the mission, looked at him and the team of Blue Spirit Domain, and then nodded slightly: "The five of you can register your name and you can take the fairy beast to the destination to perform the mission. "


Ye Xiaohu's five people looked at each other, so they took a step forward to register.

After getting it, Ye Xiaohu each received a mission token. After confirming that there was no problem, he went directly to the fairy beast farm, and called the fairy beast to go straight to Hailai City.

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