Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1281: : Highland City

Because there is still a distance, sitting on the flying monster, there is no way to practice with peace of mind.

So everyone sat in a corner and looked at each other.

Under such circumstances, Lan Lingyu coughed slightly.

Then he stood up from the spot and said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "My name is Lan Lingyu. I believe that some of you know me and do n’t know me. So I introduce myself now, my Lan Ling Domain has just won the 80th Immortal Mountain and is good at Soul Immortal Technique. "

Originally, everyone only knew the identity of Lan Lingyu, but did not know that he had captured the Eighty-Fairy Mountain.

"It turns out that Brother Blue Spirit Domain has made great achievements again."

"Brother Ling Lingyu is here, so this time the task can definitely be completed smoothly."

As soon as Lan Lingyu revealed his status and Xianshan figures, he immediately won the praise of others.

But in this group of people, there are two people who are quiet.

One is Ye Xiaohu, and the other is a man sitting with his knife on his knees.

Seeing this scene of the Blue Spirit Domain, there were some dissatisfied glances at Ye Xiaohu and then said: "Since you are all a team, then I hope you can introduce yourself to each other and your special skills If there is a fight then, I can easily arrange your defenses so as not to be hurt by the demons. "

What Lan Lingyu said is very simple, but there is a sense of dominance that leads everyone.

Ye Xiaohu, aware of this, could not help shaking his head. Obviously, he felt helpless about this behavior.

"My name is Wang Daji, I am a native of the vast city and I have just won the 94th Immortal Mountain."

"It turns out that you are Brother Wang Daji. I did not expect that we, Xianshan, No. 94 and No. 95, actually met on such an occasion."

Just when Ye Xiaohu was helpless, Wang Daji and Yao Zhongyuan sitting beside him had taken the lead.

Hearing their cooperation, Lan Lingyu asked Ye Xiaohu with satisfaction, "What about this younger brother?"

"My name is Ye Xiaohu."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, and finally answered truthfully: "I have just won the 86th Immortal Mountain, and I am good at the sword art."

Blue Lingyu's eyes lit up. It turned out that Ye Xiaohu was the genius newcomer who swept the entire inner door in recent times, which made Lan Lingyu look at Ye Xiaohu more.

While observing Ye Xiaohu in the Blue Spirit Field, the man holding the knife on the other side said in his low voice: "My name is knife flying, from Hailai City. I am good at knife technique, especially the method of frontal combat."

Flying knife?

Lan Lingyu murmured, and for the first time paid attention to the low-key knife flying.

I saw him staring at Dao Feixiang carefully and then said to Dao Feixiang: "Brother Dao, I see in your introduction, it seems that you are from Hailai City?"

"Not bad."

Dao Feixiang said deeply: "I am indeed from Hailai City."

"If that is the case, then believe this task, we will accomplish it smoothly."

Lan Lingyu laughed loudly, followed by Dao Feixiang: "Brother Dao, would you please introduce the situation of Hailai City to us?"

"Since I was a teenager, I have been following Master to travel and practice, so I don't necessarily know much about Hailai City."

Originally, Dao Fei didn't want to say anything, but when he saw everyone looking at himself, he finally took a deep breath and said: "But in the past, there are also some family books that once introduced the recent situation of Hailai City. Among them, I was most concerned One thing is that Hailai City had no traces of Demon Races in the past. This time was also a chance. Someone found a person who was enchanted by Demon Races, so it would cause our vigilance. "

Dao Feixiang introduced what he knew in detail.

Most of the content does not have any nutrition.

But one of them caught Ye Xiaohu's attention

According to the introduction of Dao Feixiang, the first person to discover the demon enchantment once saw a similar altar in a corner of Hailai City.

The altar is generally unknown to people, but Ye Xiaohu, who has experience in ancient heaven, knows that the altar is unusual, and it is likely to be the residence of the Mozu.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was thinking, the fairy beast finally arrived at Hailai City, where Xiaohu and others went, according to a predetermined plan.

"Welcome talented students from the Immortal Academy."

"I also invite you geniuses to help us solve this crisis in Hailai City."

"With the help of the geniuses of the Immortal Academy, I believe that Hailai City will surely survive the infestation of the Demon Race."

"Long live fairy school."

I saw the residents of Hailai City, accompanied by the owner of Hailai City, personally rushed to the place where the fairy beast landed, and personally greeted Ye Xiaohu and others.

"You are working hard."

Under such circumstances, ~ ~ pretending to be the blue spirit domain of the leader of all people, took the lead and went out and said: "Which one is the city owner?"


Along with the inquiry of the Blue Spirit Domain, Xu Baichuan, the owner of Hailai City, came out and said, "Please ask your surname."

"My name is Blue Spirit Domain."

Lan Lingyu simply blew up his house, and then stared at the main road of Hailai City: "Please also the master, please tell me about the current situation."

"Brother Ling Lingyu, you also call me the master of the city, or just call my name Xu Baichuan."

Lord Xu Baichuan laughed loudly, and then responded to the Blue Spirit Domain: "But since Brother, you ask me, then I would like to introduce the situation now. Since the first person discovered the enchanted human, our entire Hailai The city launched a series of investigations, and in the course of this investigation, some enchanted people were discovered one after another, and a series of arrest measures were launched. At present, we have arrested nearly 100 people, including In order to have a high level and a bottom, but basically they are all ordinary enchanting people, and there are no core members of the devil. "

"Can there be live talk?"

Lan Lingyu frowned and asked seriously: "I need to personally ask the arrested person to see if I can get the latest news."

"There is a live mouth."

Xu Baichuan nodded conscientiously, followed by a detailed reply: "However, those arrested are all locked in my main palace. If Brother Lan Lingyu wants to ask these people in person, then we will return now. The main palace. "


Lan Lingyu did not ask Ye Xiaohu and others for their opinions, and left with a big head.

Seeing this scene, Xu Baichuan looked at the Blue Lingyu and Ye Xiaohu and others, so he smiled and greeted Ye Xiaohu and the others, keeping up with the Blue Lingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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