All the way to the exchange, the crowd quickly came to the main palace.

I saw that the city master simply waved his hand and repelled the others. After briefly introducing the situation, he entered the topic.

I saw Xu Baichuan instructed his deputy. The deputy immediately ordered a human with dark circles to walk into the room where Ye Xiaohu and others were.


When Xu Baichuan saw the coming person, he immediately introduced it to Ye Xiaohu and others: "This person is one of the devil vassals caught in our city."

"Oh, is this the Demon Race?"

The fairyland is too large. Although the Demon Clan has landed and occupies a part of the fairyland, this part only belongs to the outer domain. The small space is not everywhere in the fairyland.

Therefore, most of the immortals and immortals living in the inner realm of the fairy world do not know the real devil.

In particular, like the blue spirit domain was born in the inner domain, and never even left the greenhouse flower bones of the city, I do n’t know what is called the devil.

So when Blue Lingyu saw the demon head, he immediately walked proudly and asked, "If you don't want to die, then it is better to tell me where the headquarters of the Devil's vassal is. You came to the sea What's the purpose of Laicheng, otherwise don't blame me for the torture. "

"Bah, you group of running dogs in the fairy world, do not want me to betray the ancestor."

Naocheng wanted to face the persecution of the Blue Spirit Domain. The man with black eyes kneeling on the ground didn't take the slightest softness. Instead, he spit in a careless face and said: "I was born as a demon, and died as a demon dog. You will definitely not be persecuted by you, so you choose to trust your successors. "

"Sin obstacles, you are looking for death."

Hearing the disdainful expression of the Demon vassal, Xu Baichuan, the host of Hailai City, slaps in the air and knocks the Devil's vassal upright on the spot: "This is a high student from the Immortal Academy. Can you insult face to face? "

"Yeah, what a fairy college, or a **** college, it's just a group of native chickens and dogs in front of my demons."

The person enchanted by the demon snorted and said: "Sooner or later one day, the iron tools of my demon will pass through the mountains and rivers, cross the fairy sea, rush into the hinterland of the fairy realm, overturn the sky of the fairy realm, and create the heaven and Happy land. "


Seeing Mozu vassal captives, he didn't listen to his words at all, Xu Baichuan couldn't help but feel angry and rushed over and gave him a slap: "Dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will kill you now."


"Kill me!"

"If you don't kill me, then you are my birth."

The man who was vassaled by the Mozu did n’t fear Xu Baichuan ’s threats at all, but instead stared at Xu Baichuan with a stare: “The last name is Xu, do n’t be complacent now. Sooner or later my master of the Mozu will know Killing Hailai City will unload eight of you to avenge me. "

Hearing the threat of this person, Xu Baichuan was furious and rushed over to kill this person.

But just after he started, he found a huge breath and locked his figure.

"Master Lord, let me interrogate."

It ’s at this time that the blue spirit domain took the initiative to walk over and stared at the human being enchanted by the demon: “Tell me, the answer I want to know, then I will give you a happy, otherwise I will let you taste A taste of what it means to be unable to die. "


Faced with the threat of the Blue Spirit Domain, the enchanted people still showed no signs of softening.

Under such circumstances, the Blue Spirit Domain directly stretched out his hand, pressed it on the head of the man enchanted by the Demon Race, and snorted: "The Technique of Mind Reading and Writing."


Seeing the action of the Blue Spirit Domain, the people enchanted by the Demon Clan could not help but roar, and kept roaring, trying to resist the Blue Spirit Domain to read and write their souls.

But his struggle is obviously meaningless.

After all, he is just an ordinary immortal, and the person standing opposite him is a real earth immortal, and the realm differs too much.

So after struggling for a while, he was finally subdued by Blue Lingyu, and he successfully read his memory.

"It is indeed Brother Blue Lingyu, so handsome."

"With this move from Brother Blue Spirit Domain, this trip is estimated to be successfully resolved."

Wang Daji and the two immediately sent a horse fart, and the blue spirit domain shot laughed.

After this lasted for a few minutes, Lan Lingyu withdrew his arm, then turned and asked Xu Baichuan: "Master Lord, do you have a power organization called the Dragon Family in your city?"

Dragon family?

When he heard this title, Ye Xiaohu's eyes shone slightly, and he found that the knife flying opposite him actually shook his eyelids.

However, he covered up quickly, almost in a blink of an eye, and returned to the initial tranquility, but the change of this scene ~ ~ is nothing more than Ye Xiaohu's observation.

As Ye Xiaohu observed the knife flying, he only heard Xu Baichuan stand up and say: "The Dragon family is an older family in our city. It is said that their ancestors had some relationship with the gods of the ancient heavenly court, but later because of a series of The change eventually declined and could only settle and multiply within our Hailai city. "

"A descendant of the ancient heavenly court?"

After carefully thinking for a long time, Lan Lingyu said: "According to this person's memory, this dragon family has a deep relationship with the people enchanted by the demon clan, so I suspect that this dragon family is the devil. The headquarters of the Clan Enchanter. "


Xu Baichuan said with some hesitation: "The Dragon family is an ancient family, is it impossible to come?"

"Nothing in this world is impossible, after all, people are changing."

Lan Lingyu sneered: "Tonight I will take someone to talk about the Dragon Family at night, and confirm my speculation. If you guess correctly, then our mission to solve the Dragon Family can be completed."

"Be careful."

At the time of the high-profile announcement of Lan Lingyu, he suddenly heard a reminder, which made Lan Lingyu suddenly wake up, and then he noticed that there was a cold air behind him, and he was approaching him a little.

This made Lan Lingyu's heart tighten, and quickly evaded in the other direction.

But his reaction speed was obviously slightly slower.

At this moment, Lan Lingyu suddenly felt a knife flash, and then a figure appeared behind him.

"Magic ... Lord Mozu?"


I saw that the person enchanted by the Demon Clan couldn't help but exclaimed, and immediately opened his eyes, Ye Xiaohu, who was rushing over, tore into two pieces on the spot, and was directly destroyed by Ye Xiaohu.

(End of this chapter)

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