Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1286: : Jade and Stone Burning

"Chong, in front of the Long family's house ... update quickly!"

"Kill it in, kill all the devil cubs, and return me to a magnificent city in Hailai City."

"Well, the whites of the dragon family dare to join the demons in the world."

"Don't let any one go, so as to avoid the remnants enchanted by the demon race escape."

Xu Baichuan wanted to start against the Dragon family, so naturally he would not go alone.

Therefore, under the order of the Blue Spirit Domain, he immediately mobilized most of the families and sects that were closely related to him to form a huge team to kill the Dragon family.

Seeing this scene, the residents of Hailai City shivered one after another, daring not to look out at the ‘door’, and closed their house ’s ‘door’ one after another to avoid getting involved in the matter.

This left a lot of trouble, so Ye Xiaohu and others rushed to the Dragon family easily.

"One person, call me" door "."

Lan Lingyu directly waved his hand and commanded: "Let them take the initiative to surrender, then maybe I think that if they sincerely regret it, they will leave them with whole bodies and descendants."

After Blue Lingyu gave a command, someone immediately rushed to call him ‘door’.

As a result, the man had just rushed away, and he hadn't waited for him to ask. He was beaten back by a spell.

Immediately afterwards, a young man stood up and said with a firm voice: "Xu Baichuan, for your mine veins, you actually slandered our dragon family's attachment to the demon clan and became an enchanted person. It is simply a sin that deserves death. There is also your blue spirit domain. Our dragon family saw the arrival of the people of your fairy college, and they do n’t hesitate to present the secret of the true family story. As a result, you listened to the false accusations, indiscriminately, and joined Xu Baichuan against my dragon family. They were vain students of the fairy college. "

The youth of the Long family are facing hard steel Ye Xiaohu and others, and they continue to scream.

For other occasions, forget it, but under the eyes of everyone, the blue spirit domain, which has always been more face-saving, naturally feels that it is not coming to Taiwan.

So he waved his hand directly: "Chong, rush into me, regardless of whether the dragon family is enchanted by the Demon Race, go to kill them all for me."

Obtaining the orders of Blue Lingyu, Xu Baichuan laughed proudly, and ordered his deputy.

Xu Baichuan's deputy immediately rushed with his own shot.

For a time, the Dragon's house was empty, the ground ... there were traces of fighting everywhere, and fairy tools.

At the beginning, the Longs were still able to hit one and a half pounds.

After all, they had pigs already, so they were not caught off guard by surprise.

However, when the head of the Dragon family and the elders disappeared one after another, there was only a group of elders left in the Dragon family, and there was no way to maintain continuous fighting.

What's more, Xu Baichuan's forces are in the Long Family.

In addition, the blue spirit domain sits and commands, so after the initial stalemate, the dragon family killed directly and retreated.

"nailed it."

"The Longs have completely defeated this time, it is estimated that they are no longer standing."

"Haha, all the brothers of the Blue Spirit Territory are commanding properly. We, the rough men in the countryside, can only be determined in a battle, and we can handle the enchanted people of the Dragon family."

"Yes, without Brother Blue Spirit Domain's command, we would not be able to win so easily."

I saw Xu Baichuan and others, bypassed Ye Xiaohu and others, and walked directly to the side of Lan Lingyu, patting the horse fart constantly, saying what Lan Lingyu liked to hear.

"Master Xu Baichuan, you have great potential. I believe you will be appreciated in the future, and you will rise step by step."

Lan Lingyu walked over and took the initiative to pat Lan Lingyu's shoulder to encourage him.

Immediately after a big wave of his hand, he directly led Ye Xiaohu and others into it.

After seeing him come in, he immediately saw one building after another made of various immortals.

After all, the Dragon family is also an ancient family, and it has accumulated a lot of precious treasures for countless years.

However, the Blue Spirit Realm who has been practicing at the Immortal Academy all the year round did not have such an opportunity to obtain treasures. So when he saw this scene, he immediately faced Xu Baichuan and said: "City Master Xu, my fairy mountain recently, lacking some Decorations, I do n’t know what decorations can be sold in your city? "

"Brother Ling Lingyu, you are right on this trip. There are many rare treasures in Hailai City."

Hearing Lan Lingyu's words, Xu Baichuan's mouth could not help but twitch.

Because the words of Lan Lingyu are equivalent to telling Ming that he wants these precious treasures of the Dragon Family.

But did Xu Baichuan dare to reject the Blue Spirit Domain?

Obviously, he did not dare, so under the direct view of Lan Lingyu, Xu Baichuan smiled and resolved: "And don't use Brother Lan Lingyu to" spend "money to buy, this time we seized such a huge enchantment The family, the remaining resources, can just be used as prizes to give to Brother Blue Spirit Domain and all the brothers. "

Hearing Xu Baichuan's remarks ~ ~ In addition to the Blue Spirit Domain, the faces of people like Wang Daji and others also showed joy, and they were obviously very happy.

At this time, Lan Lingyu had taken Ye Xiaohu and others, and successively killed the hinterland of the Dragon family.

This place is the ancestral place of the Dragon family, all the sages of the Dragon family have been buried in this place.

"You are so deceiving."

"Really when my dragon family is a" chicken "egg, just come alone and want to knock twice?"

"Huh, 'force' anxious me, big deal we all die together."

The core members of the Dragon family are all covered with fairy blood. Obviously, they have been seriously injured.

And after paying for the loss of relatives and allies in death, they did not mean to retreat, because they knew that the ancestral land was their last hope.

"What can you do?"

Lan Lingyu didn't care about the threats of the Dragon family members. Instead, he vowed to take a step forward and said, "What can you do if Lao Tzu" forces "?"

Lan Lingyu responded in a low voice, waving his big hand directly, wanting to slap the man who had just spoken to death.

But he had just acted, and he saw the desperate expressions on the faces of the Dragon family, and he saw that they gritted their teeth fiercely, as if to make a decision.

Seeing this scene of the Blue Spirit Domain, he could not help but frown.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu, who had not taken this matter to heart, couldn't help but feel vigilant, so he issued a reminder: "Come on, there is something weird in this place."

But Ye Xiaohu's reminder is obviously a little slower, not to mention Ye Xiaohu's words, it does not mean that everyone will listen.

Therefore, when they hesitated, the ancestral land of the Dragon family blasted from the bottom, and a roaring sound of "desire" detonated, enveloping everyone present.

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