Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1287: :true colors

The mountain fell. . Update quickly. !

The ground fell.

The house collapsed.

For a time, with the Dragon family as the heart, half of Hailai City collapsed.

This shows how profound the impact of this shock ‘wave’ is.


A few minutes later, there was a light cough in the Long family's residence.

Immediately after another survivor, he got up from the ground and spit out the dust that he sucked into his stomach.

"I am still alive?"

"This is really good."

"Haha, the Dragons started such a huge formation, and there was no way to kill me. It seems that I am waiting for the luck!"

"Won, and finally got the dragon family of people enchanted by the demon."

I saw people standing up one by one, and after confirming their situation, they all made excitement.


At this time, after a bang.

Ye Xiaohu, Lan Lingyu and others also stood up.

There is a reminder from Ye Xiaohu that although Lan Lingyu and others still suffered a great impact ‘wave’, it was finally a fluke.

"Damn Devil Clan Remains, dare to do something to Lao Tzu."

Lan Lingyu glanced at his body, how severely traumatized he was.

Those survivors of the Dragon family, at the last moment, consumed all their cultivation practices, and launched the Dragon Family's mountain protection array.

Although it eventually succeeded in spurring the formation and destroying most of the enemies, some people still survived and could still cause damage to them.

Faced with such a scene, the members of the Long family laughed bitterly, then closed their eyes and made preparations for death. Obviously they knew that they had no power to resist.

"Let me die!"

Lan Lingyu burst into a blast, cast his own immortal method directly, and chiseled towards the Dragon family clan.

However, the immortal method he released did not yield any effect. When he was just halfway through, he lost some inexplicable power, as if he had never performed it.

Realizing this point, the Blue Spirit Domain could not help but stunned slightly: "What is going on, how can my immortal law not be able to be performed?"

Hearing Lan Lingyu's self-talk, the survivors of the Dragon family opened their eyes one after another, expressing joy.

"Is it because I used the secret method just now, what happened?"

Lan Lingyu hesitated for a while, and then he was brave and courageous, and once again released his fairy law.

As a result, the answer this time is the same as the answer once.

Seeing this scene, the Blue Spirit Domain was completely utterly ‘forced’. Obviously he could not notice where the problem was.

"Brother Ling Lingyu, you must have used a lot of immortals, and then this will happen. Let me let my brother out of evil spirits for you."

"Brother, I will help you out."

Wang Daji and the two stood up one after another, and walked toward the dragon family with a smile on their faces.

But the result is the same as the blue spirit domain, still can't release its own fairy law.

Under such circumstances, everyone is ignorant.

"what's going on?"

"There seems to be no way to use mana?"

"Dan Tian, ​​or is there something wrong with the soul?"

If only Blue Spirit Domain had problems, then everything is okay. Now, including Wang Daji and others, similar problems have occurred, and things are hard to say.


"We can't die."

"Really good ancestors!"

The people of the Long family glanced at Ye Xiaohu and others, and couldn't help but feel happy, and the whole person became relaxed.

"Humph, don't think I'm only immortal."

Hearing the words of the dragon family, the blue spirit domain could not help but have a black face, apparently feeling annoyed that he would not kill with a single blow.

So Lan Lingyu, carrying his sword, once again walked towards the remaining evil of the Dragon family: "Today I will use your sword to kill you one by one."

"Huh, how can we be stronger without your immortality?"

The people of the Dragon family sneered, and at this moment they were born one by one to survive, the 'desire', so they picked up their discarded sabers and wanted to fight hard.

"How much stronger, you will know later."

Lan Lingyu sneered, then rushed directly with his sword on his back.


But the blue spirit domain's saber was directly blocked by the dragon family's personality.

This made Lan Lingyu even more angry, so he kept waving his sword and slashed to the family of the Dragon family again and again.

The clan of the Dragon family also suffered a shock wave before, so at this moment, they also lost the immortal spell and could only use the sword to block it.

At first, the two sides were able to show evenly matched situation, but soon both sides became trembling.

Under such circumstances, Wang Daji and others worried about the loss of the Blue Spirit Domain, so they rushed to help the Blue Spirit Domain, and they also blasted with the other Dragon Family remnants.

This lasted for more than ten minutes, and everyone's body was covered in blood and scars, and there was still no difference. ~ Boom.

At this time, Xu Baina walked to the scene carrying Long Yun.

I saw her arbitrarily holding Long Yun on the ground, and then said to Xu Baichuan: "Brother, things are done, now you don't need to act."

"Has it been done?"

Hearing Xu Baina's words, Xu Baichuan couldn't help but stunned for a while, and then separated from the battle circle.

I saw him walking by Long Yun, and then asked Xu Baina: "Why are you so slow, I'm so close that I almost didn't fold it in."

While speaking, Xu Baichuan waved his hands, ordered some people who were not affected, and arranged a simple shielding method.

Once this formation is successfully deployed, it can isolate the onlookers around, so that outsiders have no way of knowing what happened in the formation.

Seeing the blue spirit domain of this scene, I don't know why my heart is tight and I feel that something bad is going to happen.

But he didn't know what happened.

So Lan Lingyu swallowed a sip of foam, cautiously withdrew from the battle circle, and said to Xu Baichuan: "Master Xu Baichuan, who is she?"

Xu Baichuan didn't answer him, but Xu Baina, who had arrived in a hurry, said first: "I am his sister."

"Sister sister?"

Lan Lingyu frowned even more. I saw him looking at Xu Baina and said, "Since you have just arrived and you haven't been touched by the" spread ", then you can directly use the immortal method to destroy this group of debris."

Hearing the words of the Blue Spirit Domain, some people withdrew from the battle one after another.


Hearing Lan Lingyu's words, Xu Baina actually agreed.

However, when he released the spell and directly digged toward the front, the Blue Spirit Territory suddenly evaded and evaded, but unfortunately his movement was still a step slower.

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