Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1288: : Debunking Ye Xiaohu's Disguise

Boom. -!

Lan Lingyu's face was ignorant, and he ate a recipe of immortality.

Rao is the body of his Dixian, still suffering a lot of damage, and spitting out a fairy blood.

"What are you doing?"

Faced with this situation, the Blue Spirit Domain made a dissatisfied voice, as for Xu Baina.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't been fighting for a long time, so there were some slight deviations when casting the immortal spell. However, this brother, you are a talented student of the Immortal Academy. I believe that the immortal spell should not hurt you. of."

Xu Baina responded briefly, and then cast another immortal method: "But little‘ female ’son, I will give you another immortal method, I do n’t know if you can continue to bear it.”


The blue spirit domain was dumbfounded, because Xu Baina said that she did it, and she really released a fairy dharma, and still digging toward the blue spirit domain.

Faced with such a situation, even if the spirit of the Blue Spirit Domain is immature, at this moment, I understand that there is a problem.

But his body has lost the Immortal Fa, and there is no way to release the Immortal Fa resistance. He can only eat another Xu Baina's Immortal Fa, and then his face is "skinned" and said in a white way: "Sister, mother, are you looking for death, one And again and again, they shot me. Are we really the geniuses of the Immortal Academy?

"Yes, you don't eat dry food, you are just a stupid pig, otherwise you will not be turned around by my elder brother, I don't know what you are doing, haha!"

I saw that the follow-up ah laughed wildly, and then released several spells one after another, hitting the body of the Blue Spirit Domain one after another, in order to vent the things just humiliated just now.

Faced with this situation, the Blue Spirit Domain can only grind his teeth hard.

At this time, Xu Baichuan, who was standing by the side, saw that his sister was almost venting, so she stopped Xu Baina's move and said: "Okay sister, this person has some uses."

"What's the use?"

Xu Baina puzzled: "It's just a" door "disciple in an ordinary fairy college. Isn't it a big deal?"

"We used to‘ plug ’the seedlings in the Immortal Academy before they were killed shortly.”

Xu Baichuan smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "So we need a new seedling to join us in the Immortal Academy on our behalf and continue to serve our Mozu."

Demon ... Devil?

Ye Xiaohu and others heard Xu Baichuan's words, and looked at Xu Baichuan's gaze, and suddenly had some intriguing eyes.

At this time, Xu Baina licked her mouth and lip, pointing to the remaining Ye Xiaohu except the Blue Spirit Domain and said, "So what about these people?"

"Those people are useless."

Xu Baichuan glanced at his sister, but knew what he was going to do, so he waved helplessly: "You take it back to play. But there is one thing to remember, this group of people must not leave alive, so you enjoy it After that, be sure to kill them for me to avoid future troubles. "

"I know."

Xu Baina shook her head and said indifferently, "I'm not a child, and it's not the first time I have done this. When did you ever see me dragging you back?"


Xu Baichuan smiled faintly, and then said to Xu Baina: "Then you should hurry and deal with it so as to avoid any 'chaos'."

"I know."

Xu Baina gave Xu Baichuan a glance, and then walked over and grabbed the knife and said to fly: "Huh, this guy is really handsome, and take it back to be a good furnace."

Demon secret method.

Dao Feixiang is different from Lan Lingyu. He traveled with Master for many years and walked through countless places. Eventually, after Master closed his doors, he chose to join the genius of the Immortal Academy.

So when he traveled outside, he had seen people enchanted by demons, and even some pure demons, so Dao Feixiang knew exactly what Xu Baina said just now.

Once Xu Baina does this step, then his cultivation will be absorbed by Xu Baina and transformed into his energy, and his flying sword will become a pile of dead bones.

This is definitely not the final result of the knife flying, so when Xu Baina was approaching herself, she originally sat on the ground, without any mana flying, directly pressed her tongue, and spouted a mouthful of blood to her treasure sword.


Consuming a drop of fairy blood, the flying sword of the sword immediately released its light and regained its terrifying power.

At the next moment, Dao Feixiang had a knife in his hand and killed Xu Baina.

"court death."

Seeing that Dao Feixiang cast a secret method, and Xu Baina, who was dying to fight back against Ge, couldn't help but scream and launched a counterattack.

I saw that she "extracted" her software and flew towards the knife.


After a collision, Xu Baina, who had just reached the immortal realm, was flew out by Dao Fei on the spot.

After landing on the ground, Xu Baina's face became a little ugly. Obviously she miscalculated the ability of the knife to fly, so she turned to Xu Baichuan's men and said: "What are you doing? Give the aunt 'milk' milk 'and cut that **** little white face into pieces, and I want him to never be resurrected. "

When Xu Baina was asked, Xu Baichuan's men looked at him one after another, so Xu Baichuan nodded slightly, expressing his command to unify Xu Baina.

So Xu Baichuan's men glanced at each other, one after another, flying towards the knife to kill.

"Your enchanted people, dare to run wild."

Dao Feixiang roared, exerted all his strength, and desperately confronted the enemy in front of him.

And during the bombardment, one after another was released, and even many of the black magic swords had not been used for a long time.

"Hey, look at the mysterious method cast by the man of the fairy school. It seems that it is an immortal method that our dragon family does not pass on."

"Long Xiao Nine Swords?"

"Yes, it's this magic skill."

The people of the Long family looked at the knife flying, with a glance of intriguing eyes.

Even Long Yun, who was brought over by Xu Baina, couldn't help but wait for her own eyes and stared at the knife flying: "It was you who gave me the report?"

When someone saw his identity, Dao Fei was also helpless.

Because he played against so many people by himself, it was too hard.

What's more, he wasn't injured, but now he's just casting secret methods and using his blood, "essence", to fight forcibly.

But there is obviously no way for such a battle to be too long-lasting.

So after fighting for a while, Dao Feixiang showed some flaws.

The knife flying in frustration can only be reluctant to fight and retreat, and said to Ye Xiaohu: "I know you are like me, there are some methods that are not used. If you don't help me, don't blame me for giving up This time, just turn around and go. "

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