Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1289: : Ye Xiaohu's Powerful

Hearing the sword flying, Xu Baichuan and others immediately became alert.

I saw Xu Baichuan gestured, and immediately a few people from Xu Baichuan quietly walked towards Ye Xiaohu.

But when they had just walked over and had not waited for their shot, Ye Xiaohu, who was originally sitting on the ground, could not help but sigh.

I saw Ye Xiaohu shake his shoulders, then stood up slowly.

Seeing this scene, people who originally planned to quietly kill Ye Xiaohu took a small step back.

"You are so powerful, why bother me?"

Ye Xiaohu looked at Dao Fei with a bitter smile, and said with some helplessness: "Now, I can't attack, but I can only fight hard with you."

"Sneak attack?"

Dao Feixiang's mouth twitched, and he was slightly helpless for Ye Xiaohu.

But at this time, someone attacked him again.

Under such circumstances, Dao Feixiang can only helplessly say: "Xu Baina gave it to me, and Xu Baichuan gave it to you. Their family is estimated to be enchanted by the demon, so we must not let him run, otherwise This time the mission failed, and there wo n’t be good reviews when I go back to Zongmen. "

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at the knife and said again: "But I am a newcomer to the academy, so there is nothing wrong with a failed mission."

Seeing that Ye Xiaohu didn't rush out, he fought with a knife that flew while fighting, and could only smile bitterly: "What the **** do you want to do?"

"I want to know what is your relationship with the Dragon family."

Ye Xiaohu turned and pointed to the humanity of the Dragon family: "And I want to know the secret of the Dragon family."

"You really are not ordinary."

Dao Feixiang's eyes twitched, and he thought a little: "I know. After this war, if you have any questions for me, I must know everything.

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly and took out the big sword with ease.

I saw Ye Xiaohu reached out, crossed Xu Baichuan's heart, pointed directly at Xu Baichuan and said, "Are you coming here to die, or wait for me to pick you up in the past."

"What an arrogant fairy college talent."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Xu Baichuan couldn't help but sneer.

I saw him turn around and told the left and right hearts to say: "What are you still doing, let me go up and cut him into pieces."


After being ordered by Xu Baichuan, a group of Xu Baichuan's confidants flew to Ye Xiaohu.

Seeing this scene, Xu Baichuan said with a smug face: "Well, even if you are geniuses, so what? We have a lot of people, we occupy geographic locations, and huge magic powers always support us. Just like you, an ordinary fairy genius , Not at all in our minds. "


Ye Xiaohu glanced at him, and then added: "I am not the waste of the Blue Spirit Domain."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the Lan Lingyu, who had been beaten up by the Dragon family and then sold by Xu Baichuan, spurted a spit of blood on the spot, kneeled down on the ground, and passed out on the spot.

But Lan Lingyu was halo and Ye Xiaohu didn't care.

"Since you are stubborn, then I will go to send you on the road."

Ye Xiaohu snorted and walked directly to Xu Baichuan step by step.

Faced with this scene, Xu Baichuan didn't mean to dodge, so he stood so quietly.


"If you want to take action against our city master, you must first ask us if we can agree."

"The **** genius of the Immortal Academy, if it was not blocked by the Lord of the City, I would have killed you.

"To kill a genius in a fairy college, I don't know what benefits can be exchanged for Lord Lord."

I saw Xu Baichuan's men staring at each other, and they cast their own immortals and attacked Ye Xiaohu.

"Good to come."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, seeing this scene he was not angry, but instead looked relaxed.

I saw Ye Xiaohu with a sword, killing a humane like the nearest one: "If you can take me a sword, then I will lose."

Puff puff.

Ye Xiaohu said he would do what he said. When his sword waved out, Xu Baichuan, who was the closest to Ye Xiaohu, kneeled on the spot.

"Old Qin."

"How can this be?"

"Die with a sword?"

All Xu Baichuan's men, when they saw this scene, were blinded on the spot and felt it was incredible.

"This is the first one, and it won't be the last one."

Ye Xiaohu moved his neck and said: "You wash your neck one by one and wait for death."

Ye Xiaohu snorted and waved a sword straight ahead.

"Still dumbfounded, hurry up and resist!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Baichuan couldn't sit still anymore, only to see that he also summoned his saber and rushed towards Ye Xiaohu on his own initiative.

"You don't feel your reaction. Is it a little over?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, only to see him rushing in, that is, a battle against the heavens to return to the world.


Xu Baichuan's men, without any response, saw the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands and waved thousands of sword lights.


I saw Xu Baichuan's men, and they didn't understand what happened, but they were cut into pieces by Ye Xiaohu.

Their soul also rushed out of the body at the next moment.

Under such circumstances, one by one flee in panic.

But before their souls had gone far, they found that the soul light above their souls actually faded a little bit, and even at the end, they lost their color directly.


Every one is dead, but it is dozens of fairy level masters!

But now, all their souls and flesh hung up.

"Outsiders have always called us the devil, but I see what you have done just now, and you should be called the devil even more. UU Reading Books"

Xu Baichuan stopped his forward movement and couldn't help but look slightly ugly: "Aren't you afraid of hurting peace?"

"A group of betrayed scum that only sells their souls. What are the qualifications to question my actions?"

Ye Xiaohu is worthy of his heart to do anything, so he will not be affected by Xu Baichuan's words at all.

I saw Ye Xiaohu staring at Xu Baichuan, saying: "Don't talk nonsense, it's your turn next."

"Haha, I admit that you are awesome, but do you think you can kill me by such means?"

Xu Baichuan laughed loudly, and then he urged the hidden magic in his body.

At the next moment, Xu Baichuan, who was still a human being, had a ulcer in his entire body and collapsed, but his breath expanded slightly.

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