Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1295: : Return trip

"Huh, finally broke through that mysterious power."

"My body can finally feel the fairy power. It is no longer the chaos before and there is no time for any power."

"Damn, if you haven't been affected by the shock wave just now, then there will be no embarrassment."

"No, actually let Dao Feixiang and Ye Xiaohu **** some cheap, so big face."

The Blue Spirit Domain and others outside the room broke through the blockade one after the other.

So they stood up one by one and looked at the places where Ye Xiaohu and Dao Feixiang were located, their eyes full of unwillingness.

Because they know that as soon as today ’s event is over, Ye Xiaohu and others will get credit, and although they will also get some credit for this trip, they will have an embarrassing record on the record, because they are not busy at all Helped, but instead acted as a drag.

Just when they vomited one by one, I saw Lan Lingyu take a deep breath, and then walked step by step to where Ye Xiaohu and others were.

"It's worthy of being Blue Lingyu's elder brother. Once he recovered his strength, he went to Ye Xiaohu and others to seek justice."

Seeing the action of the Blue Spirit Domain, everyone's eyes lit up.

Because the Blue Spirit Domain was the old big brother, but the Dragon Family arrived, let Ye Xiaohu and Dao Fei take advantage of it. Judging from the normal situation, the Blue Spirit Domain will definitely be unable to bear it.

So they all followed behind the Blue Spirit Domain and wanted to take a look at the excitement.

But when they followed the blue spirit domain to the door, they heard a crunch, and then the door was pushed open from inside.

At the next moment, Ye Xiaohu and Dao Feixiang walked out of the room.

I saw Ye Xiaohu glanced at the Blue Spirit Domain, and then at the people that followed him, and could not help but lift the corners of his mouth slightly: "What are you doing?"

"Brother Ye Xiaohu."

"Brother Dao Feixiang."

However, when everyone thought that Ye Xiaohu and others were about to clash with the Blue Spirit Domain.

But I saw the Blue Spirit Territory in front of everyone, lowered his noble head, and looked down at Ye Xiaohu and others, saying: "Two brothers, now the mission of Hailai City is under the strong suppression of the two brothers. It has been successfully completed, I don't know what we should do next? "

Ye Xiaohu and Dao Feixiang glanced at each other, and could not help nodding each other.

However, after seeing Ye Xiaohu's power, Dao Feixiang already knew that he was not Ye Xiaohu's opponent, so he could not help but take a deep breath and took a step back, giving Ye Xiaohu the first position.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "Xu Baichuan and his party basically lost everything in this battle. Only some of the remaining evil can be entrusted to the Dragon family. So Next, we will take the flying monster directly back to the city, and successfully explain the mission of this trip to the instructor within the fairy college. "


The Blue Spirit Domain nodded on the spot without any hesitation, then turned around to arrange the flying monster.

Wang Daji and others who saw this scene were very disappointed.

The originally expected picture of Mars hitting the earth did not happen, but saw a huge transformation of a person.

Just when they were emotional, Ye Xiaohu had ignored their existence, and turned to admit to Long Yun, temporarily acting as the host of Hailai City.

"Thank you Brother Ye."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s command, Long Yun could n’t help but be delighted: “Please also, Brother Ye, rest assured that I ’ll do your job well, and enchant the demons in Hailai City from the sea. Laicheng was wiped out, and Hailai City was turned into a fairy rear again. "

Long Yun was very clear that Ye Xiaohu's remarks represented the opinions of the upper class.

After all, any force will not offend a student who is in the sky within a fairy college for some small things.

What's more, Hailai City is just a small city on the frontier, and it's not worth anyone's competition.

In other words, once Long Yun becomes the acting city owner of Hailai City, it will be equal to the future city of Hailai City.

Faced with such a huge benefit, how could Long Yun be unhappy.

"I'm at ease when you do business."

Ye Xiaohu walked over, patted Long Yun's shoulder, and then flew towards the knife: "If you don't have anything to explain, then let's go back to Shenxian Academy."

"I have nothing to tell him."

Dao Feixiang snorted and stepped forward, ready to follow Ye Xiaohu.

But he had just taken a step, and before he could go further, he heard Long Yun shouting, "Fly, you may wait a little."

I saw that Long Yun hesitated and finally stomped his feet, then turned and ran to the Long Family Mansion, a house that was not destroyed.

Then he took out a space ring ~ ~ and hurried back to the side of the knife fly, and handed the space ring to the knife fly said: "Fly, some of the things inside are your mother's back then The things left behind, now I decided to return your belongings to the original owner, I hope you can cherish it. "

Dao Feixiang froze for a moment, then took the space ring in Long Yun's hands.

But when his spirits swept through the space ring, he could not help but stunned slightly.

Because he noticed that there were a lot of cultivation resources in it, as well as some tyrannical fairy tools. Obviously, such a thing is definitely not a resource that Dao Feixiang's mother can have.

But Long Yun did this, on the one hand, to repay her kindness, and on the other hand, to compensate her mother.

So Dafei Fei glanced at Long Yun, and could not help but nodded secretly, "I know, if I meet my mother, then I will tell her."

Long Yun saw that Dao Feixiang did not refuse his good intentions, he could not help but feel relieved in his heart, the whole person was not as worried and nervous as at first.

Just before this, the Blue Lingyu walked back and gave a gesture towards Ye Xiaohu and Daofei.

Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but slightly forehead, so he patted Dao Feixiang's shoulder and said: "What else do you need to deal with now?"

"No, let's go!"

Dao Feixiang shook his head, because all the things he had to deal with had already been dealt with, and now there was nothing worthy of him.

In this case, Ye Xiaohu nodded, then waved towards Long Yun and others, and then took the Dragon Ball he got, called the Flying Spirit Beast arranged by the Blue Spirit Domain, and took off directly back to the location of the fairy college ~ www ~ Just search for "Book Banner"!

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