Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1296: : Changes within the Immortal Academy

Inside the Fairy Academy.

Ye Xiaohu and others rode a flying monster, and after a long journey, they finally returned to the Immortal Academy.

Just stepped down from the flying monster, someone immediately rushed up.

"Brother Ling Lingyu, how are you doing this time?"

"Brother Wang Daji, you have completed another mission. It is estimated that this time you can get a lot of resources?"

"Senior Dao Feixiang, I think your spirit is good today. Have you made great achievements recently?"

I saw Lan Lingyu and the others came and was immediately surrounded by the servants who took care of the flying monster, and a group of people kept patting their stinky feet.

This made Lan Lingyu and others look embarrassed.

Dao Feixiang is okay. After all, he struggled a bit and beheaded Xu Baina and others.

However, Lan Lingyu, Wang Daji and others did not do anything. They even caught Xu Baichuan's scheming and were caught in a dangerous situation. He nearly died of Huang Quan.

Just when they were embarrassed, Xiao Hu, who had been neglected by others, had already taken the lead in pushing away the crowd and stepped directly to the place where the task was awarded.

I saw Ye Xiaohu arrived, and immediately attracted the attention of people around.

But there are some people in front of them who are preparing to hand over the task.

After seeing Ye Xiaohu, the people immediately glanced at each other, so they moved their footsteps one after another and blocked Ye Xiaohu's space for progress.

"Give way."

Ye Xiaohu looked at the same direction in front, and there was still a place to take over the task, so Ye Xiaohu frowned: "You are not in a hurry, I can be in a hurry."

"If you want to pass by, you can wait for us to complete the task."

"That is, there must always be a first-come-first-served handover task?"

"If we come first, we should wait for us to complete the task, and then it's your turn?"

"As if you are in a hurry, we are not in a hurry."

I saw people blocking Ye Xiaohu's sarcasm.

Obviously they all got the tone, so when they saw Ye Xiaohu one by one, it was like hitting chicken blood, beating Ye Xiaohu fiercely.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, frowned slightly, and obviously felt very unhappy.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was prepared to disregard everything and forcibly push away the person in front of him, intending to rush past directly.

The Lan Lingyu and Dao Feixiang, who had already greeted people before, had rushed through the crowd and came to Ye Xiaohu.

I saw that they glanced at each other, directly blocking Ye Xiaohu, and pushed the group of people away: "Why, what dissatisfaction do you have to rush to me directly, and what meaning is it to force Ye Xiaohu's boss?" "

"Boss like you, Ye Xiaohu boss disdain to shoot you."

I saw that Lan Lingyu had calmed down his identity, and said directly to those in front of him: "If you are not convinced, you can do two tricks with me."

Lan Lingyu and Dao Feixiang are like two door gods. When they stood in front of Ye Xiaohu and released their breath, those who wanted to continue to fight Ye Xiaohu, they flinched and took a small step back. Then he laughed bitterly at each other and directly gave way to a continent.


Without their hindrance, Dao Fei and the Blue Spirit Domain gave a gap, just like the bodyguards guarding important people, directly escorting Ye Xiaohu forward.

Soon under the protection of Ye Xiaohu, they came to the place where the task was handed over smoothly.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's own task token, plus the seizure of this task, as well as various materials.

After glancing at the materials submitted by Ye Xiaohu, the instructor responsible for the task briefly glanced at the content above, and couldn't help but glance at Ye Xiaohu Road: "Are you really just Ye Xiaohu who joined the inner courtyard?"

"If it's fake replacement."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly: "Unless there is another person named Ye Xiaohu in the inner courtyard."

"Sure enough, it's a new generation of new people, and I didn't expect that your newcomer is so powerful."

The tutor in charge of reviewing the task, with a simple sigh, made an option to determine the completion of the task directly on the task performed by Ye Xiaohu and others.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu's mission on this trip, even if it was completely over, and received a good reward.

Ye Xiaohu confirmed briefly, and after confirming that there were no problems, he planned to leave with the harvest.

But Ye Xiaohu was about to leave. He heard the mentor of the review mission and said to Ye Xiaohu's back: "Boy, I'm optimistic about your potential, but there are many geniuses in this world, all of them are too strong, and eventually fell inexplicably. I I do n’t want you to follow their old path, so you must practice well. "

"Thank you for reminding me, I know what I should do."

Ye Xiaohu waved his hand, then left the mission hall with the knife flying and others.

I saw Ye Xiaohu in the outer courtyard of the mission hall, and simply allocated the resources obtained by this mission to everyone.

After confirming that there were no remains, Ye Xiaohu asked: "Next, what are you going to do?"

"Wutong will be meeting soon ~ ~ Dao Feixiang preemptively replied:" So after this mission is over, I will practice a retreat. In addition to stabilizing myself, I, I There are other things to study. "

Hearing the sword flying, Lan Lingyu and others nodded one after another, indicating that they had similar thoughts.

Ye Xiaohu, seeing this scene, couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Then let's stop here and go back to our respective fairy mountains."

Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to beckon with Lan Lingyu and others, saying goodbye to them.

So Ye Xiaohu took the lead and walked towards the fairy mountain where he was.

Just after Ye Xiaohu left, Dao Feixiang couldn't help but smiled with emotion: "It really is a resolute person who doesn't want to delay for a moment."

"Perhaps this is where Ye Xiaohu succeeded?"

Lan Lingyu sighed: "But one thing I can foresee is that when you and I go out next time, Ye Xiaohu's ranking must be above me."

"Then there is no way, who makes our talents inferior to others?"

Dao Feixiang smiled bitterly, then shook his head and said: "Forget it, no matter Ye Xiaohu's evildoer, then on top of the Indus Club, I must show it well and try to get a good ranking. . "

"Me too, this time I won't let you keep me away."

Lan Lingyu nodded in agreement, so he turned directly to say goodbye to Dao Fei, and went back to his own fairy mountain alone.

When they separated, Ye Xiaohu had returned to the 86th fairy mountain, and he found that his own fairy mountain had actually made a huge change ~ ~ Just search for "Book Banner"!

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