Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1297: : Ye Xiaohu's Fury

"Strange, this is not the formation I originally arranged."

"Is there anything on the mountain different from when I left?"

"... Is this done by Long Yi?"

"No, although Long Yi's talent is good, he shouldn't be able to do that?"

Standing under the 86th Immortal Mountain, Ye Xiaohu frowned.

Because after a brief departure, the situation of Xianshan has changed greatly, and he has not recognized it.

So with such a deep curiosity, Ye Xiaohu climbed the mountain directly.

But he had just climbed the mountain, and he hadn't waited for Ye Xiaohu to enter the fairy mountain, there was a mysterious force that pushed Ye Xiaohu from the inside out.

This made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised: "No, someone took the control of Xianshan while I was not there."

Ye Xiaohu snorted, if Ye Xiaohu could accept the changes at the beginning, then now the formation promotes Ye Xiaohu's move, and let Ye Xiaohu understand the situation at once.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu snorted on the spot, and waved the power of the world, bombarding the spot where the No. 86 Xianshan Formation method was cracked on the spot.


The formation of Xianshan on the 86th faced Ye Xiaohu's thunder strike and was attacked by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

"I'd like to see who is making trouble behind my back."

After there was no resistance from the formation, Ye Xiaohu climbed the mountain step by step.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu found that the fairy medicine left by Ye Xiaohu on the fairy mountain had been picked up, leaving only the fairy medicine fields that had been quickly searched.

Seeing the changes in this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but look black. He had expected a terrible thing, but he didn't want to admit it, so he clenched his teeth tightly.


I saw Ye Xiaohu gasping for breath, and finally came to the mountainside.

At this moment, halfway up the mountainside, the earliest medicine field where Ye Xiaohu had removed the medicinal materials was being replanted successively.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneered, "Give me a hand."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's voice, the people who had been busy planting fairy medicines all looked up to Ye Xiaohu.

"who are you?"

"Don't you dare to pass the report, and broke into our 86th fairy mountain without authorization?"

"court death."

"What nonsense did he talk to him, hurry up and grab him."

The people who planted the fairy medicine glanced at each other and rushed to Ye Xiaohu.

But this group of people are basically ordinary immortal practitioners, and the one with the highest cultivation level, that is, the leader of this group of people, is just an ordinary immortal.

So this group of people is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Xiaohu.

I saw Ye Xiaohu gently blow a breath of fairy air. After leaving Xi Xiaohu's mouth, the fairy air immediately turned into a tornado and quickly rolled towards the people who planted the fairy medicine.


"Who the **** are you, dare you start with us?"

Amidst their exclamation, the tornado condensed by Ye Xiaohu's immortal energy swept them into the sky one by one.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the people who planted the fairy medicine were all confused, and they collapsed to the ground one by one, losing their resistance.

Seeing such a result, Ye Xiaohu walked past with a relaxed face, and faced with the highest immortal man among them: "Tell me, who are you, why are you on my fairy mountain, and my brother Long Yi is here Where?"

"Are you Ye Xiaohu?"

When Ye Xiaohu's words began, the fairy caught by Ye Xiaohu suddenly changed his face: "You actually dare to come to the Eighty-Sixth Mountain, are you not afraid of being discovered by Brother Chong Xiaozi, who will kill you Extinguish? "

"Who is Chong Xiaozi?"

Ye Xiaohu was stunned for a while, because in his memory, there was no such thing as Chong Xiaozi.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was forced, the fairy caught by Ye Xiaohu said with a smug face: "Brother Chong Xiaozi, that's an old strongman, but he has been practicing in the retreat of the Xianshan Mountain on the 90th. After going out this time, he directly captured No. 86 Xianshan and successfully joined Brother Cui Jie's lineup. "

Cui Jie?

Hearing these words, Ye Xiaohu calmed down.

I saw Ye Xiaohu snorted and picked up the man on the spot and said, "Go, take me to see your brother Chong Xiaozi. I want to see what he has in the end. I dare to take advantage of my absence. Take away my fairy mountain. "

"Huh, just because you deserve to see Brother Chong Xiaozi?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the arrested people immediately retorted: "I advise you to kneel and beg for mercy as early as possible. I may still be able to see your inner disciple's identity and forgive your sin just now."

"Where is so much nonsense?"

Ye Xiaohu gave him a punch directly and hit him **** the stomach.


The fairy who was picked up by Ye Xiaohu ~ ~ howled on the spot.

This punch made him completely lose the heart of resistance, because he felt the hate and murderous opportunity contained in Ye Xiaohu's fist.

So he let Ye Xiaohu carry it, step by step to the top of the mountain.

I saw Ye Xiaohu glance around, and then sneered at the place where Ye Xiaohu originally lived: "Inside, the Chongxiaozi who occupied Laozi's Immortal Mountain quickly rolled out and died."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's voice, a violent wave came from the room.

Apparently, the person who took Ye Xiaohu's 86th Immortal Mountain snorted directly in the house, and then directly pointed to Ye Xiaohu: "Who did I think it was, the former mountain owner Ye Xiaohu's brother came back?"

Soon after the voice came, Ye Xiaohu saw a middle-aged man, waving a feather fan, and came out with a look of disbelief: "I don't know, Brother Ye Xiaohu, why are you coming to my fairy mountain?"

"Who is your brother?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted and pulled back in person: "If we are the same class, then you should not take the fairy mountain that originally belonged to me, Ye Xiaohu, while I was away."

"I also think about you, brother."

Chong Xiaozi said coquettishly: "After all, on the 86th Immortal Mountain, such a well-ranked Immortal Mountain, is not a newcomer to you, you can enjoy it alone. So Brother I will help you take down the Immortal Mountain and avoid you from being taken by other The brothers defeated and fell into trouble. "

"Haha, what a good reason and excuse."

Seeing Chong Xiaozi's expression of astonishment, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneered and asked, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, I will ask you, when will you leave my fairy mountain, and my brother Long Yi Where are you now, how are you treating him? "

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