Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1300: : Thoroughly irritated

"You're done."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's move, the servant leader stepped back step by step, shaking at the same time: "You dare to do something with us, then when Brother Cui Jie comes back, you will be unloaded."

"When he comes back, who doesn't know who will unload them?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted and walked toward the servant leader step by step: "But I know a little, that you are about to be unlucky."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and then rushed up with an arrow, flew the leader of the slave on the spot, and then threw it back to pick him up again: "Look, where is Long Yi."

"I do not know."


Ye Xiaohu once again defeated him: "Say."

"I do not……"


"Say it?"


"Since you don't want to say, what's the use of keeping you, I might as well go find it myself."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and a strong murderous force appeared on his body, rolling towards the body of the servant leader, and realizing the breath of Ye Xiaohu's body, the servant leader jumped up in a panic.

Because he sensed the breath of death, it has been a long time since he surrendered to Cui Jie, and he hasn't experienced such a feeling for a while, causing him to lose a little bit of his position and not knowing how to manage himself.

Just when he was about to be forced, and when he was about to say that Dragon had fallen, a sword of light descended from the top of Immortal Mountain and came directly to Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu is really awesome!"

I saw Ye Xiaohu's familiar Chi Mian You, and he was among these people.

However, his position is obviously a relatively backward position, far from the lofty status of the person headed.

I saw Chi Mianyou hadn't spoken yet, and the headed person had cleared his throat, staring at Ye Xiaohu and said snortingly: "I dare to be alone, killing Brother Cui Jie's fairy mountain, really when I wait Is it all waste? "

"You are not waste, what is it?"

Ye Xiaohu sneered, "If you are not a waste, how could you wait for me to beat Cui Jie's servants all together, so many siblings come together?"

"Okay, brother Ye Xiaohu, who is very clever."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the snorting man couldn't help but sneered: "However, no matter how hard your mouth is, you will be doomed to fail in the future, Long Yi's present is your future."

Along with his cry, a figure fell from the sky and fell on him.

Ye Xiaohu glanced carefully, and the silhouette of the person who fell beside the sighing sigh was Longyi who turned into a humanoid.

But there are several wounds on Long Yi's body.

Those wounds were all cut directly by people using sharp magic weapons, and Ye Xiaohu clenched his teeth tightly at first glance.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's angry expression, standing on the side of Chi Mian right, could not help but sneered: "Ye's surname Ye, did not expect you to have a ground dragon above your fairy mountain. I have to say, the ground dragon meat The taste is so good, we should also thank you for your contribution to this earth dragon, so that when we are fine, we can beat the tooth festival. "


Chi Mianyou's words made everyone except Ye Xiaohu laugh freely.

Maybe it was because of their voice, or maybe it was for other reasons. In short, Long Yi, who was originally in a coma, was awakened by their laughter.

I saw Long Yi, who slowly opened his eyes. After looking around for a while, he quickly found Ye Xiaohu's figure and couldn't help but panic: "Brother Xiao Hu, you run fast, they are not humans, they are a group of livestock. Don't fall into their hands for me. "

Obviously Long Yi was worried that Ye Xiaohu was not Chi Mianyou's opponent, and he would become the food of Chi Mianyou and others like him.

I have to say that at this moment, Long Yi still misses Ye Xiaohu in his heart.


Hearing Long Yi's words, Ye Xiaohu could not help but growled angrily.

Immediately after his body, it disappeared like lightning.

When he appeared again, he had come to Ye Xiaohu's side.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu first released a spell like Healing to Long Yi to help Long Yi stabilize his body. Then Ye Xiaohu stroked Long Yi's hair and said, "Good boy, you can rest assured, that group of scumbags I They won't make them feel better. "

Although the earth dragon is a monster, it can also be used as food.

But now that Long Yi has transformed, and has become Ye Xiaohu's younger brother, some people still force him to transform and cut off a piece of meat from him to eat, which completely angered Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu put Long Yi on the ground and assured Long Yi: "You can rest assured that from today, I will not let anyone bully you again. Those who have eaten the meat of you, I will let them Eternal life must not be superborn. "

Originally, Ye Xiaohu did not think about killing people ~ ~ After all, everyone is a disciple of the inner door.

But Chi Mian You and others were too much. Actually, in order to fight Ye Xiaohu, after taking the dragon away, he planned to raise the dragon in a circle and become a meat emulsion.

"Still want to avenge him?"

Chi Mian stared right at Ye Xiaohu and smiled coldly: "What do you think is this place?"

"This is Brother Cui Jie's fairy mountain. This is our main battlefield. Now that you are rushing in, then even if we kill you, no one will gossip."

Chi Mian stared right at Ye Xiaohu, and said lightly.

But he had just finished speaking and hadn't waited for him to be proud.

Ye Xiaohu found that Long Yi was included in his storage space magic weapon. Immediately after Ye Xiaohu's cheek, he came to him in a flash.

You can reach each other by reaching out.

Under such circumstances, Chi Mian couldn't help but swallow a spit: "What do you want?"

"kill you."

Ye Xiaohu responded faintly, then stretched out his hand on the spot and pinched Chi Mian's right neck directly.


Without any hindrance, no fancy moves, and even Chi Mianyou had no response, he was killed on the spot by Ye Xiaohu.

Almost at the time of physical death, Chi Mianyou's soul immediately escaped, intending to leave Ye Xiaohu.

"Want to go now, don't you feel that everything is late?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and released a light of sharp arrows directly in his eyes, hitting the spirit of slowness right on the spot.


The spirit of Chi Mian You, who simply struggled for less than tenths of a second, was defeated by Ye Xiaohu on the spot. Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu withdrew his gaze and stared at Cui Jie who was not in Xianshan. "Next, it's your turn."

(End of this chapter)

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