Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1301: : Strong kill

"Okay, such an arrogant Ye Xiaohu, really when I am afraid you will not succeed?"

The snorting man glanced at the surrounding brothers and sisters, and one by one took a step back, exposing his figure to Ye Xiaohu.

This made him suddenly feel very dissatisfied. Obviously, the things he did after he took office also made some of them have some views on him.

So when they saw Ye Xiaohu challenge themselves, no one came forward to help.

Under such circumstances, the snorting man could only stare at his fellow brothers fiercely, then withdrew his gaze and stared at Ye Xiaohudao: "Since my Yushan Jun followed Brother Cui Jie's cultivation No one has ever dared to provoke me, so I will let you know in a moment how big the gap between you and me is. "

"How can there be so much nonsense?"

However, in the face of the whining and sulking Yushanjun, Ye Xiaohu said a little impatiently: "Now you will come and die for me."

Ye Xiaohu came directly to Yushan Jun, and punched Yushan Jun with a punch.


With a punch, Yushan Jun was exploded on the spot.

But Ye Xiaohu's brows just collapsed together, without any joy of victory.

Just when Ye Xiaohu frowned, a seamless sword pierced the time and space, directly striking the back of Ye Xiaohu's head.

"Interesting, there is such a silent magic weapon, no wonder you will be Cui Jie's confidant, and dare to challenge me."

Who is Ye Xiaohu?

When he noticed the magic weapon, he suddenly understood why the other party could avoid his killing trick.


It was almost when Ye Xiaohu noticed that Yu Shanjun, who had been beheaded by Ye Xiaohu, turned into a pile of mud, obviously he was not a human.

However, Ye Xiaohu has no effort and appreciates this stand-in.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu quietly ran a fairy law, and his body was like water, turning into a drop of liquid.


Just when Ye Xiaohu cast his secret method, Yu Shanjun's sword stabbed him in the body.

Ye Xiaohu's body was pierced on the spot, but he didn't feel any effort. It was like hitting the real water. There was no trace of strength in the softness.

"What is this secret?"

Yushan Jun couldn't help but frown for a while, and quickly closed his sword, ready to change his attack.

But just as he changed the method of attack, he heard Ye Xiaohu's voice, and echoed from his side: "Dragon clandestine method of hydration."

I saw Ye Xiaohu calmly responded to Yushan Jun, and then turned into a body of water droplets, a little bit of condensing into a solid, and suddenly grabbed Yushan Jun's sword.

"Do not."

Seeing this scene, Yushan Jun suddenly felt a crisis.

So he wanted to break free from Ye Xiaohu's hands, but desperately his strength could not be compared with Ye Xiaohu.

So letting him wield enough power, there is still no way to withdraw the sword from Ye Xiaohu's hand.

"damn it."

Seeing this scene, Yushan Jun couldn't help but snorted, intending to give up his sword.

"Don't you feel, is your judgment a bit behind?"

Almost at the time when Yushan Jun gave up the sword, Ye Xiaohu held the sword and turned directly, and he chopped towards Yushan Jun's body.

"Don't ..."

Yu Shanjun exclaimed and quickly ran his own magic weapon.

But it is a pity that his defense is too slow, so that Ye Xiaohu directly split it in half with a sword.

At the next moment, Yu Shanjun's soul escaped and wanted to leave Ye Xiaohu's side and escape to a safe place.

It is a pity that Ye Xiaohu has already made a killing opportunity, and will naturally not let him escape.

So when Yushan Jun fled, Ye Xiaohu directly exhibited the tactics of war against the sky, killing Xiang Yushan's soul with a sword.

Seeing this scene, Yushan Jun felt the terrible death.

So at this dangerous time, he gave up and escaped with a quick move, but came directly to Long Yi's side.

I saw that he pinched the dragon and threatened Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Stop it, immediately grab your hand and catch it, otherwise don't blame me for pinching your little brother Longyi."

"Brother Hu, don't worry about me."

Seeing myself degrading the threat from the other side, this made Long Yi's face white: "I'm not weaker than others in my life, so I will not be subject to others."

When speaking, Long was ready to explode to solve Yushan Jun.

Seeing this scene, Yushan Jun couldn't help but panic. Obviously Long Yi's decision made him slightly surprised.

After all, in his cognition, a good dog is worse than alive.

Just when he was panicking, Ye Xiaohu threw the Yushan Jun sword that he had come over to the ground beside Yushan Jun: "Threat me, do you feel that I will fear your threat?"

"you may try it."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu did n’t immediately attack himself ~ ~ Yu Shanjun felt a little more at ease, only to see that he continued snorting and said: "If you are catching without restraint, let me and the dragon die together. ! "

"I Ye Xiaohu has never been afraid of threats, but since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath directly, then took the nine-turned Dragon Yin gun in his palm, and Qingtian chiseled toward Yushanjun's face.

"Since you want to kill me, let him die with me!"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu dissatisfied with softness, Yushan Jun was determined to pull Long Yi to Huangquan together.


But when Yu Shanjun's finger was about to pinch the body of the dragon, he encountered an invisible force.

This slight obstruction made Yushan Jun miss the opportunity to kill Long Yi.

"No, no!"

Yushan Jun, aware of this, could not help but exclaimed: "I beg ..."

Before the Rao word was spoken, Yu Shanjun was chased by Ye Xiaohu, who was catching up from behind, and passed through a hole in the head.


Yu Shanjun's soul was dispelled by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

Yu Shanjun's eyes glared at the boss, but he still didn't understand why this happened. He clearly grasped the initiative and why he died in Ye Xiaohu's hands.

"Don't be proud of your surname Ye, Brother Cui Jie will avenge me sooner or later."

Yushan Jun, who left the last ruthless words, was thus killed by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

I saw Ye Xiaohu pointed at the gunpoint, then backed up to lift Longyi's body, and stared at Longyi seriously and asked: "How is it, what shot did I just do to your body? Affect, if you have any, follow me closely to help me find the cause and help you heal the injured area. "

(End of this chapter)

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