Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1321: : The duel between the brothers

Cui Jie won.

This made the people of the Immortal Academy very excited, but for Shi Mao and others, they felt that their brows were tight, and there was a heavy stone in their hearts, which pressed **** them, making them difficult to breathe.

Just as Lu Qianqiu said, in order to win this competition, Cui Jie even spared his life and blood, preferring to let his cultivation practice go backwards and win.

But as a result, Cui Jie's body suffered severe trauma, and it is difficult to fight anymore. He must leave and take him back for treatment.

"Cui Jie has made contributions to the college, and the college naturally cannot watch his cultivation practice going backwards."

Although Luo Jingxiu didn't really like the pretty Cui Jie, Cui Jie's performance today won him a very important position in Luo Jingxiu's mind.

Faced with this situation, Luo Jingxiu simply waved his hand, summoned a fairy doctor from an academy, and simply told the other party to let him actively treat Cui Jie.

Immediately after Luo Jingxiu, said to Cui Jie: "Go down and take a rest!"


Cui Jie was relieved to hear Luo Jingxiu's words.

He knew he was betting right, and he could compensate for the loss of burning blood before.

So Cui Jiexi Zizi left the team and went to receive Xian doctor treatment.

Under such circumstances, Luo Jingxiu looked at Wang Yishan Road: "Wang Daoyou, you see the students have been fighting for a while, do you want to rest for a while before continuing to learn?"

"Luo Daoyou, although we also want to take a break, but the time is tight and the tasks are heavy. After the consultation with the Immortal Academy, we have other tasks to do."

Wang Yishan smiled faintly. He wouldn't give the fairy academy room to treat Cui Jie.

So Wang Yishan turned to himself and said, "Who is next?"

"I come."

I saw the unicorn college, quickly jumped up to a person, and pointed at a person at random, and fought a battle.

As a result, the Immortal Academy won the final victory.

After all, this place is the home of the Immortal Academy, and Kirin Academy also lost some core members, naturally lacking capable soldiers.

Therefore, except for Lu Qianqiu who was very hot at the beginning, the disciples of the other Kirin Academy did not gain much victory.

Faced with this situation, Wang Yishan's face was slightly ugly.

Obviously he didn't anticipate that it would eventually be such a result.

So he glanced at Wang Yuangu, who was sitting beside him with a steady face in his hand.

I saw Wang Yishan sighed, and then said to Wang Yuangu: "Yuangu, can't continue to lose, so please come on."

"I know."

After hearing Wang Yishan's words, Wang Yuangu couldn't help but take a deep breath, then slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the seat.

"Huh, Brother Wang Yuangu is going to shoot?"

"I thought Brother Wang Yuangu was going to make a final shot?"

"It seems that the vice president also felt great pressure, so it was at this time that Brother Wang Yuangu was asked to take action."

"If Brother Wang Yuangu shot, then there would be no chance for the Immortal Academy."

The people of Qilin College glanced at Wang Yuangu, and they felt very peaceful in their hearts, because they knew that Wang Yuangu would never lose the competition.

Wang Yuangu came on the court and did not immediately fight.

I saw his gaze, glancing past every disciple of a fairy academy, and finally fell on Shi Mao: "Shi Mao, the next stage should belong to our duel."

Who is he?

The newcomers of the Immortal Academy apparently did not know Wang Yuangu, so they made contempt and questioning voices.

But Shi Mao, who was in the field, could not ignore Wang Yuangu in any way.

"At that time, you were not my opponent, but my men were defeated. Now you dare to challenge me. It is really beyond your control."

Facing Wang Yuangu's challenge, Shi Mao cannot naturally be a tortoise.

Moreover, Shi Mao felt a little suffocated in his heart. He also wanted to use it to vent his dissatisfaction and sadness, so Shi Mao stood up and walked step by step to the ancient saying of Wang Yuan: "say, how do you want to lose?"


So handsome.

Hearing Shi Mao's words, many newcomers admired it.

This is their great brother, and their future dean.

I saw that Shi Mao was walking step by step calmly in the eyes of everyone's attention and came across Wang Yuangu, as calm as an old pine tree.

"At that time, you were just lucky to win me."

Wang Yuangu did not lose a few words of Shimao by Shi Mao, and saw that Wang Yuangu reached out one hand and summoned a fairy shield and big axe from his storage space, and then he was full of war. Tao: "Now more than ten years have passed, I have evolved from an ordinary unicorn college student to a real genius, so today I will win this battle ~ ~ Wang Yuangu's body, released There was a rush to war.

"I would win that year, and now I will still win."

Sensing Wang Yuangu's fighting intent, Shi Mao frowned, because he felt that Wang Yuangu's power was not at the same level as before.

This made Shi Mao feel the tremendous pressure, so he calmly summoned his fate sword Jinghong.

I saw that Shi Mao slowly raised his natal sword in his hand, and then said to Wang Yuan Gu: "Come on! Let me see what progress you have made in these ten years."

"You will know soon."

Wang Yuangu sneered, then placed the fairy shield in front of him.

Then Wang Yuangu was like a tank, crashing into Shi Mao standing in front of himself.

"Good to come."

Seeing Wang Yuangu's movements, Shi Mao drank a sigh and directly exhibited an immortal method in the sky, and a sword pierced Wang Yuangu's fairy shield.


Immortal Sword and Immortal Shield collided together, and immediately released the horrible sound of the avenue, which shows the superb cultivation of the two people.

I saw that after they collided for a round, they immediately separated again.

Obviously, at the beginning, the two did not exhibit all the cultivation practices.

But Wang Yishan and Luo Jingxiu's brows were frowned one after another. Obviously they did not expect such a situation.

At this time, Shi Mao, as the landlord, finally calmed down the inner complexity, and then stared at Wang Yuan Gu Dao: "You did not disappoint me, it was completed in just ten years The leap from Dixian to Tianxian has the ability to fight against Shi Mao. However, I tell you that the ultimate winner today must be Shi Mao, because I am stronger. "

(End of this chapter)

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