Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1322: : The difference between immortality and self-cultivation

Swish swish.

With the sound of Shi Mao's voice, he immediately released a breath of majestic breath, which indicates that he will release the pinnacle to repair.

I saw that Shi Mao's cultivation climbed up and down, and quickly surpassed Dixian, reaching the early and middle days of Tianxian.

Aware of Shi Mao's strong fighting intentions and cultivation behavior, all the students of the Immortal Academy who were present were filled with awe in their eyes.

"Now me, you can't beat at all."

After releasing all the cultivation practices, Shi Mao stared at Wang Yuangu's expression with a hint of playful expression: "Now what else can you say?"

"You really didn't let me down, and really reached the mid-day of Tianxian."

Originally it was just some of the reports reported on, and these reports were not very accurate.

It was not until today that Wang Yuangu saw Shi Mao and released his cultivation behavior with all his strength. Wang Yuangu believed the content of the intelligence.

I saw him lick his lips, then stared at Shi Mao: "You fill me with the desire to fight, and the next battle, I Wang Yuangu will go all out."

Wang Yuangu's cultivation practice is not particularly outstanding, but only in the early days of Tianxian.

Relatively speaking, Wang Yuangu is a little lower than Shi Mao, but Wang Yuangu is fearless, as if not afraid of death.

I saw him killing Shi Mao again, but this time he did not use his fairy shield and gave up his powerful defense fairy law, but chose the attack fairy law.

Shi Mao, who once confronted Wang Yuangu, naturally knew that Wang Yuangu's mastery was not the defense method of Xiandun, but his fairy axe.

So when Shi Mao saw Wang Yuangu's attack, he immediately knew that Wang Yuangu was going to be serious, so Shi Mao took a deep breath and calmly responded.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I saw the two of them, after a few rounds of collision, Shi Mao grasped the absolute initiative, and Wang Yuan played back.

"Haha, Wang Yuangu was still arrogant just now, but in the blink of an eye, he was beaten back by Brother Shi Mao, did he seem to be the same?"

"It's over, it is estimated that this Wang Yuangu will persist in a few rounds, and he will be defeated in the hands of Brother Shi Mao. Then, Brother Shi Mao must replace our Immortal Academy and teach him a arrogant unicorn College is. "

"Before our fairy academy was defeated, it was only to avoid making your Kirin academy ugly. Now that our brother Shi Mao shot, you will be completely abolished."

"Brother Shi Mao, please invite us to avenge us and teach the students of Kirin College."

I saw people from all the fairy colleges, who exclaimed in support of Shi Mao's battle.

But the people of Qilin Academy still sat calmly.

This time they did not have the initial excitement and excitement because they were full of confidence in Wang Yuangu, after all, that was the future of their fairy college.

Just when both academies supported their own genius disciples, the two people in the battle finally separated after a strong collision.

So Wang Yuangu looked at Shi Mao quietly: "I have to say, if you are practicing till mid-day, or if you are stable for a year or two, then now I am definitely not your opponent. But unfortunately, before passing After my training, Wang Yuangu is no longer the same as before, and I reached the Celestial Realm through my own efforts. Is it that you are a Celestial Comparable that is urged by drugs? "

Wang Yuangu originally had some fears, but after he passed the test and found that Shi Mao was not very powerful, he gave up the idea of ​​the beginning.

I saw Wang Yuangu sneered: "Shi Mao Daoyou, today I will return all the pain you had to me that day."


This time, Wang Yuangu was like a cannonball, killing Shi Mao arbitrarily.

Seeing the action of Wang Yuangu's charge test, Shi Mao's reaction was obviously slightly slow.

Especially his cultivation behavior, which grew up through drugs, after a long period of collision and battle, the reaction showed some weakness, which made them feel that Shi Mao felt more and more powerless after a long battle.

Shi Mao, who was aware of this, knew that this round of battle must win and lose, otherwise he would continue to drag on, fearing that the one who failed would be himself.

Faced with this situation, Shi Mao took a deep breath and also launched a strong counterattack.


I saw that the two of them collided again, but Shi Mao, who was prepared in his heart, once again took the initiative, so he flew out Wang Yuangu.

But Wang Yuangu, who was blown off again, did not have any disappointed expressions, but was even more excited. I saw him growling and urging his fairy law again.

Under his constant experimentation, Wang Yuangu's cultivation practice is also constantly improving.

"No, he is going to break through."

Shi Mao just breathed a sigh of relief, just when he thought he was winning the game steadily ~ ~ As a result, he saw Wang Yuangu's continuous improvement and cultivation, and it was about to impact the mid-day of Immortals.

This made Shi Mao feel great pressure, so in order to get rid of such a dilemma, so Shi Mao initiated the attack for the first time.

But under his attack, Wang Yuangu relied on his fairy shield to resist.

After a few rounds, Wang Yuangu's body released a huge breath, making Wang Yuangu more powerful and terrifying.

"Shi Mao, everything is over."

I saw Wang Yuangu growled, regardless of what he had just broken through, and Xiu Wei was not yet stable. He directly went to Shi Mao as a cannonball: "When I break through, you will definitely not be my opponent."

Shi Mao felt tremendous pressure, but he must not give up, so at a dangerous time, Shi Mao could also stand on his head.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I saw both of them, and collided again for a few rounds.

It was originally evenly matched, but at the end of the battle, Wang Yuangu displayed an immortal method of axe and shield, and directly hit Shi Mao by surprise.


After Shi Mao exclaimed, he was blown out by Wang Yuangu on the spot, and after landing on the ground, he spurted blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone was silent, and obviously the result was somewhat unexpected.

"It's over, I won."

Instead of continuing to challenge Wang Yuangu, he withdrew his gaze, too lazy to ignore Shi Mao, and returned directly to Wang Yishan.

"Good job."

Wang Yishan patted Wang Yuangu's shoulder. After a brief thank you, he stood up and pointed at Luo Jingxiu: "Luo Jingxiu, Taoist, can I ask if anyone else from your college can fight? If not, then this time The two institutes have compared and compared, and the winner is my unicorn college. "

(End of this chapter)

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