Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1326: : Start with the Sycamore Tree

Wang Yishan is gone.

Wang Yuangu was also helped away by the people of Qilin Academy.

They don't have any stay, they don't want to stay in the fairy school even for a moment.

Although the people of the Immortal Academy will not laugh at them, but they can also make them feel like a needle in the Immortal Academy.

After all, they are full of hope for victory, so that they can not face the people they look down upon in the past.

Fortunately, when Wang Yishan was leaving, he spent a lot of money and was redeemed by Zhang Xiaosheng and others who were imprisoned by Ye Xiaohu on the 86th Immortal Mountain. In this way, Ye Xiaohu gained a lot of treasure.

So Ye Xiaohu happily followed Luo Jingxiu and others to the place where Inner Dean lived.

"Ye Xiaohu, although you have just joined the door of the college, but you have made such a great contribution, the college will definitely reward you."

I saw Luo Jingxiu reached out and pressed the noisy voice around him: "I don't know what reward you want?"

"Sycamore tree."

Ye Xiaohu did not hesitate and said: "I need to practice a divine skill now, so I must get a sycamore tree, otherwise it is difficult to cultivate it, so I also asked Dean Luo to hand me the sycamore tree according to the situation negotiated before.


"The Sycamore tree is the treasure of the town yard of my fairy academy, how can you give it to someone casually?"

"Also a reasonable reward, then the college may consider it, but the sycamore tree is definitely not in scope."

"Ye Xiaohu, don't think that you can make contributions to the college, you can do whatever you want, whatever you want."

I saw one of Shi Mao's fellow parties, who stood up and yelled at Ye Xiaohu.

Obviously Ye Xiaohu's sudden rise has made them aware of the huge crisis, so they can no longer ignore Ye Xiaohu's existence and potential as before.

But their scolding has absolutely no meaning for Ye Xiaohu.

I saw Ye Xiaohu quietly looked at them, and then said with a relaxed face: "I only need the Sycamore tree, if the college refuses to give me, then anything will happen to the college in the future, I will not intervene in Ye Xiaohu."

"I don't know what's the matter."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu refused to give in one step, a party of Shi Mao wanted to jump out and teach Ye Xiaohu a meal. But facing this situation, Ye Xiaohu was not afraid.

Reaching the realm of mid-day fairy, Ye Xiaohu believes that even the legendary character will not be much stronger than him.

"Enough is enough, what makes noisy."

Luo Jingxiu, who had been silent, was awakened by the sound of ridicule, and then scolded and argued with Ye Xiaohu: "Although you don't want to admit it, but you really helped our college save the honor and made great contributions. So I thought about it After a long time, I do n’t know why I should find a reason to refuse your request. "


Hearing Luo Jingxiu's words, some people who opposed Ye Xiaohu opened their eyes and prepared to go forward to stop Luo Jingxiu.

But Luo Jingxiu's opening seemed to have made a decision, so he waved his hands, interrupting the sound of those people stopping, and then quietly looked at Ye Xiaohu Road: "If it is replaced with something else, then I can I ’ll give you on the spot. But the plane tree is the core of our fairy college, he is closely related to the things in our fairy college, there is no way to split it, and naturally there is no way to give it to you. So I thought twice and decided to change it. Methods will compensate you, such as some of the elite trunks of plane trees, plus some cultivation resources. "

I saw that Luo Jingxiu introduced his decisions to Ye Xiaohu one by one.

So Ye Xiaohu thought about it, because he knew that Luo Jingxiu was right, and there was indeed a situation in this regard.


I saw Ye Xiaohu thought about it, and made a decision on the spot: "I need a golden vine plant."


Luo Jingxiu saw Ye Xiaohu agreed to his request, so he was very happy and said: "Jin Teng Luo broke through the immortals and entered the important materials of the big Luo Jin Xian. Although you are very motivated, I still hope that you can study and consolidate the foundation and wait for it Only at a higher level. "

"Relax, dean, Ye Xiaohu knows."

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, responding to Luo Jingxiu, and then he turned and walked out: "Then I'll go back to Xianshan and wait."


After Ye Xiaohu's figure had completely left everyone's sight, an elder was unwilling to say: "Are we going to be led by him like this?"

"Otherwise what can you do?"

Luo Jingxiu dissatisfied sneered and said on the spot: "I told you long ago, you must be careful when choosing an heir, but you just don't listen. Others promise to give you some benefits, and you will be fooled. All the net worths are pressed against Shi Mao ~ ~ The result is that I lost a lot of money, but I still do n’t help you? "


Facing Luo Jingxiu's anger, Shi Mao's confidant elders closed their mouths one after another.

As Luo Jingxiu said, they never imagined that the show of talent in the past almost made them believe that Shi Mao, the heir of the dean, was not as good as a newcomer who had just joined the college.

So they smiled bitterly: "But Dean, even if Shi Mao is worse, that is our clear and plain student. But Ye Xiaohu is an unidentified bastard, we know very little about him Now. "

"Relax, I have arranged for someone to investigate his life experience."

Luo Jingxiu thought for a moment, and then rubbed his temple. "At that time, we can naturally figure out what his identity is."

"Still you are good, dean."

Hearing Luo Jingxiu's words, many elders stepped forward and dedicate a piece of their own fart.

At this time, Luo Jingxiu thought for a while and said: "But after this battle of the Wutong Society, I also understood one thing, that is, the students inside our college are very different from other colleges in talent. So for the future of the college, next I will re-select a group of students, quickly add to our inner door to train, and see if you can find the second Ye Xiaohu. "

"Yes, let's go ahead and arrange."

Hearing Luo Jingxiu's instructions, everyone nodded and turned quickly to leave the meeting hall.

After they left, sitting alone in the room and tasting Luo Jingxiu of their own fairy tea, they could not help rubbing their temples with a headache on their faces and said with emotion: "I really hope Ye Xiaohu ’s life is innocent, so I can directly support He, banned Shi Mao's identity and status. "

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