Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1327: : Fiery Nova

"Look, that's Ye Xiaohu."

"I originally thought that Ye Xiaohu would be like the legendary genius, and the rest would be taller than ordinary people, or there would be an extra eye between the eyebrows, and what kind of spirit monkey would be. What would you like to see now, Ye Xiaohu has nothing special, just like an ordinary person. "

"Regardless of the land, Ye Xiaohu has become famous after today's World War I. In the future, walking on the rivers and lakes, it is estimated that he will make a big name."

"Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu ... You are so handsome, do you have any Shuangxiu friends now?"

Ye Xiaohu walked out of Luo Jingxiu's room. Before he returned to his own fairy mountain, he was surrounded by a group of inner members who learned that he had defeated Wang Yuangu and helped Shenxian Academy win. Ask about this, ask about that.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could only socialize for a while, then turned around and left.

I saw Ye Xiaohu vigorously driving the fog, and finally returned to the 86th fairy mountain.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu had just returned to the Eighty-sixth Immortal Mountain. Without waiting for him to take a breath, he saw that Long Yi and others were busy.

I will move out of this in a while, and I will move out of that in a while, and I will simply pack those things and seem to be ready to move.

But the things they packed are very precious, obviously they are not available to them, or they are rewarded by Ye Xiaohu. After all, these things are not available to Ye Xiaohu.

Just as Ye Xiaohu observed them, Long Yi also discovered Ye Xiaohu, so he stopped his hand and walked happily, said: "Congratulations Xiaohu, you made contributions to Shenxian Academy and defeated the king of Qilin Academy. Yuan Gu. "

"Nothing, it should be."

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly, then said to the dragon: "Where did these things come from?"

"Brother Xiaohu, don't you know?"

"Should I know?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's rhetorical question, Long couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I saw him take a step forward and touched Ye Xiaohu's forehead. When he saw that he had no fever, he continued to add: "Brother Xiaohu, part of the stuff here is what the Kirin Academy compensated us. Yum. As for the rest, basically all the big fairy mountains and the person in charge in the inner door, through some special channels, secretly sent to our fairy mountain gifts. "

"So it turns out."

Ye Xiaohu recalled what he had encountered outside the door of Luo Jingxiu's room before, and he could not help but smile bitterly.

Obviously, some people, after getting the news, in order to avoid Ye Xiaohu's hating their previous team, or to draw up the relationship with Ye Xiaohu, so they quietly sent something and tried to catch up with Ye Xiaohu.

If there are some miscellaneous things, Ye Xiaohu may send them all back.

But some of them, even Ye Xiaohu wanted.

So Ye Xiaohu thought about it and finally accepted their goodwill.

After all, those people are also afraid that Ye Xiaohu will find fault, so if Ye Xiaohu does not accept their gifts, they will cause more trouble.

Ye Xiaohu, who had always disliked trouble, naturally did not reject the other party's goodwill, so he paused thinking in his heart, and then asked again: "These things are just fine, why do you still have to pack and look like you want to move?" ? "

"Really move!"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Long said in a puzzled way: "Brother Xiaohu, don't we win on behalf of the Academy? And we also defeated Shi Mao's unstoppable Wang Yuangu, so this shows that your fighting ability is much better Shi Mao is even better! Since you are more powerful than Shi Mao, then Shi Mao ’s No. 1 Fairy Mountain naturally belongs to Brother Xiaohu. "

Long Yi's idea is very simple. Whoever is strong is practicing above No.1 Fairy Mountain.

Since Ye Xiaohu is more powerful than Shi Mao, it is natural to stay in No. 1 Fairy Mountain.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't think so. In fact, in his view, No.1 and No.86 were the same.

If there is no sycamore tree, then it is a branch of the spirit vein.

However, if there is a plane tree as an eye, after communicating with the world, the situation here will be better than any place, far better than No.1 Lingshan.

It was for this reason that Ye Xiaohu shook his head directly, and rejected Long Yi ’s proposal: "If you do n’t move, the No. 1 or No. 86 fairy mountains are the same, so you can feel at ease in this place. Practice. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Long Yi and others clearly felt something unbelievable.

Just when they were forced, Ye Xiaohu continued: "When the time comes, I will arrange the next formation near your dormitory so that you can practice leisurely."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's serious look ~ ~ Long Yi and others could only glance at each other, temporarily giving up the original idea, waiting for Ye Xiaohu to change his mind.

"As for those things, you can take them directly into the warehouse, and when I need them, help me take them out."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, then turned around and left, "If there is nothing else, I want to retreat and sum up today's fighting experience."

"One more thing."

When Long saw Ye Xiaohu turned and wanted to leave, he quickly said: "Brother Xiaohu, those who come to see you and even want to surrender to you, what should we do?"

I saw Long Yi pointing at the gifts around him, beckoning some of them, and also sent some gifts to the door.

"You can deal with this matter, you don't have to come and ask me."

After Ye Xiaohu gave a command, he thought of something, so he added: "But I hope that the people who surrender to us, unlike Shi Mao, will not bully the weak and do things that violate the discipline, Otherwise, even if I have turned to Ye Xiaohu, I will be punished severely. "

"Brother Xiaohu, don't worry, don't you worry about my long service?"

I saw Long patted his small chest, and then said with a smug face: "You hand it over to me, I will give you the proper handling, so that you have no worries at all."

"I'm at ease when you do business."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, but when he returned to the room, Ye Xiaohu thought of something, so he used Long Yi's blood to refine a special guide road: "Next I will retreat and digest what I learned before the battle. Content. So after the Dean sent the sycamore tree, you will help me directly into the room, and then I will use your natal blood as an array, so that you can freely enter and leave my room. "

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