Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1334: : Frontier Mission


Tian Luo shook violently for half an hour with irregular movements, and finally could not hold back, so under the encirclement of the internal energy, he finally exploded into pieces of energy, scattered in all directions.

"let's go."

Seeing this scene, Shi Mao couldn't help but sigh, and then walked back: "The people who command us, as long as Ye Xiaohu is in the door for a day, don't provoke him and his people."

Shi Mao is also a person who does big things. When he feels that things are no longer feasible, he immediately changes his mind at the beginning.

Hearing Shi Mao's instructions, his hearts confided in frustration. Obviously, they were aware of their faction, and they no longer have the status of the past.

Others also had all kinds of careful thoughts, so they left Ye Xiaohu's No. 86 Fairy Mountain one after another.

Almost as they left, Ye Xiaohu directly fell from the sky and landed on the nearby ground.


A deep pit was instantly smashed out of the ground, making Ye Xiaohu, who was still awesome just now, slightly embarrassed.

"Cough cough."

Inside the dusty pit, Ye Xiaohu coughed up the dust in his mouth, and then smiled bitterly: "Damn, I got such power in an instant. It was not bad for a while, and I didn't control it well."

"Little Tiger, Little Tiger."

"Brother Xiaohu, are you healthy?"

Long Yi and others did not know Ye Xiaohu's situation, and thought that what happened to Ye Xiaohu's body, he ran quickly and asked Ye Xiaohu with concern.

"I'm fine, but I didn't control my body for a while."

Ye Xiaohu responded briefly to Long Yi and others, and then continued to command: "Yes, you will see this deep hole in the sky, I will continue to consolidate the realm."

"Wait for the little brother Hu."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu was leaving, Long quickly stopped him and said seriously to him: "Brother Xiaohu, when you broke through just now, Dean Luo Jingxiu came. He asked you to go after Tianluo. See him in the dean's office. "

"If you don't look for me early, you won't find me at night, but you will find me at this time."

Ye Xiaohu complained dissatisfiedly, and then asked: "Did you not get into trouble recently?"

"This is absolutely not."

Long Yi shook his head quickly, and then said: "Since Brother Hu, you haven't retired, we haven't been out for a few months."

"It's not that you are in trouble, why did he find me?"

Ye Xiaohu and Luo Jingxiu didn't have many intersections, so Ye Xiaohu hesitated and said again: "What has happened in the college recently?"

"Big things?"

Long Yi recalled it, and then said: "Brother Xiaohu, you have to say big things. This is really a big thing."

"Wang Yuangu, who had left the college a few months ago, is back. Only when he came back, there were all kinds of scars on his body. Obviously after a hard battle, he fled back."

"There are not many people who can make Wang Yuangu so embarrassed."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and at this moment he suddenly thought of something, so he said differently: "Wang Yuangu left with so many people from the Kirin Academy, how could he be injured and escape to my fairy academy?"

"They are said to be on their way back to Qilin College. Encountered by the demon siege, everyone else died, and only he survived to the college with the help of Wang Yishan."

Long Yi smiled bitterly, and then responded: "This incident caused a lot of trouble."

"It seems that this is the case."

However, there must be no trivial matters in the devil world.

So Ye Xiaohu could only sigh and said to Long Yi: "You go back to the mountain to practice first. I'll go to the Dean's office to see what his old man has to say."

Ye Xiaohu gave a simple command, so he went directly to Luo Jingxiu's office.

Seemingly knowing that Ye Xiaohu was coming, Luo Jingxiu's guard did not stop Ye Xiaohu from entering.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

Entering Luo Jingxiu's office, Ye Xiaohu said with a smile on his face: "I don't know what to order?"

"Ye Xiaohu, can you be guilty?"

Which Chengxiang Luo Jingxiu did not comfort Ye Xiaohu, but instead had a gangster's face: "Actually, without the permission of the academy, he changed the formation above the Xianshan without authorization, resulting in the weak Xianqi in other Xianshan and the difficulty in maintaining the cultivation of other inner disciples. "

Ye Xiaohu didn't expect Luo Jingxiu to come up, and actually asked him directly, which caught Ye Xiaohu by surprise.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was stunned, Luo Jingxiu continued to add: "In addition to the wanton slaughter of the same disciples before you, it caused a very bad influence in the college."

After Luo Jingxiu finished speaking, he quietly looked at Ye Xiaohu, wanting to see how Ye Xiaohu reacted.

After Na Cheng wanted to be surprised from the beginning, Ye Xiaohu calmed down.

I saw Ye Xiaohu looking at Luo Jingxiu, and said casually: "Well, Dean Luo Jingxiu, I know you do n’t have to punish me, otherwise you wo n’t let me come here and directly appoint the elder of the law enforcement department. Can take me away and punish. "

"You really have a thorough mind, and everything is transparent at all. No wonder you have such a skill to become the only king in the inner door."

Luo Jingxiu sighed, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "I don't know, your servant hasn't told you about the Kirin Academy?"

"I spoke before I came, but it was not very clear."

Ye Xiaohu frowned, and then said with a serious expression: "President Luo Jingxiu, does this matter have anything to do with Kirin College?"


Luo Jingxiu was not ambiguous ~ ~ sighed directly, and then truthfully said to Ye Xiaohu: "Kirin Academy became angry directly after knowing this matter, and organized a huge student army, and expanded in the borders of Immortal and Demon Realms. After a **** battle. At the beginning, Kirin Academy can rely on its own strength to play a famous place, which has caused a lot of losses to the Devil Realm. But as the fighting time prolongs, the situation becomes more and more uncertain. Instead, huge losses have occurred. "

"So I hope you can lead some of our fairy colleges and join this battle."

"After all, Kirin Academy is away from our territory and encountered a siege from the Demon Realm. This has many relations with our fairy college."

After Luo Jingxiu finished speaking, he quietly looked at Ye Xiaohu, wanting to see how he answered.

"I can go."

Ye Chenghu didn't hesitate to think about what, Ye Xiaohu responded directly to Luo Jingxiu, and then said to Luo Jingxiu: "But I don't understand why I led the team?"

(End of this chapter)

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