Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1335: : Damaged Immortal Armor

Ye Xiaohu's current cultivation practice, although he is already a master of no small size, but with his current cultivation practice within the Immortal Academy, he dare not say that the world is invincible.

After all, Shenxian Academy can exist for so long, and disciples who are many years older than Ye Xiaohu still exist in this world, and cultivation is even more unfathomable.

So when Ye Xiaohu heard Luo Jingxiu's words, this question immediately appeared in Ye Xiaohu's mind, so he asked Luo Jingxiu in person.

"Yes, you are not the best person, but you are the most suitable person."

Luo Jingxiu sighed, then stared at Ye Xiaohu and said, "There is currently no way to break out the final battle between the two realms, because once the final battle between the two realms breaks out, there is no way to control it. At present, they are unwilling to choose the direction. However, in some local areas, there is a local outbreak, which is a part that can control the spread, so we hope you go. "

"What can be controlled?"

Ye Xiaohu said with a question mark in his head: "Please also ask Dean Luo Jingxiu to introduce in detail."


Luo Jingxiu sighed and thought for a while: "The battle line between our fairyland and the demon world is very large, but in this part of the border line, there is a special space, only some fairy under the big Luojinxian can enter And fight. One of the places I want you to go to is awesome, so you are the most suitable person. "

"I understand."

Experts can't get in, and people weaker than Ye Xiaohu are not reliable.

At least let Ye Xiaohu lead the team, much better than let Shi Mao lead the team.

And Ye Xiaohu led the team, Luo Jingxiu naturally hope that they can come back alive.

After understanding the meaning in Luo Jingxiu's words, Ye Xiaohu thought carefully: "But I hope the dean you understand that life and death are difficult to control in the battlefield, and even I Ye Xiaohu has no way to protect everyone's safety."

"Relax, when they choose to go to the frontier, they are ready to die."

Luo Jingxiu shook his head and then sighed, "It's just that I hope you can help them in the limited space as much as possible, so that they don't die meaninglessly."

"It's no problem."

Ye Xiaohu patted his chest and said: "They are approaching our classmates, so if they are in danger and I can help them again, then I will definitely help."

"I have full confidence in you and believe that you can accomplish this task."

Luo Jingxiu came over and patted Ye Xiaohu's shoulder, then immediately pointed to Ye Xiaohu: "But you can also rest assured that as the dean, I will not let you go in vain. mention."

"I have a nine-turn dragon chanting gun, which is already a good fairy."

Ye Xiaohu is not lacking in kung fu, as well as attacking fairy tools.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu thought for a while: "But I hope to get an armor. After all, there is no sword on the battlefield. With a good armor, my life will be safe."


Luo Jingxiu directly took down his token and handed it to Ye Xiaohu: "You can now take my token and go to the magic treasure to choose your own armor."

"Thank you."

Ye Xiaohu said: "Then I have no other requirements."

Luo Jingxiu heard Ye Xiaohu's words, and waved his hand to signal that Ye Xiaohu could leave.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu naturally did not continue to stay in this place.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu quickly left the Dean's office and ignored the eyes of the people nearby. Ye Xiaohu went directly to the magic treasure trove.

When it came to the magic treasure, there were people who wanted to stop Ye Xiaohu.

As a result, as soon as they came up, they saw the dean token held by Ye Xiaohu, so they stopped their steps one after another and dared not stop Ye Xiaohu.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu entered the magic treasure trove freely, and selected one by one.

"The sky sword cuts the dragon sword, the six-level magic weapon, the attack power is terrifying."

"Bi Yue chasing the sun bow, a magical skill forged by a mysterious race, has the effect of chasing the sky and shooting the sun."

"Nanming worships the moon, a weird token that can enter a certain space."

"Jianghu Dinghaizhu, a special magic weapon that can stabilize the sea."

Ye Xiaohu looked at them one by one, and as a result saw many good fairy magic weapons.

However, those magic weapons are not within the scope of Ye Xiaohu's investigation.

So Ye Xiaohu briefly glanced at the effect, and then left the first series of the magic treasure trove, and finally came to the rear of the magic treasure trove.

This place is full of ancient magic weapons, so Ye Xiaohu took a closer look, and finally saw a dusty armor in the crippled column of magic weapons.

This made Ye Xiaohu's eyes bright, so he squatted down directly and picked up the magic weapon and walked out.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu coming out, the person in charge of the treasure house said with a serious expression: "Wait."

"What's wrong, Senior?"

Ye Xiaohu puzzled and asked: "But what happened to the juniors?"

"You have not violated the rules."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s rhetorical question, the person in charge of the treasure house hesitated and said: "But the fairy armor you hold in your hand is already a damaged fairy armor, and it is difficult to exert the best defensive attributes. So I advise you, it ’s best to take advantage of the Dean ’s token in your hands and replace it with a better defensive armor. "

"Thank you for your relationship, but I like this armor."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and insisted on his own opinion: "I believe I feel the first time I see it, so I chose it."


Seeing Ye Xiaohu did not listen to his persuasion ~ ~ So the guardian of the magic treasure sighed directly: "Since you have already chosen, then you should leave this place."


Ye Xiaohu nodded and continued to leave the treasure trove.

But when Ye Xiaohu left the magic treasure trove, he did not immediately return to the Dean's office, but went directly to the Eighty-Sixth Mountain.

When Ye Xiaohu had just returned to the Eighty-sixth Immortal Mountain, he was immediately surrounded by the first-class dragon who noticed Ye Xiaohu's breath.

"Brother Xiaohu, you are back."

I saw Long Yi revolving around Ye Xiaohu's body for a while. After careful observation for a moment, I couldn't help but hesitantly said: "Brother Xiaohu, I don't see any damage to your body. It seems that Dean Luo Jingxiu did not It ’s so lucky to punish you for what happened before. "

(End of this chapter)

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