Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1337: : Military camp


In the fairy corpse, the land of **** bones.

There is a long river of blood, and the blood of the gods and demon is flowing inside.

This **** occasion also successfully became the split area between the fairy world and the demon world.

In order to protect and consolidate their own status, Immortal Demon Realm has built various military camps around the Scarlet River, and these military camps have become the starting point for the battle between the two realms.

There are countless large and small military camps on the side of Immortal World, and one of them is called Tiger Dragon Camp.

"Is this the barracks?"

"I've only heard of military camps before, but I've never been to them. When I visited this place today, did I feel that this military camp wasn't as scary as the rumor?"

"For some time to come, will we fight and live in this place?"

"From an environmental point of view, is this place still good."

When Ye Xiaohu and his party passed through the teleportation stations and finally came to a huge starry sky, they finally stopped their hard journey.

So the students of the fairy colleges rose up from the flying monsters and ended their cultivation along the way, overlooking the places where the flying monsters rushed.

But looking at the past, this self-proclaimed military camp has the scenes and buildings that a normal city should have, and it is completely inconsistent with the military camp scenery in people's minds.

But headed by Ye Xiaohu, there was no expression.

Because he can perceive a kind of breath that once was in Erlang Zhenjun, or Sun Dasheng from the people in the barracks.

This kind of breath is not an ordinary fairy breath, but a breath of war.

So Ye Xiaohu's brows were frowned on the spot, and at the same time reminded the students of the fairy school: "Don't care, almost everyone in this barracks has beheaded an unknown opponent, and Or the devil's head. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, most people nodded slightly to show that they understood.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, you are good, but you are too vigilant about everything. This is not in line with your cultivation and status." But there are some people who don't care: "But in my opinion, this group of people is no match What do we have? If they confront each other head-on, they are not necessarily my opponents. "

Ye Xiaohu didn't respond and could only shake his head.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a group of five big men and three thick men led a group of soldiers from the outside and saw him look at Ye Xiaohu and others, and then sighed and said: "Who just said that the people in our barracks are just like that. ? "

Hearing this person's words, all the disciples in the fairy colleges lowered their heads one after another, daring not stare at them for a while.

Because this big five big three people, the gloomy eyes revealed in the eyes, so many people have some difficult to resist.

Even Ye Xiaohu frowned slightly to express his dissatisfaction.

But the big five and three thick men didn't feel any problems in their words. I saw him asking again: "Why, I have the guts to say, but I have no guts to admit it. Do you want to be a tortoise?" "


Stimulated by the men of the Big Five and the Big Three, the students of the inner school of the Immortal Academy who just expressed their opinions suddenly felt that their face was a little difficult.

So he took a deep breath and said, "I said it, so what?"

"you said?"

I saw the five big and three thick men, walked directly to the person opposite, came a face-to-face collision, a confrontation between the foreheads, and then said with a sullen face: "Lao Tzu, the captain of the military camp, you dare to make a gesture with me Let me take a look at what capital you have to laugh at our barracks. "


Laughing at the inner school students of the fairy camp at the barracks, he could not help but take a step back, staring at the five big and three thick men, and hesitantly said: "Hello, anyway, it is a small captain. It is very high compared to Xiu. How can an ordinary student be your opponent. "

"Student at Shenxian Academy is really not as good as one."

The five big and three thick men glanced at the students of the Fairy Academy and could not help shaking their heads: "So what do you want?"

"I challenge him!"

I saw a student from the Faculty of the Immortals, who pointed his finger behind the big five men and three thick men, and a finer soldier said: "I think my cultivation behavior should be slightly higher than him, so I can let him confront him with one hand?"

"Let him not have a hand."

The man who wanted the five big and three thick men didn't appreciate it. Instead, he turned around disdainfully and told the elaborate man: "Xiaohou, this man gave it to you. I don't want him to hold the three rounds."

"Captain, don't worry, he can't hold it for a round."

A fine man called Xihou, showing his mouth full of big yellow teeth, came out with a disdainful face and said to the inner students of the fairy school: "Remember ~ ~ I do n’t want you to let me, Because you ca n’t resist my punch. "

"Rampant, I must make you look good today."

Seeing that he was underestimated, the disciples of the inner school of the Fairy Academy who were beaten three times and five times, roared and killed Xianghou on the spot.

But Xihou was not surprised at all. Instead, he calmly glanced at the attack rhythm and method of the students in the Faerie Academy, and then grinned evilly.

Immediately after his body, he disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had reached the left side of the students of the inner gate of the Immortal Academy.

And his body is still constantly flashing and changing, without any meaning of staying.

Participants in the Immortal Academy launched attacks again and again, but the results had no effect, and each attack failed.

This made him very annoyed, so he roared angrily: "Does the soldiers in this barracks only know to avoid, but don't know to kill the enemy? If so, then how do you guard the safety of our fairyland?"

"Well, since you want to experience the thrill of death, today I will let you bear it all at once."

Seemingly irritated by the students of the inner school of the Immortal Academy, the Xihou, who had been evading, finally found an opportunity. So he grinned, his body was like an electric drill, soaring directly from the original place, and kept hitting the body of the inner gate college of the fairy college.

The inner gate academy of the Immortal Academy, when it first saw this scene, it wanted to fight back against Ge and give a lesson.

But when he counterattacked, he found that Xihou's attack had hit a dead end in his counterattack, forcing him to have to defend.


But this time, he was beaten back by Xihou for more than a dozen steps, and still did not stop Xihou's attack.

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