Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1338: : Pan Zhongjiang

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The inner gate academy of the Immortal Academy, repeatedly beaten by Xihou, was covered with blue and red marks on his face. Obviously he suffered a lot of attacks.

The original personable appearance never appeared again.

Seeing that he was about to be humiliated and hard to resist, Ye Xiaohu, who was standing on the spot, came to Xihou and Neimen Academy of the Immortal Academy almost in a blink of an eye.


I saw Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand, he caught the attack of Xihou, and sheltered the inner gate academy of the Immortal Academy behind him: "Enough, he has no ability to fight back, so you do n’t have to continue to humiliate. He is. "

"court death."

Xihou also wanted to fight back and teach Ye Xiaohu, who was in the forefront.

But when he struggled, he found that his fist had no way to get rid of Ye Xiaohu's palm, which made Xihou even more angry.


When he was angry, a breath of death immediately appeared on his body, and the students of the inner school of the Immortal Academy who noticed this scene took a step back and tried to open a space with him as much as possible.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, naturally knew that the other party was disturbed.

Ye Xiaohu frowned, and if it was replaced by a wild country ridge, then Ye Xiaohu must have killed him to prevent future troubles.

But this place is a military camp, where the fairy world and the demon world confront each other.

So after thinking about it, Ye Xiaohu turned to the five big and three thick captains who were not far away and said, "I don't want to kill, but if he persecutes me again, then I can only be forced to kill him for my own safety. . "

When I said this again, Ye Xiaohu released a terrifying breath.


Realizing the breath on Ye Xiaohu's body, the five big and three thick men couldn't help but stunned slightly, and then took a step forward, gently patting Xihou said: "Enough, you are not his opponent, retreat."

"team leader."

"I said to go back."

Xihou originally wanted to persevere, but when he saw his captain with a cold and serious look, he immediately sighed, condensed his breath, and stood sideways.

After he retreated, the big five and three thick men walked across to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Are you the leader of this fairy college this time?"

"it's me."

Ye Xiaohu did not deny: "What advice?"

"Originally, I thought that this time the Fairy Academy had appointed an old man to come over. I didn't expect it to be such a young guy as you."

The five big and three thick men sighed lightly: "I don't know what position you are in within the Fairy Academy?"


Ye Xiaohu calmly said: "An ordinary inner student."

"Inner student?"

The five big and three thick men were a little stunned, slightly unbelievable.

He originally wanted to question Ye Xiaohu's words, but at this time he thought of a piece of information obtained not long ago, so hesitated and asked: "Are you Ye Xiaohu who defeated Wang Yuangu?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said, "Do you know me?"

"I do not know you."

The five big and three thick men sneered: "But you are in our barracks, but it is not a small person, because many people are preparing to challenge you."

"Challenge me?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned, then turned around and glanced. Sure enough, he saw the soldiers next to the five big and three thick men, all of them looked like their own eyes.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but curiously said: "I have no complaints with them in the past and no hatred in recent days. I don't understand why they are hostile to me one by one?"

"It seems that you didn't know anything about this barracks before coming to our barracks!"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the five big and three thick men couldn't help but calm down their serious expressions and smiled: "Well, since you are a newcomer, then I will spread the knowledge for you for free."

"Our military camp has always been a military camp supplied by Kirin Academy. So every once in a while, Kirin Academy will secretly send their students to our military camp for training."

"After a period of development, most of the people in our military camp have a certain relationship with Kirin Academy. Or a comrade-in-arm, or a friend, or a benefactor, or a partner ... so when they see you, naturally Will kill you a lot. "

"Because of your reasons, Kirin Academy failed at the Wutong meeting and paid the price of several deaths."

The five big and three thick men, after briefly introducing the situation, Ye Xiaohu suddenly woke up.

But Ye Xiaohu stared at the Big Five and Thick Men after feeling emotion, and couldn't help but feel a little unexpected: "But why can't I notice any angry and resentful eyes from you ~ ~"

"Because I am not a student of Kirin College, I have nothing to do with them."

The five big and three thick men laughed, and then turned around and told their team members: "After so many hours of training in the battlefield, you still can't control your temper and mentality. It is simply a group of failed soldiers, so now I will go back to Laozi. Four hours of **** training. "


Obtained by the five big men and three thick men, although his team's soldiers resented Ye Xiaohu, they did not dare to violate his team leader's orders, so they turned around and left to accept the task ordered by the team leader.

After they left, the five big and three thick men looked back at Ye Xiaohu and said, "Let me know, my name is Pan Zhongjiang."

"Hello there."

Ye Xiaohu took the initiative to reach out and shook hands with each other: "I am Ye Xiaohu."

Pan Zhongjiang, five big and three thick, simply shook hands with Ye Xiaohu, and said to Ye Xiaohu: "Let your fellow, now rest in this place for a while, you and I will meet the general."

Ye Xiaohu hesitated and said, "But this place ..."

"Relax, they are still very law-abiding in the barracks. If they violate the rules of the barracks, they will be punished very visibly. Not to mention they are all veterans, knowing how to distinguish.

Pan Zhongjiang believed in his soldiers very much: "So your fellows are in this place and you will definitely have no problems."

"OK then!"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then told his fellow disciples to stop them from acting without permission, waiting for their return.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu kept up with Pan Zhongjiang's footsteps and went directly to the place where the general in charge of the barracks handled affairs.

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