Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1357: : Wood carving

At the urging of Mr. Chen Shi, the people of Qilin Academy accelerated.

This lasted for an hour, and within the hall not far away, there was a deafening roar.

The light curtain that followed the large array gradually dissipated in place.


"We successfully cracked the above formation."

"Sure enough, as predicted, this place should be a manor left by the ancient heaven, so we only need to follow the ancient code of the formation law left by the ancient heaven to be able to crack them perfectly."

"The treasure inside finally belongs to us."

The recruits at the unicorn academies all smiled proudly.

Amidst their remarks, Shibo Chen of the Unicorn Academy walked around and glanced at the hall, then asked the humane responsible for cracking the formation: "How is it, what is the situation now?"

"Smooth together."

I saw the person in charge of cracking the formation, and answered truthfully: "After the formation is cracked, there is currently no sign of any immortal fluctuations. Obviously this place has no defense system at all."


Uncle Chen nodded, but he thought again and thought it was still unreliable.

So Uncle Chen turned to command Park Yiyue: "Go to the nearby to catch a few fallen fairy beasts, and throw them in, and try to see if there are any other traps in the hall."

"Yes, I will arrange it here."

Park Yiyue responded, and then turned to prepare.

After a few minutes, Park Yiyue finally caught a fallen fairy beast and threw the fallen fairy beast to the entrance of the hall.

If it was the past, then this fallen fairy beast could not be thrown in at all.

Even if it is thrown in, it will be strangled by the formation inside.

But this time the fallen fairy beast threw it over without any impact.

And under the control of Park Yiyue and others, the fallen fairy beast pryed open the door of the hall a little bit according to their operation, and dived into it.

"Go in, really go in."

"Haha, there really is no defense."

Everyone opened their bright eyes, one by one.

Under such circumstances, Master Shi continued to ask Park Yiyue: "What feedback can be given to the fallen fairy beast."


Park Yiyue read the memory of the fallen fairy beast, and then said: "From the memory sent back by the fallen fairy beast, after it went in smoothly, it did not encounter any obstacles. And saw many ancients in the hall The immortals of the heavenly things, there are many immortals, and all kinds of weird things. "

"It seems the rumors are true."

Mr. Chen laughed proudly, and then patted Pu Yiyue: "The fallen fairy beast was killed. The others set out with me, and we entered the hall."

Under the leadership of Master Chen, everyone walked proudly through the area covered by the formation and walked smoothly into the hall.

When they entered the hall, they saw one after another strange things.

"Interesting, have you seen that thing? According to the records, that thing should be the tool used by gardeners to plant fairy medicines in the ancient days of the ancient court. It is said that this tool used many tools that we can't see now. Xianzhen. "

"There is that thing, if I remember correctly, it should be a special alloy. But in the ancient heaven, the special alloy can only be used to forge ordinary crop tools, but it will not be used for forging. Fairy artifact. But to get our age, it is a must for every kind of fairy artifact. "

"Oh my god, have you smelled that medicine fragrance? If I guessed right, it should be a special medicine called Xiangyuan Dan, but this medicine was some in ancient times. Ordinary gardeners and immortals, special elixir for refreshing. "

"There is this, if I am not wrong, it should be the Tianhe water from the previous auction. It is no longer visible. If someone can get a bottle, it can be exchanged for at least one million immortals."

It ’s okay to say one thing, but when they saw one after another one after another treasure, their eyes were full of greed.

Obviously, in front of enough talents and talents, even if they are genius recruits at Kirin Academy, there are some irrational moments at this moment.


Fortunately, Mr. Chen, who has been following them, stopped them in time and said, "Release your eyesight and see that these things were just things that the gardener would equip in the ancient heaven. But you are all my unicorn The genius recruits of the college are the pillars of the future country. How can they be greedy for this thing? "

"Uncle Chen, we are wrong."

Facing Chen Shibo's scolding, Park Yiyue and others nodded their heads, slightly ashamed.

But no matter how they think about their inner world, no one is more serious.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Chen thought for a while and said: "But you can rest assured ~ ~ After this task is over, I will only hand over 90% to the college, and the rest will be strange and rare. Treasure, you can just share it directly. "

"Thank you, Uncle Chen."

"Long live Master Chen."

Park Yiyue and others quickly thanked Uncle Chen.

This made Mr. Chen very useful, so after a brief response, he continued to order: "Stay a few people, inventory all the precious treasures of this place, and store them. As for the others to move on with me, take a look See what else is inside. "


As the second only to Chen Shibo, Park Yiyue personally ordered several people to stay behind and counted the things in this place.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the people went on with Chen Shibo and Park Yiyue.

Soon they came to the interior of the hall, which was a resting place.

As a result, they just arrived here, and they felt a pressure that broke people's hearts, which made them afraid to look up at each other one by one.

"What it is?"

I saw Park Yiyue uneasy and said, "Why don't I have the courage to even look at him?"

"The ancestor of the earth fairy."

Compared with the restlessness and pressure of Park Yiyue and others, the pressure on Master Shi Bo was much easier. After seeing him staring ahead for a while, he couldn't help but cautiously said: "Damn, what **** is that A wooden statue of the ancestor of the earth fairy is placed in this hall. In this way, if we want to gain anything, we must avoid this statue, otherwise there is no way to collect treasures. "

(End of this chapter)

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