Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1358: : Wake up for Lao Tzu

The wood carving of the ancestor of the earth fairy!

Even if he has been dead for many years, there is still a terrifying deterrent.

What's more, does the ancestor of immortality die or not, and who knows?

After all, during the World War I, no one saw the ancestor of the Earth Immortal fall, only saw him fighting continuously.

But he didn't die, why didn't he appear?

Chen Shibo and others did not understand it, so they only gritted their teeth and said: "In the past, try a few people to see if we can remove the wood carvings of the ancestors of the earth immortals and vacate this place."


Park Yiyue and others responded, and immediately arranged for several people to rush over to find a way to move away.

But when their hands just touched the target.

The seemingly majestic target turned into pieces at this moment, and drifted into the void.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shibo and others couldn't help but look stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"The material of the wood carving should be very high-end, and there are many special elements, shouldn't it be weathered?"

"Even if it's weathered, won't it drift like this?"

"What the **** is going on?"

Park Yiyue and others looked stunned, not knowing exactly what happened.

However, Uncle Chen didn't care, because without the coercion of the goal, he could move forward at will, so he took a step forward: "Go, let's continue to explore."

But he just stepped in, but he didn't get any response.

This made Uncle Chen's expression a little ugly. When he was about to look back and see what was going on, there was a cry from behind him: "Kill, kill him."

This shocked Mr. Chen suddenly, so he quickly looked back.

Seeing this, Shi Uncle Chen saw a genius recruit at the Unicorn Academy, a red light radiated from his eyes, and he had a **** fairy sword in his hand.

Beside him, a fellow fell to the ground, apparently already alive.

"Kill, kill you intruders."

I saw the person with red eyes, roaring with the fairy sword, and killed the person closest to him.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Chen couldn't help but yell angrily: "What's wrong with him, what makes him crazy?"

"Uncle Chen, we don't know."

Park Yiyue and others responded with a bitter smile: "When the wood carving broke, he became like this, and he started with the same people around him."

"Damn bastard, actually died at this time."

Master Chen snorted coldly, then said to Park Yiyue and others: "What are you still doing, rushed up to me to control him."


Someone responded immediately and wanted to make a contribution in front of Master Chen.

I saw three people rushing together, suppressing that person from the beginning, and prepared to use special means to seal this crazy fellow.

But their actions have not yet been reached.

One of the people who came to help the seal suddenly turned red and snarled wildly: "Kill, kill all intruders."

Swish swish.

I saw him roaring while waving his fairy, attacking the same door around him.

"What the **** is going on?"

Uncle Chen was completely ashamed. Obviously he didn't know what was going on.

When he inquired, he found that the genius recruits who were scattered around the Qilin Academy, one by one, seemed to be crazy, one after another, and attacked their own colleagues.

"Wang Chaofan, are you crazy, actually start to the old lady?"

"Damn it, it's good for you in the past, and now you actually turn your face and don't recognize people."

"Come and help me, I am not Brother Chen Yiguang's opponent!"

"What's the matter, why did you not be as good as my mentor in the past, and the fighting power doubled after being crazy, even I am no longer an opponent."

Those sensible people are forced one by one.

They obviously don't know what happened.

In the beginning, they were able to maintain calm resistance.

But in the face of the mad monsters, one by one who did not keep their hands and attacked the same door without soft hands, they were all beaten crazy, so they stood up and fought back.

Bang Bang.

Now it is a showdown between life and death.

Faced with such a situation, Uncle Chen couldn't help but look black, but he thought for a moment and suddenly thought of a possibility, so he mumbled: "They had no problems before, but since they entered the hall and saw the wood carving, they went crazy It seems that this wood carving should have some problems. "

What did Mr. Chen think of, immediately went to verify.

So he collected the broken wood chips scattered around and observed it carefully for a while: "Although the material of this wood carving is very precious, shouldn't it be crazy?"


Chen Shibo suddenly thought of something, so he planned to ask Park Yiyue to verify.

But when he shouted, Park Yiyue, who had always followed him, actually stood directly on the back of Chen Shibo: "Damn old bastard, you can die for me."

"Let you direct me ~ ~ Let you let me do everything and let you not give me any benefits."

Park Yiyue roared wildly, and constantly attacked Uncle Chen.


Mr. Chen ’s cultivation practice is far above that of Park Yiyue, and naturally he will not be hurt by Park Yiyue ’s control.

So Uncle Chen roared and flew Pu Yiyue out on the spot: "Park Yiyue, you can wake me up, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind?"

"Kill, I want to kill you."

However, Park Yi-yue didn't pay attention to Master Chen's threat at all, and still stood up and attacked Master Chen with the same fate.

Under such circumstances, Mr. Chen could only gritt his teeth and gave Pu Yiyue a blow.

However, this blow did not immediately kill Pu Yiyue's life. It just made him temporarily lose his resistance. Under such circumstances, Chen Shibao breathed for a while: "Damn, it's actually a psychic phantom We are all in the illusion. "

In the ancient heaven, there were not many gods in the fairy world, so all kinds of heavenly materials and treasures can be fully provided to the gods for cultivation.

There are even a lot of precious things in later generations, the gods are used for extravagance and waste, and don't care about it at all.

After these heavenly and earthly treasures, there is one thing that can affect the human mind and allow humans to enter the illusion realm condensed by the illusion of the mind.

Inside, humans will release their original instincts, and rely on their negative emotions to fight and kill all the enemies they see.

Uncle Chen, who sensed this, could not help but smile bitterly: "Wake up for Lao Tzu!"

(End of this chapter)

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